
任何一个关系型数据库关于模糊匹配(like)的优化都是一件痛苦的事,相对而言,诸如like 'abc%'之类的还好一点,可以通过创建索引来优化,但对于like 'c%'之类的,真的就没有办法了。

这里介绍一种postgresql关于like 'c%'的优化方法,是基于全文检索的特性来实现的。

测试数据准备(环境centos6.5 + postgresql 9.6.1)。

postgres=# create table ts(id int,name text);
postgres=# \d ts
Table "public.ts"
Column | Type  | Modifiers
id   | integer |
name  | text  |
postgres=# insert into ts select n,n||'_pjy' from generate_series(1,2000) n;
INSERT 0 2000
postgres=# insert into ts select n,n||'_mdh' from generate_series(1,2000000) n;
INSERT 0 2000000
postgres=# insert into ts select n,n||'_lmm' from generate_series(1,2000000) n;
INSERT 0 2000000
postgres=# insert into ts select n,n||'_syf' from generate_series(1,2000000) n;
INSERT 0 2000000
postgres=# insert into ts select n,n||'_wbd' from generate_series(1,2000000) n;
INSERT 0 2000000
postgres=# insert into ts select n,n||'_hhh' from generate_series(1,2000000) n;
INSERT 0 2000000
postgres=# insert into ts select n,n||'_sjw' from generate_series(1,2000000) n;
INSERT 0 2000000
postgres=# insert into ts select n,n||'_jjs' from generate_series(1,2000000) n;
INSERT 0 2000000
postgres=# insert into ts select n,n||'_ymd' from generate_series(1,2000000) n;
INSERT 0 2000000
postgres=# insert into ts select n,n||'_biu' from generate_series(1,2000000) n;
INSERT 0 2000000
postgres=# insert into ts select n,n||'_dfl' from generate_series(1,2000000) n;
INSERT 0 2000000
postgres=# select count(*) from ts;
(1 row)


postgres=# explain analyze select * from ts where name like '%pjy%';
                        QUERY PLAN
 Seq Scan on ts (cost=0.00..358144.05 rows=2000 width=15) (actual time=0.006..1877.087 rows=2000 loops=1)
  Filter: (name ~~ '%pjy%'::text)
  Rows Removed by Filter: 20000000
 Planning time: 0.031 ms
 Execution time: 1877.178 ms
(5 rows)


postgres=# create index idx_name on ts using gin (to_tsvector('english',name));
postgres=# vacuum analyze ts;
postgres=# \d ts
   Table "public.ts"
 Column | Type  | Modifiers
 id   | integer |
 name  | text  |
  "idx_name" gin (to_tsvector('english'::regconfig, name))
postgres=# explain analyze select * from ts where to_tsvector('english',name) @@ to_tsquery('pjy');
                           QUERY PLAN
 Bitmap Heap Scan on ts (cost=39.75..8187.70 rows=2000 width=15) (actual time=0.016..0.016 rows=0 loops=1)
  Recheck Cond: (to_tsvector('english'::regconfig, name) @@ to_tsquery('pjy'::text))
  -> Bitmap Index Scan on idx_name (cost=0.00..39.25 rows=2000 width=0) (actual time=0.016..0.016 rows=0 loops=1)
     Index Cond: (to_tsvector('english'::regconfig, name) @@ to_tsquery('pjy'::text))
 Planning time: 0.094 ms
 Execution time: 0.036 ms
(6 rows)










执行计划对比(gbase8s vs postgresql):



SET EXPLAIN FILE TO '/home/gbasedbt/sqexplain.out' ;
select skip 0 first 15 * from ( select * from T_SZGL_JDRY order by T_SZGL_JDRY.updatetime desc ) Estimated Cost: 3207 Estimated # of Rows Returned: 6172 ​ 1) gbasedbt.t_szgl_jdry: INDEX PATH  (1) Index Name: gbasedbt.i_t_szgl_jdry_updatetime    Index Keys: updatetime (Reverse) (Serial, fragments: ALL) QUERY: (OPTIMIZATION TIMESTAMP: 12-21-2017 03:20:43) ------ select skip 0 first 15 * from ( select * from T_SZGL_JDRY order by T_SZGL_JDRY.updatetime desc ) Estimated Cost: 232 Estimated # of Rows Returned: 6172 1) (Temp Table For Collection Subquery): SEQUENTIAL SCAN Query statistics: ----------------- The final cost of the plan is reduced because of the FIRST n specification in the query. ​ Table map : ---------------------------- Internal name   Table name ---------------------------- t1        t_szgl_jdry t2        (Temp Table For Collection Subquery) type   table rows_prod est_rows rows_scan time    est_cost ------------------------------------------------------------------- scan   t1   6173    6172   6173    00:00.05  3207  --查询执行用 222 ms,15行受影响


select skip 0 first 15 * from T_SZGL_JDRY order by T_SZGL_JDRY.updatetime desc ​ Estimated Cost: 7 Estimated # of Rows Returned: 6172 ​ 1) gbasedbt.t_szgl_jdry: INDEX PATH  (1) Index Name: gbasedbt.i_t_szgl_jdry_updatetime    Index Keys: updatetime (Reverse) (Serial, fragments: ALL) Query statistics: ----------------- The final cost of the plan is reduced because of the FIRST n specification in the query. ​ Table map : ---------------------------- Internal name   Table name ---------------------------- t1        t_szgl_jdry ​ type   table rows_prod est_rows rows_scan time    est_cost ------------------------------------------------------------------- scan   t1   15     6172   15     00:00.00  8    ​ QUERY: (OPTIMIZATION TIMESTAMP: 12-21-2017 03:23:25) ------ select 1 from sysusers Estimated Cost: 2 Estimated # of Rows Returned: 1 1) gbasedbt.sysusers: SEQUENTIAL SCAN ... --查询执行用 18 ms,15行受影响

第一个执行计划中 (1) (Temp Table For Collection Subquery): SEQUENTIAL SCAN)可以看出是将子查询的结果查询出来后,在这个基础上获取了15条记录



db_jcxxzypt=# explain select * from db_jcxx.t_jcxxzy_tjaj order by d_slrq limit 15 offset 0;                        QUERY PLAN                         ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Limit (cost=0.44..28.17 rows=15 width=879)  -> Index Scan using idx_ttjaj_dslrq on t_jcxxzy_tjaj (cost=0.44..32374439.85 rows=17507700 width=879) (2 rows) --子查询执行计划-嵌套一层 db_jcxxzypt=# explain db_jcxxzypt-# select * from ( db_jcxxzypt(# select * from db_jcxx.t_jcxxzy_tjaj order by d_slrq db_jcxxzypt(# )tab1 limit 15 offset 0;                        QUERY PLAN                         ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Limit (cost=0.44..28.32 rows=15 width=879)  -> Index Scan using idx_ttjaj_dslrq on t_jcxxzy_tjaj (cost=0.44..32374439.85 rows=17507700 width=879) (2 rows) ​ --子查询执行计划-嵌套两层 db_jcxxzypt=# explain db_jcxxzypt-# select * from ( db_jcxxzypt(# select * from ( db_jcxxzypt(# select * from db_jcxx.t_jcxxzy_tjaj order by d_slrq db_jcxxzypt(# )tab1 )tab2 limit 15 offset 0;                        QUERY PLAN                         ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Limit (cost=0.44..28.32 rows=15 width=879)  -> Index Scan using idx_ttjaj_dslrq on t_jcxxzy_tjaj (cost=0.44..32374439.85 rows=17507700 width=879) (2 rows)



子查询可分为三类:一、([not]in/all/any/some),二、([not]exists),三、其他子查询(sjp子查询 选择、投影、连接)

子查询可以出现在目标列、form子句、where子句、join/on子句、group by子句、having子句、orderby子句等位置。

db_jcxxzypt=# explain select * from t_jcxxzy_tjaj aj ,(select * from t_jcxxzy_ajdsr) dsr where dsr.c_ajbm = '1301020400000120090101';                   QUERY PLAN                    ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nested Loop (cost=0.56..1252119.58 rows=17507700 width=1098)  -> Index Scan using idx_tajdsr_cajbm on t_jcxxzy_ajdsr (cost=0.56..8.57 rows=1 width=219)     Index Cond: (c_ajbm = '1301020400000120090101'::bpchar)  -> Seq Scan on t_jcxxzy_tjaj aj (cost=0.00..1077034.00 rows=17507700 width=879) (4 rows) ​ Time: 1.101 ms





db_jcxxzypt=# explain select * from t_jcxxzy_tjaj aj where aj.c_ajbm in (select dsr.c_ajbm from t_jcxxzy_ajdsr dsr); 转化为: select * from t_jcxxzy_tjaj aj join t_jcxxzy_ajdsr dsr aj.c_ajbm = dsr.c_ajbm;                           QUERY PLAN                       ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hash Semi Join (cost=362618.61..5537768.07 rows=7957409 width=879)  Hash Cond: (t_jcxxzy_tjaj.c_ajbm = t_jcxxzy_ajdsr.c_ajbm)  -> Seq Scan on t_jcxxzy_tjaj (cost=0.00..1077034.00 rows=17507700 width=879)  -> Hash (cost=237458.59..237458.59 rows=6817202 width=23)     -> Index Only Scan using idx_tajdsr_cajbm on t_jcxxzy_ajdsr (cost=0.56..237458.59 rows=6817202 wi dth=23) (5 rows) --in等价于=any hash semi join表示执行的是两张表的hash半连接, 原始sql中没有(t_jcxxzy_tjaj.c_ajbm = t_jcxxzy_ajdsr.c_ajbm),表明此in子查询被优化,优化后采用hash semi join算法。 (2).相关子查询 --当加入条件where aj.d_slrq='2001-06-14'后不能提升子链接,如果把where aj.d_slrq ='2001-06-14'放到父查询 是支持子链接优化的 db_jcxxzypt=# explain db_jcxxzypt-# select * from t_jcxxzy_tjaj aj where c_ajbm in (select c_ajbm from t_jcxxzy_ajdsr dsr where aj.d_slrq='2001-06-14') ;                            QUERY PLAN                           ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seq Scan on t_jcxxzy_tjaj aj (cost=0.00..2227874766580.75 rows=8753850 width=879)  Filter: (SubPlan 1)  SubPlan 1   -> Result (cost=0.56..237458.59 rows=6817202 width=23)      One-Time Filter: (aj.d_slrq = '2001-06-14'::date)      -> Index Only Scan using idx_tajdsr_cajbm on t_jcxxzy_ajdsr dsr (cost=0.56..237458.59 rows=6817 202 width=23) (6 rows (3). -- not in不能提升子链接 db_jcxxzypt=# explain select * from db_jcxx.t_jcxxzy_tjaj where c_ajbm not in (select c_ajbm from db_jcxx.t_jcxxzy_ajdsr);                           QUERY PLAN                           ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seq Scan on t_jcxxzy_tjaj (cost=0.56..2875921362927.06 rows=8753850 width=879)  Filter: (NOT (SubPlan 1))  SubPlan 1   -> Materialize (cost=0.56..311489.60 rows=6817202 width=23)      -> Index Only Scan using idx_tajdsr_cajbm on t_jcxxzy_ajdsr (cost=0.56..237458.59 rows=6817202 width=23) (5 rows) --not in与<>all含义相同




db_jcxxzypt=# explain
db_jcxxzypt-# select * from t_jcxxzy_tjaj aj where exists (select c_ajbm from t_jcxxzy_ajdsr dsr where aj.c_ajbm = dsr.c_ajbm);                            QUERY PLAN                           ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hash Semi Join (cost=362618.61..5537768.07 rows=7957409 width=879)  Hash Cond: (aj.c_ajbm = dsr.c_ajbm)  -> Seq Scan on t_jcxxzy_tjaj aj (cost=0.00..1077034.00 rows=17507700 width=879)  -> Hash (cost=237458.59..237458.59 rows=6817202 width=23)     -> Index Only Scan using idx_tajdsr_cajbm on t_jcxxzy_ajdsr dsr (cost=0.56..237458.59 rows=681720 2 width=23) (5 rows) -- 当加入where aj.c_xzdm = '150622'条件在子链接时,仍然支持上拉 db_jcxxzypt=# explain db_jcxxzypt-# select * from t_jcxxzy_tjaj aj where exists (select c_ajbm from t_jcxxzy_ajdsr dsr where aj.c_xzdm = '150622');                          QUERY PLAN                          ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nested Loop Semi Join (cost=0.56..1361779.20 rows=5436 width=879)  -> Seq Scan on t_jcxxzy_tjaj aj (cost=0.00..1120803.25 rows=5436 width=879)     Filter: ((c_xzdm)::text = '150622'::text)  -> Index Only Scan using idx_tajdsr_cajbm on t_jcxxzy_ajdsr dsr (cost=0.56..237458.59 rows=6817202 widt h=0) (4 rows) --exists子链接 db_jcxxzypt=# explain db_jcxxzypt-# select * from t_jcxxzy_tjaj aj where exists (select c_ajbm from t_jcxxzy_ajdsr dsr where dsr.c_ajbm='1101120300000120030101') db_jcxxzypt-# ;                        QUERY PLAN                        ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Result (cost=4.58..1077038.57 rows=17507700 width=879)  One-Time Filter: $0  InitPlan 1 (returns $0)   -> Index Only Scan using idx_tajdsr_cajbm on t_jcxxzy_ajdsr dsr (cost=0.56..4.58 rows=1 width=0)      Index Cond: (c_ajbm = '1101120300000120030101'::bpchar)  -> Seq Scan on t_jcxxzy_tjaj aj (cost=0.00..1077034.00 rows=17507700 width=879) (6 rows) 


--not exists子链接 db_jcxxzypt=# explain db_jcxxzypt-# select * from t_jcxxzy_tjaj aj where not exists (select c_ajbm from t_jcxxzy_ajdsr dsr);                   QUERY PLAN                   ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Result (cost=0.04..1077034.04 rows=17507700 width=879)  One-Time Filter: (NOT $0)  InitPlan 1 (returns $0)   -> Seq Scan on t_jcxxzy_ajdsr dsr (cost=0.00..281210.02 rows=6817202 width=0)  -> Seq Scan on t_jcxxzy_tjaj aj (cost=0.00..1077034.00 rows=17507700 width=879) (5 rows) 

从执行计划上看,not exists子查询并没有被消除,子查询只是执行了一次,将结果作为aj表的参数。



db_jcxxzypt=# explain select * from db_jcxx.t_jcxxzy_tjaj where c_ajbm >all(select c_ajbm from db_jcxx.t_jcxxzy_ajdsr);                           QUERY PLAN                      ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seq Scan on t_jcxxzy_tjaj (cost=0.56..2875921362927.06 rows=8753850 width=879)  Filter: (SubPlan 1)  SubPlan 1   -> Materialize (cost=0.56..311489.60 rows=6817202 width=23)      -> Index Only Scan using idx_tajdsr_cajbm on t_jcxxzy_ajdsr (cost=0.56..237458.59 rows=6817202 width=23) (5 rows) ​ db_jcxxzypt=# explain select * from db_jcxx.t_jcxxzy_tjaj where c_ajbm =all(select c_ajbm from db_jcxx.t_jcxxzy_ajdsr);                           QUERY PLAN                          ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seq Scan on t_jcxxzy_tjaj (cost=0.56..2875921362927.06 rows=8753850 width=879)  Filter: (SubPlan 1)  SubPlan 1   -> Materialize (cost=0.56..311489.60 rows=6817202 width=23)      -> Index Only Scan using idx_tajdsr_cajbm on t_jcxxzy_ajdsr (cost=0.56..237458.59 rows=6817202 width=23) (5 rows) ​ db_jcxxzypt=# explain select * from db_jcxx.t_jcxxzy_tjaj where c_ajbm <all(select c_ajbm from db_jcxx.t_jcxxzy_ajdsr);                           QUERY PLAN                          ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seq Scan on t_jcxxzy_tjaj (cost=0.56..2875921362927.06 rows=8753850 width=879)  Filter: (SubPlan 1)  SubPlan 1   -> Materialize (cost=0.56..311489.60 rows=6817202 width=23)      -> Index Only Scan using idx_tajdsr_cajbm on t_jcxxzy_ajdsr (cost=0.56..237458.59 rows=6817202 width=23) (5 rows) 




db_jcxxzypt=#explain select * from db_jcxx.t_jcxxzy_tjaj where c_ajbm >some(select c_ajbm from db_jcxx.t_jcxxzy_ajdsr);                         QUERY PLAN                         ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Nested Loop Semi Join (cost=0.56..11316607.35 rows=5835900 width=879)  -> Seq Scan on t_jcxxzy_tjaj (cost=0.00..1077034.00 rows=17507700 width=879)  -> Index Only Scan using idx_tajdsr_cajbm on t_jcxxzy_ajdsr (cost=0.56..64266.97 rows=2272401 width=23)     Index Cond: (c_ajbm < t_jcxxzy_tjaj.c_ajbm) (4 rows) ​ db_jcxxzypt=#explain select * from db_jcxx.t_jcxxzy_tjaj where c_ajbm =some(select c_ajbm from db_jcxx.t_jcxxzy_ajdsr);                           QUERY PLAN                          ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hash Semi Join (cost=362618.61..5537768.07 rows=7957409 width=879)  Hash Cond: (t_jcxxzy_tjaj.c_ajbm = t_jcxxzy_ajdsr.c_ajbm)  -> Seq Scan on t_jcxxzy_tjaj (cost=0.00..1077034.00 rows=17507700 width=879)  -> Hash (cost=237458.59..237458.59 rows=6817202 width=23)     -> Index Only Scan using idx_tajdsr_cajbm on t_jcxxzy_ajdsr (cost=0.56..237458.59 rows=6817202 wi dth=23) (5 rows) ​ db_jcxxzypt=#explain select * from db_jcxx.t_jcxxzy_tjaj where c_ajbm <some(select c_ajbm from db_jcxx.t_jcxxzy_ajdsr);                         QUERY PLAN                         ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ​ Nested Loop Semi Join (cost=0.56..11316607.35 rows=5835900 width=879)  -> Seq Scan on t_jcxxzy_tjaj (cost=0.00..1077034.00 rows=17507700 width=879)  -> Index Only Scan using idx_tajdsr_cajbm on t_jcxxzy_ajdsr (cost=0.56..64266.97 rows=2272401 width=23)     Index Cond: (c_ajbm > t_jcxxzy_tjaj.c_ajbm) (4 rows) --some中未出现子查询,dsr表都被上拉到父查询中,与aj表进行嵌套半连接和hash半连接



不支持带有with子句的格式,集合操作、聚集函数(aggregates、group、distinct)、cte、having、limit/offset等子句格式 ​

db_jcxxzypt=# explain select * from t_jcxxzy_tjaj aj ,(select * from t_jcxxzy_ajdsr limit 10) dsr where dsr.c_ajbm = '1301020400000120090101';                     QUERY PLAN                     ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nested Loop (cost=0.00..1252111.54 rows=17507700 width=1098)  -> Subquery Scan on dsr (cost=0.00..0.54 rows=1 width=219)     Filter: (dsr.c_ajbm = '1301020400000120090101'::bpchar)     -> Limit (cost=0.00..0.41 rows=10 width=219)        -> Seq Scan on t_jcxxzy_ajdsr (cost=0.00..281210.02 rows=6817202 width=219)  -> Seq Scan on t_jcxxzy_tjaj aj (cost=0.00..1077034.00 rows=17507700 width=879) (6 rows) ​ Time: 0.958 ms




join或子查询的优化,属于优化器优化JOIN的范畴。 ​



#from_collapse_limit = 8


#join_collapse_limit = 8        # 1 disables collapsing of explicit
                    # JOIN clauses 当使用显示的JOIN时(除了full join),例如a join b join c join d,优化器可以重排JOIN的顺序,以产生更多的PLAN选择更优的执行计划。 如果join_collapse_limit=1,则不重排,使用SQL写法提供的顺序。 ​ 如果用户要固化JOIN顺序,请使用显示的JOIN,同时将join_collapse_limit设置为1。 如果用户不打算提升子查询,同样的,将from_collapse_limit 设置为1即可。


子查询中没有group by子句,也没有聚集函数,则可使用下面的等价转换

val>all(select...) to val>max(select...)
val<all(select...) to val<min(select...)
val>any(select...) to val>min(select...) val<any(select...) to val<max(select...) val>=all(select...) to val>=max(select...) val<=all(select...) to val<=min(select...) val>=any(select...) to val>=min(select...) val<=any(select...) to val<=max(select...) 




select * from t_jcxxzy_tjaj aj where c_ajbm in (select c_ajbm from t_jcxxzy_ajdsr dsr where dsr.c_ajbm = aj.c_ajbm)/* 子查询语句中存在父查询的列 */


select * from t_jcxxzy_tjaj aj where c_ajbm in (select c_ajbm from t_jcxxzy_ajdsr dsr where dsr.c_xzdm = '150622')/* 子查询语句中不存在父查询的属性 */







6.not exists虽然没有被上拉,但是被优化为只执行一次,相对于not in稍好






  • PostgreSQL 性能优化之服务器参数配置操作

    大家好!我是只谈技术不剪发的 Tony 老师.今天我们来聊聊 PostgreSQL 的性能优化:数据库优化是一个系统的工程,本文只专注于服务器的参数配置优化. 默认安装时,PostgreSQL 的配置参数通常都偏小,不太适合作为生产服务器使用.所以,安装 PostgreSQL 数据库之后首先需要执行的操作就是对服务器的配置参数进行调整. 查看/设置参数值 我们使用 PostgreSQL 12,服务器的配置参数有 300 多个,运行时的参数值可以使用 SHOW 命令查看: show server_

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  • postgresql 计算距离的实例(单位直接生成米)

    之前用的是ST_Distance 函数,但是貌似需要进行一次单位的转换,而且网上有说那种转换不是特别准确,现在暂时将该算法记录在此: select st_distance(ST_GeomFromText('POINT(120.451737 36.520975)',900913),ST_GeomFromText('POINT(120.455636 36.520885)',900913))*60*1.852; 这里的计算方式倒是可以换坐标系,但是,测试了两个坐标系都没有起作用.而且该种方式转换过单位

  • PostgreSQL模糊匹配走索引的操作

    场景 lower(name) like 'pf%' create table users (id int primary key, name varchar(255)); Create or replace function random_string(length integer) returns text as $$ declare chars text[] := '{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,

  • Postgresql的select优化操作(快了200倍)

    对于庞大的数据,检索sql的编写要格外小心,有很多平时不注意的sql可能就会变成瓶颈. 比如, 我们有个系统, 其中t96_pd_log表,记录数8000w多,在开发阶段乃至用了那么多年都没问题, 最近却发生频繁死锁的问题, 查数据库后台发现问题出在一个select语句上, 它耗时高达2.4-2.7s,这对于一个需要高并发的系统来说当然是致命的. 数据表t96_pd_log有两条index, 一条的字段组成是f96_mgtbarcd,另一条的字段组成是f96_result_type, 检索sql

  • postgresql 除法保留小数位的实例

    我就废话不多说了,大家还是直接看代码吧~ \x select 8/(100-3) as c1, round(8/(100-3) ,4) as c2, round(8/(100-3)::numeric ,4) as c3, 8/(100-3)::numeric as c4 ; -[ RECORD 1 ]-------------- c1 | 0 c2 | 0.0000 c3 | 0.0825 c4 | 0.08247422680412371134 (1 row) 补充:PostgreSQL整数除法

  • postgresql关于like%xxx%的优化操作

    任何一个关系型数据库关于模糊匹配(like)的优化都是一件痛苦的事,相对而言,诸如like 'abc%'之类的还好一点,可以通过创建索引来优化,但对于like 'c%'之类的,真的就没有办法了. 这里介绍一种postgresql关于like 'c%'的优化方法,是基于全文检索的特性来实现的. 测试数据准备(环境centos6.5 + postgresql 9.6.1). postgres=# create table ts(id int,name text); CREATE TABLE post

  • PostgreSQL删除更新优化操作

    1. 先说删除吧,因为刚搞了. 删除缓慢的原因:主要是约束的问题.(数据库在有约束的时候,进行操作,会根据约束对相关表进行验证,可想而知,20W的数据验证要耗费多久的时间).其次就是sql的编写.(sql如果查询中包含子查询等的可以优化的where会影响匹配的速度<查询的话就不多逼逼了>).索引的问题 请看下面的 补充部分 具体解决方法: ALTER TABLE tableName DISABLE TRIGGER ALL; delete 目标语句 ALTER TABLE tableName E

  • PostgreSQL教程(十):性能提升技巧

    一.使用EXPLAIN: PostgreSQL为每个查询都生成一个查询规划,因为选择正确的查询路径对性能的影响是极为关键的.PostgreSQL本身已经包含了一个规划器用于寻找最优规划,我们可以通过使用EXPLAIN命令来查看规划器为每个查询生成的查询规划.     PostgreSQL中生成的查询规划是由1到n个规划节点构成的规划树,其中最底层的节点为表扫描节点,用于从数据表中返回检索出的数据行.然而,不同的扫描节点类型代表着不同的表访问模式,如:顺序扫描.索引扫描,以及位图索引扫描等.如果查

  • Java使用JDBC连接postgresql数据库示例

    本文实例讲述了Java使用JDBC连接postgresql数据库.分享给大家供大家参考,具体如下: package tool; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; public class PsqlConnectionTool { p

  • PostgreSQL 实现快速删除一个用户

    背景 在多租户场景或者其他场景下,很多时候需要主动清理一些用户,本文将介绍PostgreSQL 下如何快速删除一个用户(role). 具体方法 一般情况下直接执行 drop role xxx; 就可以把这个用户删除.但是很多时候会因为用户有依赖而报错. 权限依赖 postgres=# create role test with login; CREATE ROLE postgres=# grant all on database postgres to test; GRANT postgres=

  • Postgresql的pl/pgql使用操作--将多条执行语句作为一个事务

    Postgresql的pl/pgql用法--将多条执行语句作为一个事务 DO $$ DECLARE v_id bigint; begin --1. INSERT INTO r_test_a (name, value, unit, mode, uid, create_ts) SELECT 't_t','','',2,0, extract(epoch from now())::bigint WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT id FROM r_test_a WHERE name =

  • Postgresql psql文件执行与批处理多个sql文件操作

    新建一个批处理文件batch.sql \encoding UTF8; \cd C:/Gmind/ddl \set ON_ERROR_STOP 1 \set ECHO all \timing on \i s_product.sql; \i s_branch.sql; \i s_comment.sql; \i s_class.sql; \i s_drawing.sql; \i s_dmemo.sql; \i s_form.sql; \encoding 设置客户端字符集编码(可选) \cd 切换目录.

  • 如何获取PostgreSQL数据库中的JSON值

    在PostgreSQL数据库中有一列为JSON,要获取JSON中得数据可以用下面sql: select orderno as OrderNo ,amount as Amount ,ordertime as OrderTime , recordtype as RecordType from jsonb_to_recordset(( --特定方法 select array_to_json(array_agg(data)) --转换成一个数组 from wallet_details where id

  • postgreSQL 使用timestamp转成date格式

    尝试了以下两种方式,将pg中的timestamp格式转换成date格式: 方式一: select to_date( to_char( f.begin_time, 'yyyy-mm-dd' ), 'yyyy-mm-dd' ) from hafd f 方式二: select f.begin_time::DATE from hafd f 大概比较了一下,9万条测试数据,方式二的性能更好! 补充:PostgreSQL中的时间戳格式转化常识 前提:当数据库中保存的是timestamp类型时,我们需要通过这
