
  • 一、问题
  • 二、思路
  • 三、实现
  • 四、使用
  • 五、缓存清理





    Key key,
    @required String placeholder,
    @required String image,
    AssetBundle bundle,
    double placeholderScale,
    double imageScale = 1.0,
    this.excludeFromSemantics = false,
    this.fadeOutDuration = const Duration(milliseconds: 300),
    this.fadeOutCurve = Curves.easeOut,
    this.fadeInDuration = const Duration(milliseconds: 700),
    this.fadeInCurve = Curves.easeIn,
    this.alignment = Alignment.center,
    this.repeat = ImageRepeat.noRepeat,
    this.matchTextDirection = false,
    int placeholderCacheWidth,
    int placeholderCacheHeight,
    int imageCacheWidth,
    int imageCacheHeight,
  }) : assert(placeholder != null),
       assert(image != null),
       placeholder = placeholderScale != null
         ? ResizeImage.resizeIfNeeded(placeholderCacheWidth, placeholderCacheHeight, ExactAssetImage(placeholder, bundle: bundle, scale: placeholderScale))
         : ResizeImage.resizeIfNeeded(placeholderCacheWidth, placeholderCacheHeight, AssetImage(placeholder, bundle: bundle)),
       assert(imageScale != null),
       assert(fadeOutDuration != null),
       assert(fadeOutCurve != null),
       assert(fadeInDuration != null),
       assert(fadeInCurve != null),
       assert(alignment != null),
       assert(repeat != null),
       assert(matchTextDirection != null),
       image = ResizeImage.resizeIfNeeded(imageCacheWidth, imageCacheHeight, NetworkImage(image, scale: imageScale)),
       super(key: key);
    String src, {
    Key key,
    double scale = 1.0,
    this.excludeFromSemantics = false,
    this.alignment = Alignment.center,
    this.repeat = ImageRepeat.noRepeat,
    this.matchTextDirection = false,
    this.gaplessPlayback = false,
    this.filterQuality = FilterQuality.low,
    this.isAntiAlias = false,
    Map<String, String> headers,
    int cacheWidth,
    int cacheHeight,
  }) : image = ResizeImage.resizeIfNeeded(cacheWidth, cacheHeight, NetworkImage(src, scale: scale, headers: headers)),
       assert(alignment != null),
       assert(repeat != null),
       assert(matchTextDirection != null),
       assert(cacheWidth == null || cacheWidth > 0),
       assert(cacheHeight == null || cacheHeight > 0),
       assert(isAntiAlias != null),
       super(key: key);

其中: image = ResizeImage.resizeIfNeeded(cacheWidth, cacheHeight, NetworkImage(src, scale: scale, headers: headers)),,使用ImageProvider类型的NetworkImage创建了ImageProvider类型的ResizeImage


abstract class NetworkImage extends ImageProvider<NetworkImage> {
  /// Creates an object that fetches the image at the given URL.
  /// The arguments [url] and [scale] must not be null.
  const factory NetworkImage(String url, { double scale, Map<String, String>? headers }) = network_image.NetworkImage;
  /// The URL from which the image will be fetched.
  String get url;
  /// The scale to place in the [ImageInfo] object of the image.
  double get scale;
  /// The HTTP headers that will be used with [HttpClient.get] to fetch image from network.
  /// When running flutter on the web, headers are not used.
  Map<String, String>? get headers;
  ImageStreamCompleter load(NetworkImage key, DecoderCallback decode);

其中工厂方法给了一个值,const factory NetworkImage(String url, { double scale, Map<String, String>? headers }) = network_image.NetworkImage;


// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'dart:ui' as ui;
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'binding.dart';
import 'debug.dart';
import 'image_provider.dart' as image_provider;
import 'image_stream.dart';
/// The dart:io implementation of [image_provider.NetworkImage].
class NetworkImage extends image_provider.ImageProvider<image_provider.NetworkImage> implements image_provider.NetworkImage {
  /// Creates an object that fetches the image at the given URL.
  /// The arguments [url] and [scale] must not be null.
  const NetworkImage(this.url, { this.scale = 1.0, this.headers })
    : assert(url != null),
      assert(scale != null);
  final String url;
  final double scale;
  final Map<String, String>? headers;
  Future<NetworkImage> obtainKey(image_provider.ImageConfiguration configuration) {
    return SynchronousFuture<NetworkImage>(this);
  ImageStreamCompleter load(image_provider.NetworkImage key, image_provider.DecoderCallback decode) {
    // Ownership of this controller is handed off to [_loadAsync]; it is that
    // method's responsibility to close the controller's stream when the image
    // has been loaded or an error is thrown.
    final StreamController<ImageChunkEvent> chunkEvents = StreamController<ImageChunkEvent>();
    return MultiFrameImageStreamCompleter(
      codec: _loadAsync(key as NetworkImage, chunkEvents, decode),
      chunkEvents: chunkEvents.stream,
      scale: key.scale,
      debugLabel: key.url,
      informationCollector: () {
        return <DiagnosticsNode>[
          DiagnosticsProperty<image_provider.ImageProvider>('Image provider', this),
          DiagnosticsProperty<image_provider.NetworkImage>('Image key', key),
  // Do not access this field directly; use [_httpClient] instead.
  // We set `autoUncompress` to false to ensure that we can trust the value of
  // the `Content-Length` HTTP header. We automatically uncompress the content
  // in our call to [consolidateHttpClientResponseBytes].
  static final HttpClient _sharedHttpClient = HttpClient()..autoUncompress = false;
  static HttpClient get _httpClient {
    HttpClient client = _sharedHttpClient;
    assert(() {
      if (debugNetworkImageHttpClientProvider != null)
        client = debugNetworkImageHttpClientProvider!();
      return true;
    return client;
  Future<ui.Codec> _loadAsync(
    NetworkImage key,
    StreamController<ImageChunkEvent> chunkEvents,
    image_provider.DecoderCallback decode,
  ) async {
    try {
      assert(key == this);
      final Uri resolved = Uri.base.resolve(key.url);
      final HttpClientRequest request = await _httpClient.getUrl(resolved);
      headers?.forEach((String name, String value) {
        request.headers.add(name, value);
      final HttpClientResponse response = await request.close();
      if (response.statusCode != HttpStatus.ok) {
        // The network may be only temporarily unavailable, or the file will be
        // added on the server later. Avoid having future calls to resolve
        // fail to check the network again.
        throw image_provider.NetworkImageLoadException(statusCode: response.statusCode, uri: resolved);
      final Uint8List bytes = await consolidateHttpClientResponseBytes(
        onBytesReceived: (int cumulative, int? total) {
            cumulativeBytesLoaded: cumulative,
            expectedTotalBytes: total,
      if (bytes.lengthInBytes == 0)
        throw Exception('NetworkImage is an empty file: $resolved');
      return decode(bytes);
    } catch (e) {
      // Depending on where the exception was thrown, the image cache may not
      // have had a chance to track the key in the cache at all.
      // Schedule a microtask to give the cache a chance to add the key.
      scheduleMicrotask(() {
    } finally {
  bool operator ==(Object other) {
    if (other.runtimeType != runtimeType)
      return false;
    return other is NetworkImage
        && other.url == url
        && other.scale == scale;
  int get hashCode => ui.hashValues(url, scale);
  String toString() => '${objectRuntimeType(this, 'NetworkImage')}("$url", scale: $scale)';



1、新建一个文件my_local_cache_network_image.dart,将_network_image_io.dart内容复制过来,进行修改。 2、全部文件内容如下(非空安全版本):

import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert' as convert;
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'dart:ui' as ui;
import 'package:crypto/crypto.dart';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:path_provider/path_provider.dart';
/// The dart:io implementation of [image_provider.NetworkImage].
class MyLocalCacheNetworkImage extends ImageProvider<NetworkImage> implements NetworkImage {
  /// Creates an object that fetches the image at the given URL.
  /// The arguments [url] and [scale] must not be null.
  const MyLocalCacheNetworkImage(
    this.url, {
    this.scale = 1.0,
    this.isLocalCache = false,
  })  : assert(url != null),
        assert(scale != null);
  final String url;
  final double scale;
  final Map<String, String> headers;
  final bool isLocalCache;
  Future<NetworkImage> obtainKey(ImageConfiguration configuration) {
    return SynchronousFuture<NetworkImage>(this);
  ImageStreamCompleter load(NetworkImage key, DecoderCallback decode) {
    // Ownership of this controller is handed off to [_loadAsync]; it is that
    // method's responsibility to close the controller's stream when the image
    // has been loaded or an error is thrown.
    final StreamController<ImageChunkEvent> chunkEvents = StreamController<ImageChunkEvent>();
    return MultiFrameImageStreamCompleter(
      codec: _loadAsync(key, chunkEvents, decode),
      chunkEvents: chunkEvents.stream,
      scale: key.scale,
      debugLabel: key.url,
      informationCollector: () {
        return <DiagnosticsNode>[
          DiagnosticsProperty<ImageProvider>('Image provider', this),
          DiagnosticsProperty<NetworkImage>('Image key', key),
  // Do not access this field directly; use [_httpClient] instead.
  // We set `autoUncompress` to false to ensure that we can trust the value of
  // the `Content-Length` HTTP header. We automatically uncompress the content
  // in our call to [consolidateHttpClientResponseBytes].
  static final HttpClient _sharedHttpClient = HttpClient()..autoUncompress = false;
  static HttpClient get _httpClient {
    HttpClient client = _sharedHttpClient;
    assert(() {
      if (debugNetworkImageHttpClientProvider != null) client = debugNetworkImageHttpClientProvider();
      return true;
    return client;
  Future<ui.Codec> _loadAsync(
    NetworkImage key,
    StreamController<ImageChunkEvent> chunkEvents,
    DecoderCallback decode,
  ) async {
    try {
      assert(key == this);
      /// 如果本地缓存过图片,直接返回图片
      if (isLocalCache != null && isLocalCache == true) {
        final Uint8List bytes = await _getImageFromLocal(key.url);
        if (bytes != null && bytes.lengthInBytes != null && bytes.lengthInBytes != 0) {
          return await PaintingBinding.instance.instantiateImageCodec(bytes);
      final Uri resolved = Uri.base.resolve(key.url);
      final HttpClientRequest request = await _httpClient.getUrl(resolved);
      headers?.forEach((String name, String value) {
        request.headers.add(name, value);
      final HttpClientResponse response = await request.close();
      if (response.statusCode != HttpStatus.ok) {
        // The network may be only temporarily unavailable, or the file will be
        // added on the server later. Avoid having future calls to resolve
        // fail to check the network again.
        throw NetworkImageLoadException(statusCode: response.statusCode, uri: resolved);
      final Uint8List bytes = await consolidateHttpClientResponseBytes(
        onBytesReceived: (int cumulative, int total) {
            cumulativeBytesLoaded: cumulative,
            expectedTotalBytes: total,
      /// 网络请求结束后,将图片缓存到本地
      if (isLocalCache != null && isLocalCache == true && bytes.lengthInBytes != 0) {
        _saveImageToLocal(bytes, key.url);
      if (bytes.lengthInBytes == 0) throw Exception('NetworkImage is an empty file: $resolved');
      return decode(bytes);
    } catch (e) {
      // Depending on where the exception was thrown, the image cache may not
      // have had a chance to track the key in the cache at all.
      // Schedule a microtask to give the cache a chance to add the key.
      scheduleMicrotask(() {
    } finally {
  /// 图片路径通过MD5处理,然后缓存到本地
  void _saveImageToLocal(Uint8List mUInt8List, String name) async {
    String path = await _getCachePathString(name);
    var file = File(path);
    bool exist = await file.exists();
    if (!exist) {
  /// 从本地拿图片
  Future<Uint8List> _getImageFromLocal(String name) async {
    String path = await _getCachePathString(name);
    var file = File(path);
    bool exist = await file.exists();
    if (exist) {
      final Uint8List bytes = await file.readAsBytes();
      return bytes;
    return null;
  /// 获取图片的缓存路径并创建
  Future<String> _getCachePathString(String name) async {
    // 获取图片的名称
    String filePathFileName = md5.convert(convert.utf8.encode(name)).toString();
    String extensionName = name.split('/').last.split('.').last;
    // print('图片url:$name');
    // print('filePathFileName:$filePathFileName');
    // print('extensionName:$extensionName');
    // 生成、获取结果存储路径
    final tempDic = await getTemporaryDirectory();
    Directory directory = Directory(tempDic.path + '/CacheImage/');
    bool isFoldExist = await directory.exists();
    if (!isFoldExist) {
      await directory.create();
    return directory.path + filePathFileName + '.$extensionName';
  bool operator ==(Object other) {
    if (other.runtimeType != runtimeType) return false;
    return other is NetworkImage && other.url == url && other.scale == scale;
  int get hashCode => ui.hashValues(url, scale);
  String toString() => '${objectRuntimeType(this, 'NetworkImage')}("$url", scale: $scale)';

主要修改有: 1、从本地获取缓存并返回

      /// 如果本地缓存过图片,直接返回图片
      if (isLocalCache != null && isLocalCache == true) {
        final Uint8List bytes = await _getImageFromLocal(key.url);
        if (bytes != null && bytes.lengthInBytes != null && bytes.lengthInBytes != 0) {
          return await PaintingBinding.instance.instantiateImageCodec(bytes);


      /// 网络请求结束后,将图片缓存到本地
      if (isLocalCache != null && isLocalCache == true && bytes.lengthInBytes != 0) {
        _saveImageToLocal(bytes, key.url);


  /// 图片路径通过MD5处理,然后缓存到本地
  void _saveImageToLocal(Uint8List mUInt8List, String name) async {
    String path = await _getCachePathString(name);
    var file = File(path);
    bool exist = await file.exists();
    if (!exist) {
  /// 从本地拿图片
  Future<Uint8List> _getImageFromLocal(String name) async {
    String path = await _getCachePathString(name);
    var file = File(path);
    bool exist = await file.exists();
    if (exist) {
      final Uint8List bytes = await file.readAsBytes();
      return bytes;
    return null;
  /// 获取图片的缓存路径并创建
  Future<String> _getCachePathString(String name) async {
    // 获取图片的名称
    String filePathFileName = md5.convert(convert.utf8.encode(name)).toString();
    String extensionName = name.split('/').last.split('.').last;
    // print('图片url:$name');
    // print('filePathFileName:$filePathFileName');
    // print('extensionName:$extensionName');
    // 生成、获取结果存储路径
    final tempDic = await getTemporaryDirectory();
    Directory directory = Directory(tempDic.path + '/CacheImage/');
    bool isFoldExist = await directory.exists();
    if (!isFoldExist) {
      await directory.create();
    return directory.path + filePathFileName + '.$extensionName';



class CustomFadeInImage extends StatelessWidget {
    @required this.image,
    this.alignment = Alignment.center,
    this.imageScale = 1.0,
  }) : imageProvider = ResizeImage.resizeIfNeeded(
            imageCacheWidth, imageCacheHeight, MyLocalCacheNetworkImage(image, scale: imageScale, isLocalCache: true));

ResizeImage.resizeIfNeeded中的NetworkImage替换为MyLocalCacheNetworkImage 即可。






  • Flutter加载图片流程之ImageCache源码示例解析

    目录 ImageCache _pendingImages._cache._liveImages maximumSize.currentSize clear evict _touch _checkCacheSize _trackLiveImage putIfAbsent clearLiveImages 答疑解惑 ImageCache const int _kDefaultSize = 1000; const int _kDefaultSizeBytes = 100 << 20; // 100 M

  • Flutter加载图片流程之ImageProvider源码示例解析

    目录 加载网络图片 ImageProvider resolve obtainKey resolveStreamForKey loadBuffer load(被废弃) evict 总结 困惑解答 加载网络图片 Image.network()是Flutter提供的一种从网络上加载图片的方法,它可以从指定的URL加载图片,并在加载完成后将其显示在应用程序中.本节内容,我们从源码出发,探讨下图片的加载流程. ImageProvider ImageProvider是Flutter中一个抽象类,它定义了一种

  • Flutter加载图片流程MultiFrameImageStreamCompleter解析

    目录 MultiFrameImageStreamCompleter _handleCodecReady _decodeNextFrameAndSchedule _codec!.getNextFrame() _emitFrame(重要方法, 通知监听器触发回调,更新UI) _scheduleAppFrame _handleAppFrame addListener removeListener _maybeDispose 总结 MultiFrameImageStreamCompleter Multi

  • Flutter加载图片的多样玩法汇总

    目录 加载本地图片 圆角本地图片 效果图 代码 加载网络图片-本地图片占位图 加载网络图片-loading 效果 代码 圆角.边框.渐变 总结 加载本地图片 在项目目录下创建assets文件夹,再在其文件夹下创建images文件夹,后面将需要的图片复制到其中即可 在pubspec.yaml文件中添加引用 flutter: uses-material-design: true assets: - assets/images/ 在Container中加载本地图片 Container( width:

  • Flutter 图片开发核心技能快速掌握教程

    目录 正文 使用网络图片 把网络图片缓存到磁盘 使用 assets 图片 适配浅色与深色模式 在不同的设备使用不同分辨率的图片 关于设备 dpr 不完全匹配的处理 忽略 dpr 信息 使用相册图片 使用相机拍摄的图片 使用内存图片 图片用做装饰 图片预加载 centerSlice centerSlice 只能放大,不能缩小. 全局缓存 ImageCache 的设置 图片类之间的关系 ImageProvider obtainKey(ImageConfiguration) 方法 resolve(Im

  • flutter中的资源和图片加载示例详解

    目录 封面图 指定相应的资源 资源绑定 Asset bundling 资源变体 加载资源 加载文本资源 加载图片 加载依赖包中的图片 最后 封面图 下个季度的目标是把前端监控相关的内容梳理出来,梳理出来之后可能会在公司内部做个分享- Flutter应用程序既括代码也包括一些其他的资产,我们通常这些资产为资源. 有时候我会思考assets这个单词,在程序中到底应该翻译为资产呢?还是翻译为资源?按照习惯,我们这里还是称为资源好了- 这些资源是一些与应用程序捆绑在一起和并且部署应用时会用到的的文件,在

  • Flutter图片缓存管理ImageCache原理分析

    目录 引言 PaintingBinding 减少图片缓存 增大阀值 思考 引言 设计: 嗯? 这个图片点击跳转进详情再返回图片怎么变白闪一下呢?产品: 是啊是啊! 一定是个bug开发: 囧囧囧 在开发过程中, 也许你也遇到过这样一个场景. 进入一个页面后,前一个页面的图片都会闪白一下. 或者在列表中,加载很多列表项后,之前列表中的图片都需要重新加载.你有没有想过这一切的原因是什么呢? 没错! 它就是我们今天介绍的主人公 --- ImageCache 可能有些人对ImageCache还有些陌生,

  • flutter图片组件核心类源码解析

    目录 导语 问题 Image的核心类图及其关系 网络图片的加载过程 网络图片数据的回调和展示过程 补上图片内存缓存的源码分析 如何支持图片的磁盘缓存 总结 导语 在使用flutter 自带图片组件的过程中,大家有没有考虑过flutter是如何加载一张网络图片的? 以及对自带的图片组件我们可以做些什么优化? 问题 flutter 网络图片是怎么请求的? 图片请求成功后是这么展示的? gif的每一帧是怎么支持展示的? 如何支持图片的磁盘缓存? 接下来,让我们带着问题一起探究flutter 图片组件的

  • Flutter图片与文件选择器使用实例

    目录 引言 一.image_picker 1.安装 2.使用 3.属性 4.注意 二.flutter_document_picker 1.安装 2.使用 总结 引言 我已经一个多星期没碰过电脑了,今日上班,打开电脑的第一件事就是想着写点什么.反正大家都还沉浸在节后的喜悦中,还没进入工作状态,与其浪费时间,不如做些更有意义的事情. 今天就跟大家简单分享一下Flutter开发过程中经常会用到的图片和文件选择器. 一.image_picker 一个适用于iOS和Android的Flutter插件,能够

  • 详解Flutter网络图片本地缓存的实现

    目录 一.问题 二.思路 三.实现 四.使用 五.缓存清理 一.问题 Flutter原有的图片缓存机制,是通过PaintingBinding.instance!.imageCache来管理缓存的,这个缓存缓存到的是内存中,每次重新打开APP或者缓存被清理都会再次进行网络请求,大图片加载慢不友好,且增加服务器负担. 二.思路 1.查看FadeInImage.assetNetwork.Image.network等几个网络请求的命名构造方法,初始化了ImageProvider. FadeInImage

  • 详解Flutter混排瀑布流解决方案

    背景 流式布局,这是一种当前无论是前端,还是Native都比较流行的一种页面布局.特别是对于商品这样的Feeds流,无论是淘宝,京东,美团,还是闲鱼.都基本上以多列瀑布流进行呈现,容器列数固定,然后每个卡片高度不一,形成参差不齐的多栏布局. 对于Native来说,无论是iOS还是Android,CollectionView和RecyclerView都能满足我们的绝大部分场景了.不过目前闲鱼很多业务场景都是在Flutter上进行实现的,当时Flutter官方只提供了ListView和GridVie

  • 详解Flutter Widget

    目录 概述: Widget的本质: 分类: Widget StatelessWidget StatefulWidget State ParentDataWidget RenderObjectWidget 小结 概述: 所有的一切都可以被称为widget 在开发 Flutter 应用过程中,接触最多的无疑就是Widget,是『描述』 Flutter UI 的基本单元,通过Widget可以做到: 描述 UI 的层级结构 (通过Widget嵌套): 定制 UI 的具体样式 (如:font.color等

  • 详解Flutter 响应式状态管理框架GetX

    目录 一.状态管理框架对比 Provider BLoC GetX 二.基本使用 2.1 安装与引用 2.2 使用GetX改造Counter App 2.3 GetX代码插件 三.其他功能 3.1 路由管理 3.2 依赖关系管理 3.3 工具 3.4 改变主题 3.5 GetConnect 3.6 GetPage中间件 Priority Redirect onPageCalled OnBindingsStart OnPageBuildStart 3.7 全局设置和手动配置 3.8 StateMix

  • 详解Angular中$cacheFactory缓存的使用

    最近在学习使用angular,慢慢从jquery ui转型到用ng开发,发现了很多不同点,继续学习吧: 首先创建一个服务,以便在项目中的controller中引用,服务有几种存在形式,factory();service();constant();value();provider();其中provider是最基础的,其他服务都是基于这个写的,具体区别这里就不展开了,大家可以看看源码:服务是各个controller之间通话的重要形式,在实际项目中会用的很多,下面是代码: angular.module

  • 详解如何将本地JAR包添加到本地Maven仓库中

    详解如何将本地JAR包添加到本地Maven仓库中 有些时候,当我们需要在自己的maven工程中添加一个确定的jar而发现Maven中央仓库不存在时,但是我们自己手上有这些需要的jar包,那么我们可以自给自足,把这个jar包添加到我们的自己的maven仓库中,这样方便在maven工程中引用. 比如sqljdbc.jar在Maven中央仓库中找不到,但是我们的maven工程中确实需要这样的一个jar包,那么我们首先需要下载对应版本的sqljdbc.jar包到本地,然后按照以下的命令添加到本地仓库.(

  • 详解Java读取本地文件并显示在JSP文件中

    详解Java读取本地文件并显示在JSP文件中 当我们初学IMG标签时,我们知道通过设置img标签的src属性,能够在页面中显示想要展示的图片.其中src的值,可以是磁盘目录上的绝对,也可以是项目下的相对路径,还可以是网络上的图片路径.在存取少量图片的情况下,采用相对路径存储图片的情况下最方便,也最实用.但是当图片数量过多时,这种方式就显的有些掣肘了. 当系统的图片数量过多时,如果仍把这些图片当做项目的一部分去发布,势必会大大延长项目的发布时间及更新时间.对于某些对于时限性要求特别高的系统来说,采

  • 详解Java实现LRU缓存

    LRU是Least Recently Used 的缩写,翻译过来就是"最近最少使用",LRU缓存就是使用这种原理实现,简单的说就是缓存一定量的数据,当超过设定的阈值时就把一些过期的数据删除掉,比如我们缓存10000条数据,当数据小于10000时可以随意添加,当超过10000时就需要把新的数据添加进来,同时要把过期数据删除,以确保我们最大缓存10000条,那怎么确定删除哪条过期数据呢,采用LRU算法实现的话就是将最老的数据删掉,废话不多说,下面来说下Java版的LRU缓存实现 Java里

  • 详解Git建立本地仓库的两种方法

    Git是一种分布式版本控制系统,通常这类系统都可以与若干远端代码进行交互.Git项目具有三个主要部分:工作区,暂存目录,暂存区,本地目录: 安装完Git后,要做的第一件事,就是设置用户名和邮件地址.每个Git提交都使用此信息,并且将它永久地烘焙到您开始创建的提交中: $ git config --global user.name "John Doe" $ git config --global user.email johndoe@example.com 之后我们可以建立一个本地仓库.

  • 详解Flutter点击空白隐藏键盘的全局做法

    开发原生页面的时候,在处理键盘事件上,通常的需求是,点击输入框外屏幕,要隐藏键盘,同样的,这样的需求也需要在 Flutter 上实现, Android 上的实现方式是在基类 Activity 里实现事件分发,判断触摸位置是否在输入框内. /** * 获取点击事件 */ @CallSuper @Override public boolean dispatchTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) { if (ev.getAction() == MotionEvent.MotionEv
