协程是子例程的更一般形式。 子例程可以在某一点进入并在另一点退出。 协程则可以在许多不同的点上进入、退出和恢复。 它们可通过 async def 语句来实现。 参见 PEP 492。
- 协程不是计算机内部提供的,不像进程、线程,由电脑本身提供,它是由程序员人为创造的, 实现函数异步执行。
- 协程(Coroutine),也可以被称为微线程,是一种用户太内的上下文切换技术,其实就是通过一个线程实现代码块相互切换执行。看上去像子程序,但执行过程中,在子程序内部可中断,然后转而执行别的子程序,在适当的时候再返回来接着执行。例如:
# 需要python3.7+ import asyncio async def main(): print('hello') await asyncio.sleep(1) print('world') asyncio.run(main()) # 打印 "hello",等待 1 秒,再打印 "world"
直接main() 调用会有问题:
RuntimeWarning: coroutine 'main' was never awaited main() RuntimeWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback
def func1(): print(1) ... print(2) def func2(): print(3) ... print(4) func1() func2() # 结果:1 2 3 4
async、await 关键字(python3.5)【推荐使用】
1.1 greenlet实现协程
# 第三方模块,因此需要安装 pip install greenlet
from greenlet import greenlet def func1(): print(1) gr2.switch() print(2) gr2.switch() def func2(): print(3) gr1.switch() print(4) gr1 = greenlet(func1) gr2 = greenlet(func2) gr1.switch() # 结果:1 3 2 4
1.2 yield关键字
def func1(): yield 1 yield from func2() yield 2 def func2(): yield 3 yield 4 f1 = func1() for item in f1: print(item) # 结果:1 3 2 4
1.3 asynico装饰器
python3.4 及之后版本支持
DeprecationWarning: “@coroutine” decorator is deprecated since Python 3.8, use “async def”
翻译:@coroutine"装饰器自Python 3.8起已弃用,请使用"async def"代替
import asyncio @asyncio.coroutine def func1(): print(1) yield from asyncio.sleep(2) # 遇到IO耗时操作,自动切换到tasks中其他任务,比如:网络IO,下载图片 print(2) @asyncio.coroutine def func2(): print(3) yield from asyncio.sleep(2) # 遇到IO耗时操作,自动切换到tasks中其他任务,比如:网络IO,下载图片 print(4) tasks = [ asyncio.ensure_future(func1()), asyncio.ensure_future(func2()) ] loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.wait(tasks)) # 结果: 1 3 2 4
1.4 async & await 关键字
import asyncio async def func1(): print(1) await asyncio.sleep(2) # 遇到IO耗时操作,自动切换到tasks中其他任务,比如:网络IO,下载图片 print(2) async def func2(): print(3) await asyncio.sleep(2) # 遇到IO耗时操作,自动切换到tasks中其他任务,比如:网络IO,下载图片 print(4) tasks = [ asyncio.ensure_future(func1()), asyncio.ensure_future(func2()) ] loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.wait(tasks))
import time import requests def download_image(url, img_name): print("开始下载:", url) # 发送网络请求,下载图片 response = requests.get(url) print("下载完成") # 图片保存到本地文件 file_name = str(img_name) + '.png' with open(file_name, mode='wb') as file: file.write(response.content) if __name__ == '__main__': start = time.time() url_list = [ 'https://tse4-mm.cn.bing.net/th/id/OIP.866vRxQ8QvyDsrUuXiu7qwHaNK?w=182&h=324&c=7&o=5&pid=1.7', 'https://tse2-mm.cn.bing.net/th/id/OIP.HUcWtoYPG-z2pu4ityajbAHaKQ?w=182&h=252&c=7&o=5&pid=1.7', 'https://tse2-mm.cn.bing.net/th/id/OIP.MvncR0-Pt9hVxKTdrvD9dAHaNK?w=182&h=324&c=7&o=5&pid=1.7', 'https://tse1-mm.cn.bing.net/th/id/OIP._nGloaeMWbL7NB7Lp6SnXQHaLH?w=182&h=273&c=7&o=5&pid=1.7', ] img_name = 1 for item in url_list: download_image(item, img_name) img_name += 1 end = time.time() print(end - start) # 最终时间:7.25s
import aiohttp import asyncio import time async def fetch(session, url): print("发送请求:", url) async with session.get(url, verify_ssl=False) as response: content = await response.content.read() file_name = url.rsplit('_')[-1] # print(file_name) with open(file_name, mode='wb') as file_object: file_object.write(content) print("下载完成") async def main(): async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: url_list = [ 'https://www3.autoimg.cn/newsdfs/g26/M02/35/A9/120x90_0_autohomecar__ChsEe12AXQ6AOOH_AAFocMs8nzU621.jpg', 'https://www3.autoimg.cn/newsdfs/g26/M02/35/A9/120x90_0_autohomecar__ChsEe12AXQ6AOOH_AAFocMs8nzU621.jpg', 'https://www3.autoimg.cn/newsdfs/g26/M02/35/A9/120x90_0_autohomecar__ChsEe12AXQ6AOOH_AAFocMs8nzU621.jpg', 'https://www3.autoimg.cn/newsdfs/g26/M02/35/A9/120x90_0_autohomecar__ChsEe12AXQ6AOOH_AAFocMs8nzU621.jpg', ] tasks = [asyncio.ensure_future(fetch(session, url)) for url in url_list] await asyncio.wait(tasks) if __name__ == '__main__': start = time.time() asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(main()) end = time.time() print(end - start) # 结果:0.05s
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