C++ 中RTTI的使用方法详解

C++ 中RTTI的使用方法详解

RTTI是运行阶段类型识别(Runtime Type Identification)的简称。这是新添加到c++中的特性之一,很多老式实现不支持。另一些实现可能包含开关RTTI的编译器设置。RTTI旨在为程序在运行阶段确定对象类型提供一种标准方式。很多类库已经成为其父类对象提供了实现这种方式的功能。但由于c++内部并不支持,因此各个厂商的机制通常互不兼容。创建一种RTTI语言标准将使得未来的库能够彼此兼容。


如果可能的话,dynamic_cast 运算符将使用一个指向基类的指针来生成一个指向派生类的指针;否则,该运算符返回0——空指针




class Grand{ //has virtual methods};
class Super:public Grand {...}
class Magnificent : public Superb{...}


Grand *pg = new Grand ;
Grand *ps = new Superd;
Grand *pm = new Manificent;



Superb pm = dynamic_cast< Superb > (pg) ; 

这样 指针 pg 如果可以安全的转换为Superb * 则返回对象地址,否则返回一个空指针。


// test1002.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>

using std::cout;
class Grand
  int hold;
public :
  Grand(int h = 0) :hold(h) {}
  virtual void Speak() const { cout << "I am a grand class \n"; }
  virtual int Value() const { return hold; }

class Superb :public Grand
public :
  Superb(int h = 0) :Grand(h) {}
  void Speak() const { cout << "I am a superb class ! \n"; }
  virtual void Say() const
    cout << "I hold the superb value of " << Value() << "! \n";

class Magnificent : public Superb
private :
  char ch;
public :
  Magnificent(int h = 0, char c = 'A') :Superb(h), ch(c)
  void Speak() const
    cout << "I am a magnificent class !!!! \n";
  void Say() const
    cout << "I hold the character " << ch << " and the integer " << Value() <<"! \n";

Grand * GetOne();
int main()
  std::srand(static_cast<unsigned int>(std::time(0)));
  Grand * pg;
  Superb * ps;
  for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
    pg = GetOne();
    if (ps = dynamic_cast<Superb *>(pg)) {
  return 0;
Grand * GetOne()
  Grand * p = new Grand();
  switch (std::rand() % 3)
    delete p;
  case 0:p = new Grand(std::rand() % 100); break;
  case 1:p = new Superb(std::rand() % 100); break;
  case 2:p = new Magnificent(std::rand() % 100, std::rand() % 26); break;

  return p;
I am a superb class !
I hold the superb value of 3!
I am a magnificent class !!!!
I hold the character  and the integer 5!
I am a grand class
I am a grand class
I am a magnificent class !!!!
I hold the character  and the integer 87!
请按任意键继续. . .

2、typied运算符合type_info 类

typied 运算符能够确定两个对象是否为同类型。他接收两种参数:1、类名、2、结果为对象的表达式

typied运算符返回的是一个type_info对象的引用,type_info在头文件typeinfo(以前是typeinfo.h)的文件中定义。type_info类重载了== 和!=运算符,以便可以使用这些运算符来对类型进行比较。

示例: typeid(Manificnent) == typeid(*pg) 这个表达式结果为 bool值




// test1002.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
#include <typeinfo>
using std::cout;
class Grand
  int hold;
public :
  Grand(int h = 0) :hold(h) {}
  virtual void Speak() const { cout << "I am a grand class \n"; }
  virtual int Value() const { return hold; }

class Superb :public Grand
public :
  Superb(int h = 0) :Grand(h) {}
  void Speak() const { cout << "I am a superb class ! \n"; }
  virtual void Say() const
    cout << "I hold the superb value of " << Value() << "! \n";

class Magnificent : public Superb
private :
  char ch;
public :
  Magnificent(int h = 0, char c = 'A') :Superb(h), ch(c)
  void Speak() const
    cout << "I am a magnificent class !!!! \n";
  void Say() const
    cout << "I hold the character " << ch << " and the integer " << Value() <<"! \n";

Grand * GetOne();
int main()
  std::srand(static_cast<unsigned int>(std::time(0)));
  Grand * pg;
  Superb * ps;
  for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
    pg = GetOne();
    cout << "Now Process type " << typeid (*pg).name() << ". \n"; //显示
    if (ps = dynamic_cast<Superb *>(pg)) {
  return 0;
Grand * GetOne()
  Grand * p = new Grand();
  switch (std::rand() % 3)
    delete p;
  case 0:p = new Grand(std::rand() % 100); break;
  case 1:p = new Superb(std::rand() % 100); break;
  case 2:p = new Magnificent(std::rand() % 100, std::rand() % 26); break;

  return p;
Now Process type class Superb.
I am a superb class !
I hold the superb value of 86!
Now Process type class Grand.
I am a grand class
Now Process type class Superb.
I am a superb class !
I hold the superb value of 48!
Now Process type class Grand.
I am a grand class
Now Process type class Magnificent.
I am a magnificent class !!!!
I hold the character and the integer 75!
请按任意键继续. . .

上述代码添加了一句 typied(*pg).name() 用于输出类型信息,一般输出为类名。




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