vps报错Unable to make the session state request

客户反应vps报错Unable to make the session state request,我司技术将解决方法总结如下,希望可以帮助更多的人解决“Unable to make the session state request”难题。

一、【Unable to make the session state request问题】


登录Server Error in '/' Application.


Unable to make the session state request to the session state server.
Please ensure that the ASP.NET State service is started and that
the client and server ports are the same. If the server is on a remote machine,
please ensure that it accepts remote requests by checking the value of
\Parameters\AllowRemoteConnection. If the server is on the local machine,
and if the before mentioned registry value does not exist or is set to 0,
then the state server connection string must use either 'localhost' or ''
as the server name.

二、【Unable to make the session state request解决方案】

开启ASP.NET State Service服务,把它设成自动。再在web.config中的<system.web>下加一行
<sessionState mode="StateServer" stateConnectionString="tcpip=" timeout="20"/>,
1、选择管理工具->服务,找到ASP.NET State Service,点开后选择启动,并将启动类型设为自动
2、 将web.config打开,会看到有一行是
<sessionState mode="InProc" stateConnectionString="tcpip=" timeout="20"/>,
vps报错Unable to make the session state request解决方案整理于网络,如果你们有更好的解决方法请联系我们



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