
* @author xiaoxiao <> 2011-1-12
* @link
* @license
* 统计目录下的文件行数及总文件数··去除注释

$obj = new CaculateFiles();


$obj->setFileSkip(array('I', 'A'));

* 执行目录中文件的统计(包括文件数及总行数
* 1、跳过文件的时候:
* 匹配的规则只是从文件名上着手,匹配的规则也仅限在开头。
* 2、跳过文件中的注释行:
* 匹配的规则只是从注释段落的头部匹配,如果出现// 及 *及 #及/*开头的行及空行会被跳过。所以类似/*这种多汗注释,每行的开头都必须加上*号,否则无法匹配到这种的注释。
* 3、目录过滤:
* 匹配的规则是从目录名的全名匹配
class CaculateFiles {
* 统计的后缀
private $ext = ".php";
* 是否显示每个文件的统计数
private $showEveryFile = true;
* 文件的的跳过规则
private $fileSkip = array();
* 统计的跳过行规则
private $lineSkip = array("*", "/*", "//", "#");
* 统计跳过的目录规则
private $dirSkip = array(".", "..", '.svn');

public function __construct($ext = '', $dir = '', $showEveryFile = true, $dirSkip = array(), $lineSkip = array(), $fileSkip = array()) {

public function setExt($ext) {
trim($ext) && $this->ext = strtolower(trim($ext));
public function setShowFlag($flag = true) {
$this->showEveryFile = $flag;
public function setDirSkip($dirSkip) {
$dirSkip && is_array($dirSkip) && $this->dirSkip = $dirSkip;
public function setFileSkip($fileSkip) {
$this->fileSkip = $fileSkip;
public function setLineSkip($lineSkip) {
$lineSkip && is_array($lineSkip) && $this->lineSkip = array_merge($this->lineSkip, $lineSkip);
* 执行统计
* @param string $dir 统计的目录
public function run($dir = '') {
if ($dir == '') return;
if (!is_dir($dir)) exit('Path error!');
$this->dump($dir, $this->readDir($dir));

* 显示统计结果
* @param string $dir 目录
* @param array $result 统计结果(包含总行数,有效函数,总文件数
private function dump($dir, $result) {
$totalLine = $result['totalLine'];
$lineNum = $result['lineNum'];
$fileNum = $result['fileNum'];
echo "*************************************************************\r\n<br/>";
echo $dir . ":\r\n<br/>";
echo "TotalLine: " . $totalLine . "\r\n<br/>";
echo "TotalLine with no comment and empty: " . $lineNum . "\r\n<br/>";
echo 'TotalFiles:' . $fileNum . "\r\n<br/>";

* 读取目录
* @param string $dir 目录
private function readDir($dir) {
$num = array('totalLine' => 0, 'lineNum' => 0, 'fileNum' => 0);
if ($dh = opendir($dir)) {
while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
if ($this->skipDir($file)) continue;
if (is_dir($dir . '/' . $file)) {
$result = $this->readDir($dir . '/' . $file);
$num['totalLine'] += $result['totalLine'];
$num['lineNum'] += $result['lineNum'];
$num['fileNum'] += $result['fileNum'];
} else {
if ($this->skipFile($file)) continue;
list($num1, $num2) = $this->readfiles($dir . '/' . $file);
$num['totalLine'] += $num1;
$num['lineNum'] += $num2;
} else {
echo 'open dir <' . $dir . '> error!' . "\r";
return $num;

* 读取文件
* @param string $file 文件
private function readfiles($file) {
$str = file($file);
$linenum = 0;
foreach ($str as $value) {
if ($this->skipLine(trim($value))) continue;
$totalnum = count(file($file));
if (!$this->showEveryFile) return array($totalnum, $linenum);
echo $file . "\r\n";
echo 'TotalLine in the file:' . $totalnum . "\r\n";
echo 'TotalLine with no comment and empty in the file:' . $linenum . "\r\n";
return array($totalnum, $linenum);

* 执行跳过的目录规则
* @param string $dir 目录名
private function skipDir($dir) {
if (in_array($dir, $this->dirSkip)) return true;
return false;

* 执行跳过的文件规则
* @param string $file 文件名
private function skipFile($file) {
if (strtolower(strrchr($file, '.')) != $this->ext) return true;
if (!$this->fileSkip) return false;
foreach ($this->fileSkip as $skip) {
if (strpos($file, $skip) === 0) return true;
return false;

* 执行文件中行的跳过规则
* @param string $string 行内容
private function skipLine($string) {
if ($string == '') return true;
foreach ($this->lineSkip as $tag) {
if (strpos($string, $tag) === 0) return true;
return false;



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