情感分析(sentiment analysis)是2018年公布的计算机科学技术名词。
pip install jieba pip install snownlp
# Importing the jieba module and renaming it to ja. import jieba as ja from snownlp import SnowNLP # Importing the snownlp module and renaming it to nlp.
# Creating a variable called analysis_text and assigning it the value of a string. analysis_text = '这个实在是太好用了,我非常的喜欢,下次一定还会购买的!'
# Using the jieba module to cut the analysis_text into a list of words. analysis_list = list(ja.cut(analysis_text)) # Printing the list of words that were cut from the analysis_text. print(analysis_list) # ['这个', '实在', '是', '太', '好', '用', '了', ',', '我', '非常', '的', '喜欢', ',', '下次', '一定', '还会', '购买', '的', '!']
# Importing the `posseg` module from the `jieba` module and renaming it to `seg`. import jieba.posseg as seg # This is a list comprehension that is creating a list of tuples. Each tuple contains the word and the flag. analysis_words = [(word.word, word.flag) for word in seg.cut(analysis_text)] # Printing the list of tuples that were created in the list comprehension. print(analysis_words) # [('这个', 'r'), ('实在', 'v'), ('是', 'v'), ('太', 'd'), ('好用', 'v'), ('了', 'ul'), (',', 'x'), ('我', 'r'), ('非常', 'd'), ('的', 'uj'), ('喜欢', 'v'), (',', 'x'), ('下次', 't'), ('一定', 'd'), ('还', 'd'), ('会', 'v'), ('购买', 'v'), ('的', 'uj'), ('!', 'x')]
# This is a list comprehension that is creating a list of tuples. Each tuple contains the word and the flag. keywords = [x for x in analysis_words if x[1] in ['a', 'd', 'v']] # Printing the list of tuples that were created in the list comprehension. print(keywords) # [('实在', 'v'), ('是', 'v'), ('太', 'd'), ('好用', 'v'), ('非常', 'd'), ('喜欢', 'v'), ('一定', 'd'), ('还', 'd'), ('会', 'v'), ('购买', 'v')]
# This is a list comprehension that is creating a list of words. keywords = [x[0] for x in keywords] # Printing the list of keywords that were created in the list comprehension. print(keywords) # ['实在', '是', '太', '好用', '非常', '喜欢', '一定', '还', '会', '购买']
# Creating a variable called `pos_num` and assigning it the value of 0. pos_num = 0 # Creating a variable called `neg_num` and assigning it the value of 0. neg_num = 0 # This is a for loop that is looping through each word in the list of keywords. for word in keywords: # Creating a variable called `sl` and assigning it the value of the `SnowNLP` function. sl = SnowNLP(word) # This is an if statement that is checking to see if the sentiment of the word is greater than 0.5. if sl.sentiments > 0.5: # Adding 1 to the value of `pos_num`. pos_num = pos_num + 1 else: # Adding 1 to the value of `neg_num`. neg_num = neg_num + 1 # This is printing the word and the sentiment of the word. print(word, str(sl.sentiments))
# 实在 0.3047790802524796 # 是 0.5262327818078083 # 太 0.34387502381406 # 好用 0.6558628208940429 # 非常 0.5262327818078083 # 喜欢 0.6994590939824207 # 一定 0.5262327818078083 # 还 0.5746682977321914 # 会 0.5539033457249072 # 购买 0.6502590673575129
# This is a string that is using the `format` method to insert the value of `pos_num` into the string. print('正面情绪关键词数量:{}'.format(pos_num)) # This is a string that is using the `format` method to insert the value of `neg_num` into the string. print('负面情绪关键词数量:{}'.format(neg_num)) # This is a string that is using the `format` method to insert the value of `pos_num` divided by the value of `pos_num` # plus the value of `neg_num` into the string. print('正面情绪所占比例:{}'.format(pos_num/(pos_num + neg_num))) # 正面情绪关键词数量:8 # 负面情绪关键词数量:2 # 正面情绪所占比例:0.8
以上就是Python基于jieba分词实现snownlp情感分析的详细内容,更多关于Python snownlp情感分析的资料请关注我们其它相关文章!