

function set_4pixel($r, $g, $b, $x, $y)
global $sx, $sy, $pixels;

$ofs = 3 * ($sx * $y + $x);
$pixels[$ofs] = chr($r);
$pixels[$ofs + 1] = chr($g);
$pixels[$ofs + 2] = chr($b);
$pixels[$ofs + 3] = chr($r);
$pixels[$ofs + 4] = chr($g);
$pixels[$ofs + 5] = chr($b);
$ofs += 3 * $sx;
$pixels[$ofs] = chr($r);
$pixels[$ofs + 1] = chr($g);
$pixels[$ofs + 2] = chr($b);
$pixels[$ofs + 3] = chr($r);
$pixels[$ofs + 4] = chr($g);
$pixels[$ofs + 5] = chr($b);
function draw2digits($x, $y, $number)
draw_digit($x, $y, (int) ($number / 10));
draw_digit($x + 11, $y, $number % 10);

function draw_digit($x, $y, $digit)
global $sx, $sy, $pixels, $digits, $lines;

$digit = $digits[$digit];
$m = 8;
for ($b = 1, $i = 0; $i < 7; $i++, $b *= 2) {
if (($b & $digit) == $b) {
$j = $i * 4;
$x0 = $lines[$j] * $m + $x;
$y0 = $lines[$j + 1] * $m + $y;
$x1 = $lines[$j + 2] * $m + $x;
$y1 = $lines[$j + 3] * $m + $y;
if ($x0 == $x1) {
$ofs = 3 * ($sx * $y0 + $x0);
for ($h = $y0; $h <= $y1; $h++, $ofs += 3 * $sx) {
$pixels[$ofs] = chr(0);
$pixels[$ofs + 1] = chr(0);
$pixels[$ofs + 2] = chr(0);
} else {
$ofs = 3 * ($sx * $y0 + $x0);
for ($w = $x0; $w <= $x1; $w++) {
$pixels[$ofs++] = chr(0);
$pixels[$ofs++] = chr(0);
$pixels[$ofs++] = chr(0);

function add_chunk($type)
global $result, $data, $chunk, $crc_table;

// chunk :为层
// length: 4 字节: 用来计算 chunk
// chunk type: 4 字节
// chunk data: length bytes
// CRC: 4 字节: 循环冗余码校验

// copy data and create CRC checksum
$len = strlen($data);
$chunk = pack("c*", ($len >> 24) & 255,
($len >> 16) & 255,
($len >> 8) & 255,
$len & 255);
$chunk .= $type;
$chunk .= $data;

// calculate a CRC checksum with the bytes chunk[4..len-1]
$z = 16777215;
$z |= 255 << 24;
$c = $z;
for ($n = 4; $n < strlen($chunk); $n++) {
$c8 = ($c >> 8) & 0xffffff;
$c = $crc_table[($c ^ ord($chunk][$n])) & 0xff] ^ $c8;
$crc = $c ^ $z;

$chunk .= chr(($crc >> 24) & 255);
$chunk .= chr(($crc >> 16) & 255);
$chunk .= chr(($crc >> 8) & 255);
$chunk .= chr($crc & 255);

// 将结果加到$result中
$result .= $chunk;


$sx = 80;
$sy = 21;
$pixels = "";

// 填充
for ($h = 0; $h < $sy; $h++) {
for ($w = 0; $w < $sx; $w++) {
$r = 100 / $sx * $w + 155;
$g = 100 / $sy * $h + 155;
$b = 255 - (100 / ($sx + $sy) * ($w + $h));
$pixels .= chr($r);
$pixels .= chr($g);
$pixels .= chr($b);

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