sqlserver exists,not exists的用法

学生表:create table student
 id number(8) primary key,
 name varchar2(10),deptment number(8)
选课表:create table select_course
  ID         NUMBER(8) primary key,
  STUDENT_ID NUMBER(8) foreign key (COURSE_ID) references course(ID),
  COURSE_ID  NUMBER(8) foreign key (STUDENT_ID) references student(ID)
课程表:create table COURSE
  ID     NUMBER(8) not null,
  C_NO   VARCHAR2(10)
        ID NAME            DEPTMENT_ID
---------- --------------- -----------
         1 echo                   1000
         2 spring                 2000
         3 smith                  1000
         4 liter                  2000
        ID C_NAME               C_NO
---------- -------------------- --------
         1 数据库               data1
         2 数学                 month1
         3 英语                 english1
---------- ---------- ----------
         1          1          1
         2          1          2
         3          1          3
         4          2          1
         5          2          2
         6          3          2
分析:如果有一门课没有选,则此时(1)select * from select_course sc where sc.student_id=ts.id 
and sc.course_id=c.id存在null,
这说明(2)select * from course c 的查询结果中确实有记录不存在(1查询中),查询结果返回没有选的课程,
此时select * from t_student ts 后的not exists 判断结果为false,不执行查询。
SQL> select * from t_student ts where not exists
 (select * from course c where not exists
   (select * from select_course sc where sc.student_id=ts.id and sc.course_id=c.id));       
        ID NAME            DEPTMENT_ID
---------- --------------- -----------
         1 echo                   1000
分析:只要有一个门没有选,即select * from select_course sc where student_id=t_student.id and course_id
=course.id 有一条为空,即not exists null 为true,此时select * from course有查询结果(id为子查询中的course.id ),
因此select id,name from t_student 将执行查询(id为子查询中t_student.id )。
SQL> select id,name from t_student where exists
	(select * from course where not exists
		(select * from select_course sc where student_id=t_student.id and course_id=course.id));
        ID NAME
---------- ---------------
         2 spring
         3 smith
         4 liter
分析:如果他选修了一门select * from course结果集不为空,not exists 判断结果为false;
select id,name from t_student 不执行查询。
SQL> select id,name from t_student where not exists
	(select * from course where exists
		(select * from select_course sc where student_id=t_student.id and course_id=course.id));
        ID NAME
---------- ---------------
         4 liter
SQL> select id,name from t_student where exists
	(select * from course where  exists
		(select * from select_course sc where student_id=t_student.id and course_id=course.id));
        ID NAME
---------- ---------------
         1 echo
         2 spring
         3 smith



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