

C# Programming Tips & Techniques
by Charles Wright, Kris Jamsa
Publisher: Osborne/McGraw-Hill (December 28, 2001)
ISBN: 0072193794
// Proxy.cs -- Implements a multi-threaded Web proxy server
//    Compile this program with the following command line:
//     C:>csc Proxy.cs
using System;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using System.Threading;
namespace nsProxyServer
 public class ProxyServer
  static public void Main (string [] args)
   int Port = 3125;
   if (args.Length > 0)
     Port = Convert.ToInt32 (args[0]);
     Console.WriteLine ("Please enter a port number.");
    // Create a listener for the proxy port
    TcpListener sockServer = new TcpListener (Port);
    sockServer.Start ();
    while (true)
     // Accept connections on the proxy port.
     Socket socket = sockServer.AcceptSocket ();
     // When AcceptSocket returns, it means there is a connection. Create
     // an instance of the proxy server class and start a thread running.
     clsProxyConnection proxy = new clsProxyConnection (socket);
     Thread thrd = new Thread (new ThreadStart (proxy.Run));
     thrd.Start ();
     // While the thread is running, the main program thread will loop around
     // and listen for the next connection request.
   catch (IOException e)
    Console.WriteLine (e.Message);
 class clsProxyConnection
  public clsProxyConnection (Socket sockClient)
   m_sockClient = sockClient;
  Socket m_sockClient; //, m_sockServer;
  Byte [] readBuf = new Byte [1024];
  Byte [] buffer = null;
  Encoding ASCII = Encoding.ASCII;
  public void Run ()
   string strFromClient = "";
    // Read the incoming text on the socket/
    int bytes = ReadMessage (m_sockClient,
           readBuf, ref strFromClient);
    // If it's empty, it's an error, so just return.
    // This will termiate the thread.
    if (bytes == 0)
    // Get the URL for the connection. The client browser sends a GET command
    // followed by a space, then the URL, then and identifer for the HTTP version.
    // Extract the URL as the string betweeen the spaces.
    int index1 = strFromClient.IndexOf (' ');
    int index2 = strFromClient.IndexOf (' ', index1 + 1);
    string strClientConnection =
      strFromClient.Substring (index1 + 1, index2 - index1);
    if ((index1 < 0) || (index2 < 0))
     throw (new IOException ());
    // Write a messsage that we are connecting.
    Console.WriteLine ("Connecting to Site " +
    Console.WriteLine ("Connection from " +
    // Create a WebRequest object.
    WebRequest req = (WebRequest) WebRequest.Create
    // Get the response from the Web site.
    WebResponse response = req.GetResponse ();
    int BytesRead = 0;
    Byte [] Buffer = new Byte[32];
    int BytesSent = 0;
    // Create a response stream object.
    Stream ResponseStream = response.GetResponseStream();
    // Read the response into a buffer.
    BytesRead = ResponseStream.Read(Buffer,0,32);
    StringBuilder strResponse = new StringBuilder("");
    while (BytesRead != 0)
     // Pass the response back to the client
          0, BytesRead));
     m_sockClient.Send(Buffer, BytesRead, 0);
     BytesSent += BytesRead;
     // Read the next part of the response
     BytesRead = ResponseStream.Read(Buffer, 0, 32);
   catch (FileNotFoundException e)
    SendErrorPage (404, "File Not Found", e.Message);
   catch (IOException e)
    SendErrorPage (503, "Service not available", e.Message);
   catch (Exception e)
     SendErrorPage (404, "File Not Found", e.Message);
     Console.WriteLine (e.StackTrace);
     Console.WriteLine (e.Message);
    // Disconnect and close the socket.
    if (m_sockClient != null)
     if (m_sockClient.Connected)
      m_sockClient.Close ();
   // Returning from this method will terminate the thread.
  // Write an error response to the client.
  void SendErrorPage (int status, string strReason, string strText)
   SendMessage (m_sockClient, "HTTP/1.0" + " " +
       status + " " + strReason + "\r\n");
   SendMessage (m_sockClient, "Content-Type: text/plain" + "\r\n");
   SendMessage (m_sockClient, "Proxy-Connection: close" + "\r\n");
   SendMessage (m_sockClient, "\r\n");
   SendMessage (m_sockClient, status + " " + strReason);
   SendMessage (m_sockClient, strText);
  // Send a string to a socket.
  void SendMessage (Socket sock, string strMessage)
   buffer = new Byte [strMessage.Length + 1];
   int len = ASCII.GetBytes (strMessage.ToCharArray(),
          0, strMessage.Length, buffer, 0);
   sock.Send (buffer, len, 0);
  // Read a string from a socket.
  int ReadMessage (Socket sock, byte [] buf, ref string strMessage)
   int iBytes = sock.Receive (buf, 1024, 0);
   strMessage = Encoding.ASCII.GetString (buf);
   return (iBytes);




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    0.线程的本质 线程不是一个计算机硬件的功能,而是操作系统提供的一种逻辑功能,线程本质上是进程中一段并发运行的代码,所以线程需要操作系统投入CPU资源来运行和调度. 1.多线程: 使用多个处理句柄同时对多个任务进行控制处理的一种技术.据博主的理解,多线程就是该应用的主线程任命其他多个线程去协助它完成需要的功能,并且主线程和协助线程是完全独立进行的.不知道这样说好不好理解,后面慢慢在使用中会有更加详细的讲解. 2.多线程的使用: (1)最简单.最原始的使用方法:Thread oGetArgThre

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  • 如何使用C#读写锁ReaderWriterLockSlim

    读写锁的概念很简单,允许多个线程同时获取读锁,但同一时间只允许一个线程获得写锁,因此也称作共享-独占锁.在C#中,推荐使用ReaderWriterLockSlim类来完成读写锁的功能. 某些场合下,对一个对象的读取次数远远大于修改次数,如果只是简单的用lock方式加锁,则会影响读取的效率.而如果采用读写锁,则多个线程可以同时读取该对象,只有等到对象被写入锁占用的时候,才会阻塞. 简单的说,当某个线程进入读取模式时,此时其他线程依然能进入读取模式,假设此时一个线程要进入写入模式,那么他不得不被阻塞

  • C#如何对多线程、多任务管理(demo)

    下面一段内容有项目需求有项目分析,通过一个小demo给大家展示下C#如何对多线程.多任务管理的. 项目需求:假设多个任务需要执行,每个任务不是一时半会能完成(需要能看到中间执行状况): 多个任务 根据条件不同 可能需要不同的处理 项目分析: 多线程并发执行多任务: 对任务进行管理,追踪中间执行状态: 运用策略模式抽象执行类: public enum TaskStatus { wait = 0, working = 1, stop = 2, suspend = 3, complete = 4, f

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  • C#使用读写锁三行代码简单解决多线程并发的问题

    在开发程序的过程中,难免少不了写入错误日志这个关键功能.实现这个功能,可以选择使用第三方日志插件,也可以选择使用数据库,还可以自己写个简单的方法把错误信息记录到日志文件. 选择最后一种方法实现的时候,若对文件操作与线程同步不熟悉,问题就有可能出现了,因为同一个文件并不允许多个线程同时写入,否则会提示"文件正在由另一进程使用,因此该进程无法访问此文件". 这是文件的并发写入问题,就需要用到线程同步.而微软也给线程同步提供了一些相关的类可以达到这样的目的,本文使用到的 System.Thr

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