详解python polyscope库的安装和例程


pip install polyscope

如果提示找不到库文件,no moudle的话可以试着把安装下来的polyscope文件夹放在和想要运行的py文件的同一目录下。


import polyscope as ps

# Initialize polyscope

### Register a point cloud
# `my_points` is a Nx3 numpy array
ps.register_point_cloud("my points", my_points)

### Register a mesh
# `verts` is a Nx3 numpy array of vertex positions
# `faces` is a Fx3 array of indices, or a nested list
ps.register_surface_mesh("my mesh", verts, faces, smooth_shade=True)

# Add a scalar function and a vector function defined on the mesh
# vertex_scalar is a length V numpy array of values
# face_vectors is an Fx3 array of vectors per face
ps.get_surface_mesh("my mesh").add_scalar_quantity("my_scalar",
    vertex_scalar, defined_on='vertices', cmap='blues')
ps.get_surface_mesh("my mesh").add_vector_quantity("my_vector",
    face_vectors, defined_on='faces', color=(0.2, 0.5, 0.5))

# View the point cloud and mesh we just registered in the 3D UI



import polyscope as ps
import numpy as np

# Initialize polyscope

### Register a point cloud
# `my_points` is a Nx3 numpy array
ps.register_point_cloud("my points", my_points)

### Register a mesh
# `verts` is a Nx3 numpy array of vertex positions
# `faces` is a Fx3 array of indices, or a nested list
ps.register_surface_mesh("my mesh", verts, faces, smooth_shade=True)

# Add a scalar function and a vector function defined on the mesh
# vertex_scalar is a length V numpy array of values
# face_vectors is an Fx3 array of vectors per face
vertex_scalar = np.array([1,2,3,4,5])
ps.get_surface_mesh("my mesh").add_scalar_quantity("my_scalar",
    vertex_scalar, defined_on='vertices', cmap='blues')
ps.get_surface_mesh("my mesh").add_vector_quantity("my_vector",
    face_vectors, defined_on='faces', color=(0.2, 0.5, 0.5))

# View the point cloud and mesh we just registered in the 3D UI


到此这篇关于python polyscope库的安装和例程的文章就介绍到这了,更多相关python polyscope库内容请搜索我们以前的文章或继续浏览下面的相关文章希望大家以后多多支持我们!



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