关于mysql innodb count(*)速度慢的解决办法

innodb引擎在统计方面和myisam是不同的,Myisam内置了一个计数器,所以在使用 select count(*) from table 的时候,直接可以从计数器中取出数据。而innodb必须全表扫描一次方能得到总的数量。要初步解决这个问题,需要做不同于myisam的一些工作:



select count(*) from product where comp_id>=0 ;
show index from product ;
id primary key
comp_id index


show status from product; 来得到大约值



mysql DBA:http://imysql.cn/2008_06_24_speedup_innodb_count

COUNT(*) for Innodb Tables

I guess note number one about MyISAM to Innodb migration is warning what Innodb is very slow in COUNT(*) queries. The part which I often however see omitted is fact it only applies to COUNT(*) queries without WHERE clause.
So if you have query like SELECT COUNT(*) FROM USER It will be much faster for MyISAM (MEMORY and some others) tables because they would simply read number of rows in the table from stored value. Innodb will however need to perform full table scan or full index scan because it does not have such counter, it also can't be solved by simple singe counter for Innodb tables as different transactions may see different number of rows in the table.
If you have query like SELECT COUNT(*) FROM IMAGE WHERE USER_ID=5 this query will be executed same way both for MyISAM and Innodb tables by performing index rage scan. This can be faster or slower both for MyISAM and Innodb depending on various conditions.
In real applications there are much more queries of second type rather than first type so it is typically not as bad problem as it may look. Most typically count of rows is needed by admin tools which may show it in table statistics, it may also be used in application stats to show something like “We have 123.345 users which have uploaded 1.344.656 images” but these are normally easy to remove.
So remember Innodb is not slow for ALL COUNT(*) queries but only for very specific case of COUNT(*) query without WHERE clause. It does not mean I would not like to see it fixed though, it is pretty annoying.




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    注:mysql中的ROW_COUNT()可以返回前一个SQL进行UPDATE,DELETE,INSERT操作所影响的行数. MySQL上的测试(数据库版本为:5.1.22): 1.创建数据库表: 复制代码 代码如下: create table t(  id int,  name varchar(50),  address varchar(100),  primary key(id,name)  )engine =InnoDB; 2.插入测试数据: 复制代码 代码如下: insert into t

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