return false;和e.preventDefault();的区别

Have you ever seen those two things (in the title) being used in jQuery? Here is a simple example:


$("a").click(function() {
return false;

That code would append the href attribute as text to the body every time a link was clicked but not actually go to that link. The return false; part of that code prevents the browser from performing the default action for that link. That exact thing could be written like this:


$("a").click(function(e) {

So what's the difference?

The difference is that return false; takes things a bit further in that it also prevents that event from propagating (or “bubbling up”) the DOM. The you-may-not-know-this bit is that whenever an event happens on an element, that event is triggered on every single parent element as well. So let's say you have a box inside a box. Both boxes have click events on them. Click on the inner box, a click will trigger on the outer box too, unless you prevent propagation. Like this:

演示地址: in other words:


function() {
return false;


function(e) {

It's all probably a lot more complicated than this and articles like this probably explain it all a lot better.


1.The difference between ‘return false;' and ‘e.preventDefault();'
2.Event order




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    在大多数情况下,为事件处理函数返回false,可以防止默认的事件行为. 例如,默认情况下点击一个<a>元素,页面会跳转到该元素href属性指定的页. Return False 就相当于终止符,Return True 就相当于执行符.在js中return false的作用一般是用来取消默认动作的.比如你单击一个链接除了触发你的onclick事件(如果你指定的话)以外还要触发一个默认事件就是执行页面的跳转.所以如果你想取消对象的默认动作就可以return false. 同样的,return fal

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