

  1.  将GB2312转化为中文,如BAFAC2DCB2B7→胡萝卜,两个字节合成一个文字

public static String stringToGbk(String string) throws Exception {
  byte[] bytes = new byte[string.length() / 2];
  for (int j = 0; j < bytes.length; j++) {
    byte high = Byte.parseByte(string.substring(j * 2, j * 2 + 1), 16);
    byte low = Byte.parseByte(string.substring(j * 2 + 1, j * 2 + 2),
    bytes[j] = (byte) (high << 4 | low);
  String result = new String(bytes, "GBK");
  return result;

  2.将中文转化为GB2312,并且结果以byte[]形式返回,如胡萝卜→new byte[]{BA  FA C2 DC B2 B7},一个字被分为两个字节

public static byte[] gbkToString(String str) throws Exception {
  return new String(str.getBytes("GBK"), "gb2312").getBytes("gb2312");


public static String bytesToHexString(byte[] src) {
  StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder("");
  if (src == null || src.length <= 0) {
    return null;
  for (int i = 0; i < src.length; i++) {
    int v = src[i] & 0xFF;
    String hv = Integer.toHexString(v);
    if (hv.length() < 2) {
  return stringBuilder.toString();

  4.将十六进制的byte[]原封不动的转化为string,并且每个byte之间用空格分开,如byte[]{0x7e,0x80,0x11,0x20}→7e 80 11 20,,可用于log打印

public static StringBuilder byte2HexStr(byte[] data) { 

  if (data != null && data.length > 0) {
    StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(data.length);
    for (byte byteChar : data) {
      stringBuilder.append(String.format("%02X ", byteChar));
    return stringBuilder;
  return null;


public static String bytesToAllHex(byte[] bytes, int radix) {
  return new BigInteger(1, bytes).toString(radix);// 这里的1代表正数

  6.将String的十六进制原封不动转化为byte的十六进制,例如7e20→new byte[]{0x7e,x20}

public static byte[] HexString2Bytes(String src) {
  byte[] ret = new byte[src.length() / 2];
  byte[] tmp = src.getBytes();
  for (int i = 0; i < tmp.length / 2; i++) {
    ret[i] = uniteBytes(tmp[i * 2], tmp[i * 2 + 1]);
  return ret;
public static byte uniteBytes(byte src0, byte src1) {
  byte _b0 = Byte.decode("0x" + new String(new byte[] { src0 }))
  _b0 = (byte) (_b0 << 4);
  byte _b1 = Byte.decode("0x" + new String(new byte[] { src1 }))
  byte ret = (byte) (_b0 ^ _b1);
  return ret;

以上就是对Android 与单片机通信的资料整理,后续继续补充相关资料谢谢大家对本站的支持!



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