asp 动态数组 提供Add、Insert、Remove、RemoveAt、Search等方法。


Class Vector

Private vector_datas()
Private initial_capacity '初始化容量
Private capacity_increment '容量增量
Private element_count '元素数
Private max_capacity '总容量

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
End Sub

Public Function RemoveAll()
element_count = 0
initial_capacity = 10
capacity_increment = 10
max_capacity = initial_capacity
ReDim vector_datas(initial_capacity)
End Function

Public Property Get Count()
Count = element_count
End Property

Public Property Get Capacity()
Capacity = max_capacity
End Property

Public Property Get InitialCapacity()
InitialCapacity = initial_capacity
End Property

Public Property Get CapacityIncrement()
CapacityIncrement = capacity_increment
End Property

Public Default Property Get Item(index)
If IsObject(vector_datas(index)) Then
Set Item = vector_datas(index)
Item = vector_datas(index)
End If
End Property

Public Function Add(element)
Call Insert(element_count, element)
End Function

Public Function Remove(element)
Dim index
index = Search(element)
Remove = index
End Function

Public Function RemoveAt(index)
Dim i
For i = index + 1 To element_count - 1 Step 1
Call InternalElement(i - 1, vector_datas(i))
element_count = element_count - 1
If max_capacity - capacity_increment > element_count Then
max_capacity = max_capacity - capacity_increment
ReDim Preserve vector_datas(max_capacity)
End If
End Function

Public Function Search(element)
Dim i
For i = 0 To element_count - 1 Step 1
If vector_datas(i) = element Then
Search = i
Exit Function
End If
Search = -1
End Function

Public Function Insert(index, element)
If index > element_count Then
Err.Raise 20903, "Vector", "Array Index Out Of Bounds.", "", 0
End If
If element_count = 0 Then
Call InternalElement(0, element)
ElseIf index = element_count Then
Call InternalElement(element_count, element)
Dim i
For i = element_count To index + 1 Step -1
Call InternalElement(i, vector_datas(i - 1))
Call InternalElement(index, element)
End If
element_count = element_count + 1
If element_count = max_capacity Then
max_capacity = element_count + capacity_increment
ReDim Preserve vector_datas(max_capacity)
End If
End Function

Public Function SetElementAt(index, element)
If index < 0 Or index > element_count - 1 Then
Err.Raise 20903, "Vector", "Array Index Out Of Bounds.", "", 0
End If
Call InternalElement(index, element)
End Function

Private Function InternalElement(index, element)
On Error Resume Next
If IsObject(element) Then
Set vector_datas(index) = element
vector_datas(index) = element
End If
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
MsgBox("Vector InternalElement Error: " & vbCrLf & "Error Source: " & Err.Source & vbCrLf & "Error Number: " & Err.Number & vbCrLf & "Error Description: " & Err.Description & vbCrLf)
Err.Clear '清除错误信息
End If
End Function

Private Sub Class_Terminate() '类销毁
Erase vector_datas '释放数组占用的内存, 將每個元素都設為 Nothing
initial_capacity = Empty
capacity_increment = Empty
element_count = Empty
max_capacity = Empty
End Sub

End Class




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    一个动态数组 a,如果你已经使用redim 语句给它设定了大小,那么在此之后使用 ubound(a) 就可以得到它的上边界. 如果你没有使用 redim 语句给它设定大小,直接使用 ubound(a) 函数,那么运行时会报错,并会中断程序的执行.我们恰恰利用这一点,可以知道这个数组还没有任何元素.于此同时,我们却不想程序中断执行,那么可以在 ubound(a) 函数执行前加上一句 复制代码 代码如下: on error resume next 把本功能写成一个函数 function get_el

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