




class Settings:
 def __init__(self):
  self.picture_num = 4 # 每行图片数
  self.screen_width = 408 # 窗口宽度
  self.screen_length = 809 # 窗口长度
  self.picture_length = 100 # 每个正方形图片的长
  self.screen_bgcol = (96, 127, 255) # 背景颜色
  self.picture_bian = 1 # 每个图片的边缘宽度 ,便于分清每个照片
  self.picture_distance = 102 # 两个图片之间的距离


类的构造函数要接收一个数字,按着这个数字读生成相应图片的路径和名称 picture_name。在按照这个打开相应的照片。

class Picture:
 def __init__(self, num):
  self.picture_name = 'images/p{}.gif'.format(num)
  self.picture = pygame.image.load(self.picture_name) # 打开照片
  self.picture_rect = self.picture.get_rect() # 获得照片属性类
 def display_picture(self, screen, x, y): # 在屏幕上显示图片方法
  self.picture_rect.x = x
  self.picture_rect.y = y
  screen.blit(self.picture, self.picture_rect)




def data_begin(caozuoshu, p0, data):
 for i in caozuoshu:
  move(i, p0, data)

def move(i, p0, data):
 if i == 3 and p0[1] > 0:
  t = data[p0[0]][p0[1]]
  data[p0[0]][p0[1]] = data[p0[0]][p0[1]-1]
  data[p0[0]][p0[1]-1] = t
  p0[1] -= 1
 elif i == 4 and p0[1] < 3:
  t = data[p0[0]][p0[1]]
  data[p0[0]][p0[1]] = data[p0[0]][p0[1]+1]
  data[p0[0]][p0[1]+1] = t
  p0[1] += 1
 elif i == 1 and p0[0] > 0:
  t = data[p0[0]][p0[1]]
  data[p0[0]][p0[1]] = data[p0[0]-1][p0[1]]
  data[p0[0]-1][p0[1]] = t
  p0[0] -= 1
 elif i == 2 and p0[0] < 3:
  t = data[p0[0]][p0[1]]
  data[p0[0]][p0[1]] = data[p0[0]+1][p0[1]]
  data[p0[0]+1][p0[1]] = t
  p0[0] += 1

def create_caozuoshu():
 n = 30
 caozuo = [1, 2, 3, 4]
 caozuoshu = []
 for i in range(n):
 return caozuoshu



def create_pictures(picture, data, set):
 for i in range(set.picture_num):
  for j in range(set.picture_num):
   p = Picture(data[i][j])
   picture[i][j] = p


def screen_create(set):
 screen = pygame.display.set_mode((set.screen_length, set.screen_width))
 return screen


if __name__ == '__main__':
 set = Settings()
 # 初始数据
 data = [[9, 1, 3, 4],
   [2, 16, 14, 8],
   [6, 10, 5, 12],
   [13, 7, 11, 15]]
 p0 = [1, 1]
 caozuoshu = create_caozuoshu()
 data_begin(caozuoshu, p0, data)
 bushu = [0]
 # 创建图片
 picture = [[None, None, None, None],
    [None, None, None, None],
    [None, None, None, None],
    [None, None, None, None]]
 yuantu = Picture(17)
 create_pictures(picture, data, set) # 按照data生成相应顺序的picture列表
 # 创建窗口
 screen = screen_create(set)

 # 游戏主循环
 while True:
  check_events(picture, p0, data, bushu)
  screen_updata(picture, screen, set, yuantu)




def check_events(picture, p0, data, bushu):
 for event in pygame.event.get():
  if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
  elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and game_over(data, set, bushu):
   if event.key == pygame.K_DOWN and p0[0] > 0:
    xinhao = 1
    bushu[0] += 1
    updata(xinhao, picture, p0, data)
   elif event.key == pygame.K_UP and p0[0] < 3:
    xinhao = 2
    bushu[0] += 1
    updata(xinhao, picture, p0, data)
   elif event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT and p0[1] > 0:
    xinhao = 3
    bushu[0] += 1
    updata(xinhao, picture, p0, data)
   elif event.key == pygame.K_LEFT and p0[1] < 3:
    xinhao = 4
    bushu[0] += 1
    updata(xinhao, picture, p0, data)


def updata(xinhao, picture, p0, data):
 if xinhao == 3:
  tmp = picture[p0[0]][p0[1]]
  picture[p0[0]][p0[1]] = picture[p0[0]][p0[1]-1]
  picture[p0[0]][p0[1]-1] = tmp

  t = data[p0[0]][p0[1]]
  data[p0[0]][p0[1]] = data[p0[0]][p0[1]-1]
  data[p0[0]][p0[1]-1] = t
  p0[1] -= 1

 elif xinhao == 4:
  tmp = picture[p0[0]][p0[1]]
  picture[p0[0]][p0[1]] = picture[p0[0]][p0[1] + 1]
  picture[p0[0]][p0[1] + 1] = tmp

  t = data[p0[0]][p0[1]]
  data[p0[0]][p0[1]] = data[p0[0]][p0[1]+1]
  data[p0[0]][p0[1]+1] = t
  p0[1] += 1
 elif xinhao == 1:
  tmp = picture[p0[0]][p0[1]]
  picture[p0[0]][p0[1]] = picture[p0[0] - 1][p0[1]]
  picture[p0[0] - 1][p0[1]] = tmp

  t = data[p0[0]][p0[1]]
  data[p0[0]][p0[1]] = data[p0[0]-1][p0[1]]
  data[p0[0]-1][p0[1]] = t
  p0[0] -= 1
 elif xinhao == 2:
  tmp = picture[p0[0]][p0[1]]
  picture[p0[0]][p0[1]] = picture[p0[0] + 1][p0[1]]
  picture[p0[0] + 1][p0[1]] = tmp

  t = data[p0[0]][p0[1]]
  data[p0[0]][p0[1]] = data[p0[0] + 1][p0[1]]
  data[p0[0] +1][p0[1]] = t
  p0[0] += 1


def game_over(data, set,bushu):
 datao = [[1, 2, 3, 4],
    [5, 6, 7, 8],
    [9, 10, 11, 12],
    [13, 14, 15, 16]]
 for i in range(set.picture_num):
  for j in range(set.picture_num):
   if datao[i][j] != data[i][j]:
    return True
 print("牛逼!\n 游戏结束!\n 步数:{}".format(bushu[0]))
 return False



import pygame
import random
import sys

class Settings:
 def __init__(self):
  self.picture_num = 4
  self.screen_width = 408
  self.screen_length = 809
  self.picture_length = 100
  self.screen_bgcol = (96, 127, 255)
  self.picture_speed = 5
  self.picture_bian = 1
  self.picture_distance = 102

class Picture:
 def __init__(self, num):
  self.picture_name = 'images/p{}.gif'.format(num)
  self.picture = pygame.image.load(self.picture_name)
  self.picture_rect = self.picture.get_rect()
 def display_picture(self, screen, x, y):
  self.picture_rect.x = x
  self.picture_rect.y = y
  screen.blit(self.picture, self.picture_rect)
'''def data_begin(data,p0):
 n = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16]
 ns = 16
 for i in range(4):
  for j in range(4):
   num = random.randint(0, ns-1)
   ns -= 1
   data[i][j] = n.pop(num)
   if data[i][j] == 16:
    p0[0] = i
    p0[1] = j'''
def data_begin(caozuoshu, p0, data):
 for i in caozuoshu:
  move(i, p0, data)

def move(i, p0, data):
 if i == 3 and p0[1] > 0:
  t = data[p0[0]][p0[1]]
  data[p0[0]][p0[1]] = data[p0[0]][p0[1]-1]
  data[p0[0]][p0[1]-1] = t
  p0[1] -= 1
 elif i == 4 and p0[1] < 3:
  t = data[p0[0]][p0[1]]
  data[p0[0]][p0[1]] = data[p0[0]][p0[1]+1]
  data[p0[0]][p0[1]+1] = t
  p0[1] += 1
 elif i == 1 and p0[0] > 0:
  t = data[p0[0]][p0[1]]
  data[p0[0]][p0[1]] = data[p0[0]-1][p0[1]]
  data[p0[0]-1][p0[1]] = t
  p0[0] -= 1
 elif i == 2 and p0[0] < 3:
  t = data[p0[0]][p0[1]]
  data[p0[0]][p0[1]] = data[p0[0]+1][p0[1]]
  data[p0[0]+1][p0[1]] = t
  p0[0] += 1

def create_caozuoshu():
 n = 30
 caozuo = [1, 2, 3, 4]
 caozuoshu = []
 for i in range(n):
 return caozuoshu

def create_pictures(picture, data, set):
 for i in range(set.picture_num):
  for j in range(set.picture_num):
   p = Picture(data[i][j])
   picture[i][j] = p

def screen_updata(picture, screen, set, yuantu):
 x, y = 402, set.picture_bian
 for i in range(set.picture_num):
  for j in range(set.picture_num):
   picture[i][j].display_picture(screen, x, y)
   x += set.picture_distance
  x = 402
  y += set.picture_distance
 yuantu.display_picture(screen, 1, 4)

def screen_create(set):
 screen = pygame.display.set_mode((set.screen_length, set.screen_width))
 return screen

def game_over(data, set,bushu):
 datao = [[1, 2, 3, 4],
    [5, 6, 7, 8],
    [9, 10, 11, 12],
    [13, 14, 15, 16]]
 for i in range(set.picture_num):
  for j in range(set.picture_num):
   if datao[i][j] != data[i][j]:
    return True
 print("牛逼!\n 游戏结束!\n 步数:{}".format(bushu[0]))
 return False

def updata(xinhao, picture, p0, data):
 if xinhao == 3:
  tmp = picture[p0[0]][p0[1]]
  picture[p0[0]][p0[1]] = picture[p0[0]][p0[1]-1]
  picture[p0[0]][p0[1]-1] = tmp

  t = data[p0[0]][p0[1]]
  data[p0[0]][p0[1]] = data[p0[0]][p0[1]-1]
  data[p0[0]][p0[1]-1] = t
  p0[1] -= 1

 elif xinhao == 4:
  tmp = picture[p0[0]][p0[1]]
  picture[p0[0]][p0[1]] = picture[p0[0]][p0[1] + 1]
  picture[p0[0]][p0[1] + 1] = tmp

  t = data[p0[0]][p0[1]]
  data[p0[0]][p0[1]] = data[p0[0]][p0[1]+1]
  data[p0[0]][p0[1]+1] = t
  p0[1] += 1
 elif xinhao == 1:
  tmp = picture[p0[0]][p0[1]]
  picture[p0[0]][p0[1]] = picture[p0[0] - 1][p0[1]]
  picture[p0[0] - 1][p0[1]] = tmp

  t = data[p0[0]][p0[1]]
  data[p0[0]][p0[1]] = data[p0[0]-1][p0[1]]
  data[p0[0]-1][p0[1]] = t
  p0[0] -= 1
 elif xinhao == 2:
  tmp = picture[p0[0]][p0[1]]
  picture[p0[0]][p0[1]] = picture[p0[0] + 1][p0[1]]
  picture[p0[0] + 1][p0[1]] = tmp

  t = data[p0[0]][p0[1]]
  data[p0[0]][p0[1]] = data[p0[0] + 1][p0[1]]
  data[p0[0] +1][p0[1]] = t
  p0[0] += 1

def check_events(picture, p0, data, bushu):
 for event in pygame.event.get():
  if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
  elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and game_over(data, set, bushu):
   if event.key == pygame.K_DOWN and p0[0] > 0:
    xinhao = 1
    bushu[0] += 1
    updata(xinhao, picture, p0, data)
   elif event.key == pygame.K_UP and p0[0] < 3:
    xinhao = 2
    bushu[0] += 1
    updata(xinhao, picture, p0, data)
   elif event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT and p0[1] > 0:
    xinhao = 3
    bushu[0] += 1
    updata(xinhao, picture, p0, data)
   elif event.key == pygame.K_LEFT and p0[1] < 3:
    xinhao = 4
    bushu[0] += 1
    updata(xinhao, picture, p0, data)

if __name__ == '__main__':
 set = Settings()
 # 初始数据
 data = [[9, 1, 3, 4],
   [2, 16, 14, 8],
   [6, 10, 5, 12],
   [13, 7, 11, 15]]
 p0 = [1, 1]
 caozuoshu = create_caozuoshu()
 data_begin(caozuoshu, p0, data)
 bushu = [0]
 # 创建图片
 picture = [[None, None, None, None],
    [None, None, None, None],
    [None, None, None, None],
    [None, None, None, None]]
 yuantu = Picture(17)
 create_pictures(picture, data, set)
 # 创建窗口
 screen = screen_create(set)

 # 游戏主循环
 while True:
  check_events(picture, p0, data, bushu)
  screen_updata(picture, screen, set, yuantu)





  • Python加pyGame实现的简单拼图游戏实例

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  • 利用python制作拼图小游戏的全过程

    开发工具 Python版本:3.6.4 相关模块: pygame模块: 以及一些Python自带的模块 关注公众号:Python学习指南,回复"拼图"即可获取源码 环境搭建 安装Python并添加到环境变量,pip安装需要的相关模块即可. 原理介绍 游戏简介: 将图像分为m×n个矩形块,并将图像右下角的矩形块替换为空白块后,将这些矩形块随机摆放成原图像的形状.游戏目标为通过移动非空白块将随机摆放获得的图像恢复成原图像的模样,且规定移动操作仅存在于非空白块移动到空白块. 例如下图所示:

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    Python小白一只,正在成长,程序自己设计,很多不足,算法很多地方能优化.欢迎大佬来指教. 游戏效果 创建设置类,储存游戏基础数据 可以不使用这个类,在程序中直接使用相应的数据.但是使用这个类更便于程序阅读和修改基础数据. class Settings: def __init__(self): self.picture_num = 4 # 每行图片数 self.screen_width = 408 # 窗口宽度 self.screen_length = 809 # 窗口长度 self.pict

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    引言 最近python语言大火,除了在科学计算领域python有用武之地之外,在游戏.后台等方面,python也大放异彩,本篇博文将按照正规的项目开发流程,手把手教大家写个python小游戏,来感受下其中的有趣之处.本次开发的游戏叫做alien invasion. 安装pygame并创建能左右移动的飞船 安装pygame 本人电脑是windows 10.python3.6,pygame下载地址: 传送门 请自行下载对应python版本的pygame 运行以下命令 $ pip install wh

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