Highlight patterns within strings
'Replaces pattern with highlighted replacement (using style) and preserves case
Public Function highlight(strText, strFind)
Dim objRegExp, i, strHighlight
'Split the search terms into an array
Dim arrFind
arrFind = Split(strFind, " ")
'Initialize the regular expression object to perfom the search
Dim oMatches, sMatch
Set oregExp = New RegExp
oregExp.Global = True 'Returns all matches to the search term
oregExp.IgnoreCase = True 'Case insensitive
'Loop through the array of search terms to find matches
For i = 0 to UBound(arrFind)
oregExp.Pattern = arrFind(i) 'Sets the search pattern string
Set oMatches = oregExp.Execute(strText) '// performs the search
for each match in oMatches
'Build the code to be used to highlight results
strHighlight = "<span class=""highlight"">" & match.value & "</span>"
'Replace matches from the search with the above code
strText = oregExp.Replace(strText, strHighlight)
highlight = strText
Set objRegExp = Nothing
End Function