

  • patch的位置尽可能随机,不然数据丰富性可能不够,容易引起过拟合
  • 如果原图较大,读图带来的IO开销可能会非常大,影响训练速度,所以最好一次能够截取多个patch
  • 我们经常不太希望因为随机性的存在而使得图像中某些区域没有被覆盖到,所以还需要注意patch位置的覆盖程度


  • 以固定的stride获取所有patch的左上角坐标
  • 对左上角坐标进行随机扰动
  • 对patch的左上角坐标加上宽和高得到右下角坐标
  • 检查patch的坐标是否超出图像边界,如果超出则将其收进来,收的过程应保证patch尺寸不变
  • 加入ROI(Region Of Interest)功能,也就是说patch不一定非要在整张图中获取,而是可以指定ROI区域


注意下面代码只是获取了patch的bounding box,并没有把patch截取出来。

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import cv2
import numpy as np

def get_random_patch_bboxes(image, bbox_size, stride, jitter, roi_bbox=None):
    Generate random patch bounding boxes for a image around ROI region

    image: image data read by opencv, shape is [H, W, C]
    bbox_size: size of patch bbox, one digit or a list/tuple containing two
        digits, defined by (width, height)
    stride: stride between adjacent bboxes (before jitter), one digit or a
        list/tuple containing two digits, defined by (x, y)
    jitter: jitter size for evenly distributed bboxes, one digit or a
        list/tuple containing two digits, defined by (x, y)
    roi_bbox: roi region, defined by [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax], default is whole
        image region

    patch_bboxes: randomly distributed patch bounding boxes, n x 4 numpy array.
        Each bounding box is defined by [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]
    height, width = image.shape[:2]
    bbox_size = _process_geometry_param(bbox_size, min_value=1)
    stride = _process_geometry_param(stride, min_value=1)
    jitter = _process_geometry_param(jitter, min_value=0)

    if bbox_size[0] > width or bbox_size[1] > height:
        raise ValueError('box_size must be <= image size')

    if roi_bbox is None:
        roi_bbox = [0, 0, width, height]

    # tl is for top-left, br is for bottom-right
    tl_x, tl_y = _get_top_left_points(roi_bbox, bbox_size, stride, jitter)
    br_x = tl_x + bbox_size[0]
    br_y = tl_y + bbox_size[1]

    # shrink bottom-right points to avoid exceeding image border
    br_x[br_x > width] = width
    br_y[br_y > height] = height
    # shrink top-left points to avoid exceeding image border
    tl_x = br_x - bbox_size[0]
    tl_y = br_y - bbox_size[1]
    tl_x[tl_x < 0] = 0
    tl_y[tl_y < 0] = 0
    # compute bottom-right points again
    br_x = tl_x + bbox_size[0]
    br_y = tl_y + bbox_size[1]

    patch_bboxes = np.concatenate((tl_x, tl_y, br_x, br_y), axis=1)
    return patch_bboxes

def _process_geometry_param(param, min_value):
    Process and check param, which must be one digit or a list/tuple containing
    two digits, and its value must be >= min_value

    param: parameter to be processed
    min_value: min value for param

    param: param after processing
    if isinstance(param, (int, float)) or \
            isinstance(param, np.ndarray) and param.size == 1:
        param = int(np.round(param))
        param = [param, param]
        if len(param) != 2:
            raise ValueError('param must be one digit or two digits')
        param = [int(np.round(param[0])), int(np.round(param[1]))]

    # check data range using min_value
    if not (param[0] >= min_value and param[1] >= min_value):
        raise ValueError('param must be >= min_value (%d)' % min_value)
    return param

def _get_top_left_points(roi_bbox, bbox_size, stride, jitter):
    Generate top-left points for bounding boxes

    roi_bbox: roi region, defined by [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]
    bbox_size: size of patch bbox, a list/tuple containing two digits, defined
        by (width, height)
    stride: stride between adjacent bboxes (before jitter), a list/tuple
        containing two digits, defined by (x, y)
    jitter: jitter size for evenly distributed bboxes, a list/tuple containing
        two digits, defined by (x, y)

    tl_x: x coordinates of top-left points, n x 1 numpy array
    tl_y: y coordinates of top-left points, n x 1 numpy array
    xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = roi_bbox
    roi_width = xmax - xmin
    roi_height = ymax - ymin

    # get the offset between the first top-left point of patch box and the
    # top-left point of roi_bbox
    offset_x = np.arange(0, roi_width, stride[0])[-1] + bbox_size[0]
    offset_y = np.arange(0, roi_height, stride[1])[-1] + bbox_size[1]
    offset_x = (offset_x - roi_width) // 2
    offset_y = (offset_y - roi_height) // 2

    # get the coordinates of all top-left points
    tl_x = np.arange(xmin, xmax, stride[0]) - offset_x
    tl_y = np.arange(ymin, ymax, stride[1]) - offset_y
    tl_x, tl_y = np.meshgrid(tl_x, tl_y)
    tl_x = np.reshape(tl_x, [-1, 1])
    tl_y = np.reshape(tl_y, [-1, 1])

    # jitter the coordinates of all top-left points
    tl_x += np.random.randint(-jitter[0], jitter[0] + 1, size=tl_x.shape)
    tl_y += np.random.randint(-jitter[1], jitter[1] + 1, size=tl_y.shape)
    return tl_x, tl_y

if __name__ == '__main__':
    image = cv2.imread('1.bmp')
    patch_bboxes = get_random_patch_bboxes(
        bbox_size=[64, 96],
        stride=[128, 128],
        jitter=[32, 32],
        roi_bbox=[500, 200, 1500, 800])

    colors = [
        (255, 0, 0),
        (0, 255, 0),
        (0, 0, 255),
        (255, 255, 0),
        (255, 0, 255),
        (0, 255, 255)]
    color_idx = 0

    for bbox in patch_bboxes:
        color_idx = color_idx % 6
        pt1 = (bbox[0], bbox[1])
        pt2 = (bbox[2], bbox[3])
        cv2.rectangle(image, pt1, pt2, color=colors[color_idx], thickness=2)
        color_idx += 1

    cv2.namedWindow('image', 0)
    cv2.imshow('image', image)
    cv2.imwrite('image.png', image)








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  • 在python带权重的列表中随机取值的方法

    1 random.choice python random模块的choice方法随机选择某个元素 foo = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'] from random import choice print choice(foo) 2 random.sample 使用python random模块的sample函数从列表中随机选择一组元素 list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] slice = random.sample(list, 5)

  • 使用python批量修改XML文件中图像的depth值


  • Python使用Keras OCR实现从图像中删除文本

    目录 介绍 处理 实现 Keras ocr简介 cv2修复函数 汇总 结尾 介绍 本文将讨论如何快速地从图像中删除文本,作为图像分类器的预处理步骤. 删除文本可能有多种或多种原因,例如,我们可以使用无文本图像进行数据增强. 在本教程中,我们将使用OCR(光学字符识别)检测图像中的文本,并在修复过程中填充照片中丢失的部分以生成完整的图像——以删除我们检测到的文本. 处理 为了从图像中删除文本,我们将执行以下三个步骤: 1.识别图像中的文本,并使用KerasOCR获取每个文本的边界框坐标. 2.对于
