<template> <div> <b-card no-body> <b-tabs card> <!-- Render Tabs, supply a unique `key` to each tab --> <b-tab v-for="i in tabs" :key="'dyn-tab-' + i" :title="'Tab ' + i"> Tab contents {{ i }} <b-button size="sm" variant="danger" class="float-right" @click="closeTab(i)"> Close tab </b-button> </b-tab> <!-- New Tab Button (Using tabs-end slot) --> <template v-slot:tabs-end> <b-nav-item @click.prevent="newTab" href="#" ><b>+</b></b-nav-item> </template> <!-- Render this if no tabs --> <template v-slot:empty> <div class="text-center text-muted"> There are no open tabs<br> Open a new tab using the <b>+</b> button above. </div> </template> </b-tabs> </b-card> </div> </template> <script> export default { data() { return { tabs: [], tabCounter: 0 } }, methods: { closeTab(x) { for (let i = 0; i < this.tabs.length; i++) { if (this.tabs[i] === x) { this.tabs.splice(i, 1) } } }, newTab() { this.tabs.push(this.tabCounter++) } } } </script>
<template> <div> <div> <b-nav-item @click.prevent="newTab" href="#" ><b>添加Tab页</b></b-nav-item> </div> <div> <b-card no-body> <b-tabs card> <!-- Render Tabs, supply a unique `key` to each tab --> <b-tab v-for="i in tabs" :key="'dyn-tab-' + i"> <!--用插槽想标题添加icon图标,同时将关闭按钮调用的时间转移到图标的点击事件中执行--> <template v-slot:title> Tab{{ i }} <!--插入icon图标,关闭按钮图形--> <a @click="closeTab(i)"> <b-icon icon="x-square"></b-icon> </a> </template> <h1> Tab-{{i}} </h1> </b-tab> <!-- New Tab Button (Using tabs-end slot) --> <!-- Render this if no tabs --> <template v-slot:empty> <div class="text-center text-muted"> There are no open tabs<br> Open a new tab using the <b>+</b> button above. </div> </template> </b-tabs> </b-card> </div> </div> </template> <script> export default { data () { return { tabs: [], tabCounter: 0 } }, methods: { closeTab (x) { for (let i = 0; i < this.tabs.length; i++) { if (this.tabs[i] === x) { this.tabs.splice(i, 1) } } }, newTab () { this.tabs.push(this.tabCounter++) } } } </script>
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