

class xtable
 private $tit,$arr,$fons,$sextra;
 public function __construct()
  $this->tit=array();       // strings with titles for first row
  $this->arr=array();       // data to show on cells
  $this->fons=array("#EEEEEE","#CCEEEE");  // background colors for odd and even rows
  $this->sextra="";       // extra html code for table tag

public function extra($s)      // add some html code for the tag table
 public function background($arr) {if (is_array($arr)) $this->fons=$arr; else $this->fons=array($arr,$arr);}
 public function titles($text,$style="") {$this->tit=$text; $this->sesttit=$style;}
 public function addrow($a) {$this->arr[]=$a;}
 public function addrows($arr) {$n=count($arr); for($i=0;$i<$n;$i++) $this->addrow($arr[$i]);}
 public function html()

   $celdas.=sprintf("<tr style='background-color:%s'>",$this->fons[$i%2]);
    $celdas.=sprintf("<td  %s>%s</td>","",$linea[$j]);
  return sprintf("<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' border='1' %s>%s%s</table>",$this->sextra,$titulos,$celdas);
 public function example()
  $x=new xtable();
  $x->titles($tit);      //take titles array
  $x->addrows(array($r1,$r2));   // take all rows at same time
  return $x->html();     //return html code to get/show/save it

// Example
$t1=new xtable();
echo $t1->example()."<hr />";

$t2=new xtable();
$t2->extra(" style='width:500px; background-color:cyan; color:navy;'");
echo $t2->html()."<hr />";

$t3=new xtable();

$t3->titles(array("Multiplication table","5"));
$t3->extra("style='border:dotted red 10px; padding-left:4px;padding-right:4px; text-align:right;width:500px; background-color:black; color:white;'");
echo $t3->html()."<hr />";

$t4=new xtable();
$tit=array(); $tit[]="Numbers";
for($i=1;$i<=10;$i++) $tit[]="#";
$t4->extra("style='border:solid 1px silver; padding-left:4px;padding-right:4px; text-align:center;width:500px; background-color:cyan; color:navy;'");
echo $t4->html()."<hr />";



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