

* php MysqlDB 读写分离类
* -----------------------------------------------------
* $Source: $
* $Author: Bevin Chen $
* $Email: $
* $Date: 2009-10-10 $
* -----------------------------------------------------
class mysqldb {
  var $querynum = 0;
  var $linkr,$linkw,$charset,$pconnect,$dbconfig;
  function __constructor($dbarray) {
  function mysqldb($dbarray,$dbcharset='utf8',$pcontent=0) {
    if(!is_array($dbarray[0])) {
      echo "数据库参数错误";
      return false;
    $this->charset = $dbcharset;
    $this->pconnect = $pconnect;
    $this->dbconfig['master'] = $dbarray[0];
    $dbServerNum = count($dbarray);
    if($dbServerNum > 1) {
  * 当x=1 时,$dbarray[0]不作slave
  * 当x=0 时,$dbarray[0]作slave
      $x = 1;
      $rand = rand($x,$dbServerNum-1);
      $this->dbconfig['slave'] = $dbarray[$rand];
    } else {
      $this->dbconfig['slave'] = false;
  function connect($dbhost,$dbuser,$dbpw,$dbname) {
    if($this->pconnect) {
      $link = @mysql_pconnect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpw);
    } else {
      $link = @mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpw, 1);
    if($link) {
      if($this->version($link) > '4.1') {
        if($this->charset) {
          @mysql_query("SET character_set_connection=".$this->charset.", character_set_results=".$this->charset.", character_set_client=binary", $link);
        if($this->version($link) > '5.0.1') {
          @mysql_query("SET sql_mode=''", $link);
      if($dbname) {
        @mysql_select_db($dbname, $link);
      return $link;
    } else {
      return false;
  function connectM() {
    if(!$this->linkw = $this->connect($this->dbconfig['master'][0],$this->dbconfig['master'][1],$this->dbconfig['master'][2],$this->dbconfig['master'][3])) {
    //echo "<br>##connectM!.<br>";
  function connectS() {
    if($this->dbconfig['slave']) {
      if(!$this->linkr = $this->connect($this->dbconfig['slave'][0],$this->dbconfig['slave'][1],$this->dbconfig['slave'][2],$this->dbconfig['slave'][3])) {
        $this->dbconfig['slave'] = false;
      //echo "<br>##connectS!.<br>";
    } else {
      if(!$this->linkw) {
      $this->linkr = $this->linkw;
  // db read
  function query($sql, $type = '') {
    if(!$this->linkr) {
    $func = $type == 'UNBUFFERED' && @function_exists('mysql_unbuffered_query') ?
      'mysql_unbuffered_query' : 'mysql_query';
    $query = $func($sql, $this->linkr);
    return $query;
  function fetch_array($query, $result_type = MYSQL_ASSOC) {
    return @mysql_fetch_array($query, $result_type);
  function fetch_row($query) {
    $query = mysql_fetch_row($query);
    return $query;
  function fetch_One($sql) {
    $query = $this->query($sql);
    return $this->fetch_row($query);
  /* 获取分页方法 */
  function fetch_page($sql, $pagenum) {
    $page = intval($_GET['page']);
    $query = $this->query($sql);
    $countnum = $this->num_rows($query);
    $countpage = ceil($countnum/$pagenum);
    if($page<1) {
    if($page>$countpage) {
    $limitstart = ($page-1)*$pagenum;
    /* 获取数据结果集 */
    for ($i=0; $i<($limitstart+$pagenum); $i++) {
      if($i>=$countnum) {
      if($i>=$limitstart) {
        $result[] = $this->fetch_array($query);
      } else {
    /* 生成url */
    $url = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
    $url = preg_replace("/&?page=[0-9]+/i","",$url);
    $array['countnum'] = $countnum;
    $array['countpage'] = $countpage;
    $array['result'] = $result;
    $array['page'] = $page;
    if($page>1) {
      $array['preurl'] = "?".$url."&page=".($page-1);
      $array['prepage'] = $page-1;
    } else {
      $array['preurl'] = "?".$url."&page=1";
      $array['prepage'] = 1;
    if($page<$countpage) {
      $array['nexturl'] = "?".$url."&page=".($page+1);
      $array['nextpage'] = $page+1;
    } else {
      $array['nexturl'] = "?".$url."&page=".$countpage;
      $array['nextpage'] = $countpage;
    $array['firsturl'] = "?".$url."&page=1";
    $array['firstpage'] = 1;
    $array['lasturl'] = "?".$url."&page=".$countpage;
    $array['lastpage'] = $countpage;
    $array['nopage'] = "?".$url."&page=";
    return $array;
  // db write
  function queryw($sql, $type = '') {
    if(!$this->linkw) {
    $func = $type == 'UNBUFFERED' && @function_exists('mysql_unbuffered_query') ?
      'mysql_unbuffered_query' : 'mysql_query';
    $query = $func($sql, $this->linkw);
    return $query;
  function update($table,$where,$array) {
    $whereset = $set = $dot = '';
    foreach($array as $key=>$value) {
      $set .= $dot." `$key`='$value'";
      $dot = ',';
    $whereset = $dot = '';
    foreach($where as $k=>$v) {
      $whereset .= $dot." `$k`='$v'";
      $dot = ' and ';
    $sql = "update $table set $set where $whereset";
    return $this->queryw($sql);
  function insert($table,$array) {
    $col = $v = $dot = '';
    foreach($array as $key=>$value) {
      $v .= $dot."'$value'";
      $col .= $dot."`$key`";
      $dot = ',';
    $sql = "insert into $table ($col) values ($v)";
    if($this->queryw($sql)) {
      return $this->insert_id();
    } else {
      return false;
  function insert_id() {
    return ($id = mysql_insert_id($this->linkw)) >= 0 ? $id : $this->result($this->queryw("SELECT last_insert_id()"), 0);
  // db other
  function affected_rows($link) {
    return mysql_affected_rows($link);
  function error($link) {
    return (($link) ? mysql_error($link) : mysql_error());
  function errno($link) {
    return intval(($link) ? mysql_errno($link) : mysql_errno());
  function result($query, $row) {
    $query = @mysql_result($query, $row);
    return $query;
  function num_rows($query) {
    $query = mysql_num_rows($query);
    return $query;
  function num_fields($query) {
    return mysql_num_fields($query);
  function free_result($query) {
    return mysql_free_result($query);
  function fetch_fields($query) {
    return mysql_fetch_field($query);
  function version($link) {
    return mysql_get_server_info($link);
  function close($link) {
    return mysql_close($link);
/* 测试例子 //
* $dbarray[] = array('localhost','bevin','password','test');
* $dbarray[] = array('','root','password','test');
* $dbarray[] = array('','cxh','password','test');
* $newdb = new mysqldb($dbarray,'utf8');
* $array = array('name' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
* $id = $newdb->insert("test",$array);
* $result = $newdb->fetch_page("select * from test order by id desc",'10');
* print_r($result);
* $id = $newdb->insert("test",$array);
* echo $id;






  • PHP数据库操作之基于Mysqli的数据库操作类库

    此类库简单.易用,便于你自己修改和对功能的改善,能解决大部分 PHP 项目中执行的 SQL 操作. 初步工作 首先,请大家下载这个类库 M.class.php 再下载一个 Mysqli 连接数据库的类库 MysqliDb.class.php(打包下载地址)  新建一个 includes 的文件夹,将下载下来的两个 class 文件,放进去. 然后,请你在项目下创建一个 test.php 文件.注:UTF-8 文件格式 请先根据你机器的情况,填充以下代码,用于连接数据库: 复制代码 代码如下: h

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  • discuz7 phpMysql操作类

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  • php mysql数据库操作类(实例讲解)

    接着稍微说说整体的思路.整个类的封装,包含一个连接数据库的私有属性$conn和若干操作函数.$conn在对象实例化的时候,由构造函数处理传入的参数后返回一个资源型的连接句柄.而后即可通过调用该实例化的对象的相应方法对数据库进行增删查改的操作. talk less and show code: <?php /** *以下代码用于数据库操作类的封装 * * @author rex<> * @version 1.0 * @since 2015 */ cl

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  • php mysql数据库操作类

    复制代码 代码如下: <?php /*  *    mysql数据库 DB类  *    @package    db  *    @author        yytcpt(无影)  *    @version    2008-03-27  *    @copyrigth   */ class db {     var $connection_id = "";     var $pconnect = 0;     var $shutd

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