



1) 将物品加入购物车
2) 从购物车中删除物品
3) 更新购物车物品信息 【+1/-1】
4) 对购物车物品进行统计
   1. 总项目
   2. 总数量
   3. 总金额
5) 对购物单项物品的数量及金额进行统计
6) 清空购物车


 * @author quanshuidingdang
class Cart {
 private $product_id_rule = '\.a-z0-9-_'; //小写字母 | 数字 | ._-
 private $product_name_rule = '\.\:a-z0-9-_';//小写字母 | 数字 | ._-:
 private $debug = TRUE;
 private $_cart_contents = array();
  * 构造函数
  * @param array
 public function __construct() {
  if(isset($_SESSION['cart_contents'])) {
   $this->_cart_contents = $_SESSION['cart_contents'];
  } else {
   $this->_cart_contents['cart_total'] = 0;
   $this->_cart_contents['total_items'] = 0;
  if($this->debug === TRUE) {
  * 将物品加入购物车
  * @access public
  * @param array 一维或多维数组,必须包含键值名:
      id -> 物品ID标识,
      qty -> 数量(quantity),
      price -> 单价(price),
      name -> 物品姓名
  * @return bool
 public function insert($items = array()) {
  if( ! is_array($items) OR count($items) == 0) {
   if($this->debug === TRUE) {
   return FALSE;
  $save_cart = FALSE;
  if(isset($items['id'])) {
   if($this->_insert($items) === TRUE) {
    $save_cart = TRUE;
  } else {
   foreach($items as $val) {
    if(is_array($val) AND isset($val['id'])) {
     if($this->_insert($val) == TRUE) {
      $save_cart = TRUE;
  if($save_cart) {
   return TRUE;
  return FALSE;
  * 更新购物车物品信息
  * @access public
  * @param array
  * @return bool
 public function update($items = array()) {
  if( !is_array($items) OR count($items) == 0) {
   if($this->debug === TRUE) {
   return FALSE;
  $save_cart = FALSE;
  if(isset($items['rowid']) AND isset($items['qty'])) {
   if($this->_update($items) === TRUE) {
    $save_cart = TRUE;
  } else {
   foreach($items as $val) {
    if(is_array($val) AND isset($val['rowid']) AND isset($val['qty'])) {
     if($this->_update($val) === TRUE) {
      $save_cart = TRUE;
  if($save_cart) {
   return TRUE;
  return FALSE;
  * 获取购物车物品总金额
  * @return int
 public function total() {
  return $this->_cart_contents['cart_total'];
  * 获取购物车物品种类
  * @return int
 public function total_items() {
  return $this->_cart_contents['total_items'];
  * 获取购物车
  * @return array
 public function contents() {
  return $this->_cart_contents;
  * 获取购物车物品options
  * @param string
  * @return array
 public function options($rowid = '') {
  if($this->has_options($rowid)) {
   return $this->_cart_contents[$rowid]['options'];
  } else {
   return array();
  * 清空购物车
 public function destroy() {
  $this->_cart_contents['cart_total'] = 0;
  $this->_cart_contents['total_items'] = 0;
  * 判断购物车物品是否有options选项
  * @param string
  * @return bool
 private function has_options($rowid = '') {
  if( ! isset($this->_cart_contents[$rowid]['options']) OR count($this->_cart_contents[$rowid]['options']) === 0) {
   return FALSE;
  return TRUE;
  * 插入数据
  * @access private
  * @param array
  * @return bool
 private function _insert($items = array()) {
  if( ! is_array($items) OR count($items) == 0) {
   if($this->debug === TRUE) {
   return FALSE;
  if( ! isset($items['id']) OR ! isset($items['qty']) OR ! isset($items['price']) OR ! isset($items['name'])) {
   if($this->debug === TRUE) {
   return FALSE;
  $items['qty'] = trim(preg_replace('/([^0-9])/i', '', $items['qty']));
  $items['qty'] = trim(preg_replace('/^([0]+)/i', '', $items['qty']));
  if( ! is_numeric($items['qty']) OR $items['qty'] == 0) {
   if($this->debug === TRUE) {
   return FALSE;
  if( ! preg_match('/^['.$this->product_id_rule.']+$/i', $items['id'])) {
   if($this->debug === TRUE) {
   return FALSE;
  if( ! preg_match('/^['.$this->product_name_rule.']+$/i', $items['name'])) {
   if($this->debug === TRUE) {
   return FALSE;
  $items['price'] = trim(preg_replace('/([^0-9\.])/i', '', $items['price']));
  $items['price'] = trim(preg_replace('/^([0]+)/i', '', $items['price']));
  if( ! is_numeric($items['price'])) {
   if($this->debug === TRUE) {
   return FALSE;
  if(isset($items['options']) AND count($items['options']) >0) {
   $rowid = md5($items['id'].implode('', $items['options']));
  } else {
   $rowid = md5($items['id']);
  $this->_cart_contents[$rowid]['rowid'] = $rowid;
  foreach($items as $key => $val) {
   $this->_cart_contents[$rowid][$key] = $val;
  return TRUE;
  * 更新购物车物品信息(私有)
  * @access private
  * @param array
  * @return bool
 private function _update($items = array()) {
  if( ! isset($items['rowid']) OR ! isset($items['qty']) OR ! isset($this->_cart_contents[$items['rowid']])) {
   if($this->debug == TRUE) {
   return FALSE;
  $items['qty'] = preg_replace('/([^0-9])/i', '', $items['qty']);
  $items['qty'] = preg_replace('/^([0]+)/i', '', $items['qty']);
  if( ! is_numeric($items['qty'])) {
   if($this->debug === TRUE) {
   return FALSE;
  if($this->_cart_contents[$items['rowid']]['qty'] == $items['qty']) {
   if($this->debug === TRUE) {
   return FALSE;
  if($items['qty'] == 0) {
  } else {
   $this->_cart_contents[$items['rowid']]['qty'] = $items['qty'];
  return TRUE;
  * 保存购物车数据到session
  * @access private
  * @return bool
 private function _save_cart() {
  $total = 0;
  foreach($this->_cart_contents as $key => $val) {
   if( ! is_array($val) OR ! isset($val['price']) OR ! isset($val['qty'])) {
   $total += ($val['price'] * $val['qty']);
   $this->_cart_contents[$key]['subtotal'] = ($val['price'] * $val['qty']);
  $this->_cart_contents['total_items'] = count($this->_cart_contents);
  $this->_cart_contents['cart_total'] = $total;
  if(count($this->_cart_contents) <= 2) {
   return FALSE;
  $_SESSION['cart_contents'] = $this->_cart_contents;
  return TRUE;
  * 日志记录
  * @access private
  * @param string
  * @return bool
 private function _log($msg) {
  return @file_put_contents('cart_err.log', $msg, FILE_APPEND);
/*End of file cart.php*/
/*Location /htdocs/cart.php*/


$items = array(
   0 => array(
   'id' => 'sp001',
   'qty' => 20,
   'price' => '10.50',
   'name' => 'a002',
   'options' => array(
       'made' => 'china',
       'company' => 'bgi'
   1 => array(
   'id' => 'sp002',
   'qty' => 1,
   'price' => '3.50',
   'name' => 'b002'
$arr = array(
   'rowid' => '86dbb7cb58a667558b4bbb1f60330028',
   'qty' => 21
$cart = new Cart();
/*end of php*/




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