
  • K-近邻算法概述
  • 工作原理
  • 实施KNN算法
  • 示例:手写识别系统


简单地说, k-近邻算法采用测量不同特征值之间的距离方法进行分类。


  • 优点:精度高、对异常值不敏感、无数据输入假定。
  • 缺点: 计算复杂度高、空间复杂度高。

适用数据范围: 数值型和标称型。


  • 存在一个样本数据集合, 也称作训练样本集, 并且样本集中每个数据都存在标签, 知道样本集中每一数据与所属分类的对应关系。
  • 输入没有标签的新数据后, 将新数据的每个特征与样本集中数据对应的特征进行比较, 然后算法提取样本集中特征最相似数据 (最近邻)的分类标签。
  • 一般来说, 只选择样本数据集中前 k个最相似的数据, 这就是k-近邻算法中k的出处, 通常 k 是不大于 20 的整数。
  • 最后, 选择 k个最相似数据中出现次数最多的分类, 作为新数据的分类。


  1. 收集数据: 可以使用任何方法。
  2. 准备数据: 距离计算所需要的数值, 最好是结构化的数据格式。
  3. 分析数据: 可以使用任何方法。
  4. 训练算法: 此步骤不适用于 k-近邻算法。
  5. 测试算法: 计算错误率。
  6. 使用算法: 首先需要输入样本数据和结构化的输出结果, 然后运行 k-近邻算法判定输 入数据分别属于哪个分类, 最后应用对计算出的分类执行后续的处理。
from numpy import *
import operator
def createDataSet():
    group = array([[1.0,1.1],[1.0,1.0],[0,0],[0,0.1]])
    labels = ['A','A','B','B']
    return group, labels
group, labels = createDataSet()
array([[1. , 1.1],
       [1. , 1. ],
       [0. , 0. ],
       [0. , 0.1]])
['A', 'A', 'B', 'B']
a = tile([3,3],(4,1))
array([[3, 3],
       [3, 3],
       [3, 3],
       [3, 3]])




  1. 计算已知类别数据集中的点与当前点之间的距离;
  2. 按照距离递增次序排序;
  3. 选取与当前点距离最小的k个点;
  4. 确定前k个点所在类别的出现频率;
  5. 返回前k个点出现频率最高的类别作为当前点的预测分类。
def classify0(inX, dataSet, labels, k):
    dataSetSize = dataSet.shape[0]
    diffMat = tile(inX,(dataSetSize,1)) - dataSet
    sqDiffMat = diffMat**2
    sqDistances = sqDiffMat.sum(axis=1)
    distances = sqDistances**0.5
    sortedDistIndicies = distances.argsort()
    classCount = {}
    for i in range(k):
        voteIlabel = labels[sortedDistIndicies[i]]
        classCount[voteIlabel] = classCount.get(voteIlabel,0) + 1
    sortedClassCount = sorted(classCount.items(),key = operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
    return sortedClassCount[0][0]



示例: 使用k-近邻算法的手写识别系统

  1. 收集数据: 提供文本文件。
  2. 准备数据: 编写函数 classify0(), 将图像格式转换为分类器使用的list格式。
  3. 分析数据: 在Python命令提示符中检查数据, 确保它符合要求。
  4. 训练算法: 此步骤不适用于 k-近邻算法。
  5. 测试算法: 编写函数使用提供的部分数据集作为测试样本, 测试样本与非测试样本 的区别在于测试样本是已经完成分类的数据, 如果预测分类与实际类别不同, 则标记 为一个错误。
  6. 使用算法:本例没有完成此步骤,若你感兴趣可以构建完整的应用程序,从图像中提 取数字, 并完成数字识别, 美国的邮件分栋系统就是一个实际运行的类似系统。


def img2vector(filename):
    returnVect = zeros((1,1024))
    fr = open(filename)
    for i in range(32):
        lineStr = fr.readline()
        for j in range(32):
            returnVect[0,32*i+j] = int(lineStr[j])
    return returnVect
testVector = img2vector('digits/testDigits/0_13.txt')
array([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 1., 1.,
       1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.])
from os import listdir
def handwritingClassTest():
    hwLables = []
    trainingFileList = listdir('digits/trainingDigits')
    m = len(trainingFileList)
    trainingMat = zeros((m,1024))
    for i in range(m):
        fileNameStr = trainingFileList[i]
        fileStr = fileNameStr.split('.')[0]
        classNumStr = int(fileStr.split('_')[0])
        trainingMat[i,:] = img2vector('digits/trainingDigits/%s' % fileNameStr)
    testFileList = listdir('digits/testDigits')
    errorCount = 0.0
    mTest = len(testFileList)
    for i in range(mTest):
        fileNameStr = testFileList[i]
        fileStr = fileNameStr.split('.')[0]
        classNumStr = int(fileStr.split('_')[0])
        vectorUnderTest = img2vector('digits/testDigits/%s' % fileNameStr)
        classifierResult = classify0(vectorUnderTest, trainingMat,hwLables,3)
        print("the classifier came back width: %d, the real answer is: %d" % (classifierResult,classNumStr))
        if(classifierResult != classNumStr):
            errorCount += 1.0
    print("\nthe total number of errors is :%d" % errorCount)
    print("\nthe total error rate is:%f" % (errorCount/float(mTest)))
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the classifier came back width: 9, the real answer is: 9
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the classifier came back width: 7, the real answer is: 7
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the classifier came back width: 6, the real answer is: 6
the classifier came back width: 3, the real answer is: 3
the classifier came back width: 2, the real answer is: 2
the classifier came back width: 2, the real answer is: 2
the classifier came back width: 2, the real answer is: 2
the classifier came back width: 2, the real answer is: 2
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the classifier came back width: 5, the real answer is: 5
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the classifier came back width: 9, the real answer is: 9
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the classifier came back width: 3, the real answer is: 3
the classifier came back width: 9, the real answer is: 9
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the classifier came back width: 9, the real answer is: 9
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the classifier came back width: 6, the real answer is: 6
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the classifier came back width: 5, the real answer is: 5
the classifier came back width: 5, the real answer is: 5
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the classifier came back width: 5, the real answer is: 5
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the classifier came back width: 2, the real answer is: 2
the classifier came back width: 9, the real answer is: 9
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the classifier came back width: 3, the real answer is: 3
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the classifier came back width: 4, the real answer is: 4
the classifier came back width: 3, the real answer is: 3
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the classifier came back width: 4, the real answer is: 4
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the classifier came back width: 7, the real answer is: 7
the classifier came back width: 4, the real answer is: 4
the classifier came back width: 4, the real answer is: 4
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the classifier came back width: 4, the real answer is: 4
the classifier came back width: 4, the real answer is: 4
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the classifier came back width: 4, the real answer is: 4
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the classifier came back width: 5, the real answer is: 5
the classifier came back width: 3, the real answer is: 3
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the classifier came back width: 5, the real answer is: 5
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the classifier came back width: 5, the real answer is: 5
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the classifier came back width: 9, the real answer is: 9
the classifier came back width: 9, the real answer is: 9
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the classifier came back width: 8, the real answer is: 8
the classifier came back width: 9, the real answer is: 9
the classifier came back width: 9, the real answer is: 9
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the classifier came back width: 6, the real answer is: 6
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the classifier came back width: 7, the real answer is: 7
the classifier came back width: 7, the real answer is: 7
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the classifier came back width: 4, the real answer is: 4
the classifier came back width: 4, the real answer is: 4
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the classifier came back width: 4, the real answer is: 4
the classifier came back width: 4, the real answer is: 4
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the classifier came back width: 9, the real answer is: 9
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the classifier came back width: 3, the real answer is: 3
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the classifier came back width: 9, the real answer is: 9
the classifier came back width: 9, the real answer is: 9
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the classifier came back width: 6, the real answer is: 6
the classifier came back width: 6, the real answer is: 6
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the classifier came back width: 6, the real answer is: 6
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the classifier came back width: 1, the real answer is: 1
the classifier came back width: 1, the real answer is: 1
the classifier came back width: 1, the real answer is: 1
the classifier came back width: 1, the real answer is: 1
the classifier came back width: 1, the real answer is: 1
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the classifier came back width: 4, the real answer is: 4
the classifier came back width: 4, the real answer is: 4
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the classifier came back width: 7, the real answer is: 7
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the classifier came back width: 5, the real answer is: 5
the classifier came back width: 5, the real answer is: 5
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the classifier came back width: 2, the real answer is: 2
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the classifier came back width: 2, the real answer is: 2
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the classifier came back width: 6, the real answer is: 6
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the classifier came back width: 9, the real answer is: 9
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the classifier came back width: 5, the real answer is: 5
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the classifier came back width: 7, the real answer is: 7
the classifier came back width: 7, the real answer is: 7
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the classifier came back width: 5, the real answer is: 5
the classifier came back width: 1, the real answer is: 1
the classifier came back width: 1, the real answer is: 1
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the classifier came back width: 4, the real answer is: 4
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the classifier came back width: 5, the real answer is: 5
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the classifier came back width: 5, the real answer is: 5
the classifier came back width: 9, the real answer is: 9
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the classifier came back width: 6, the real answer is: 6
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the classifier came back width: 8, the real answer is: 8
the classifier came back width: 9, the real answer is: 9
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the classifier came back width: 9, the real answer is: 9
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the classifier came back width: 9, the real answer is: 9
the classifier came back width: 9, the real answer is: 9
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the classifier came back width: 5, the real answer is: 5
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the classifier came back width: 3, the real answer is: 3
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the classifier came back width: 3, the real answer is: 3
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the classifier came back width: 3, the real answer is: 3
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the classifier came back width: 3, the real answer is: 3
the classifier came back width: 3, the real answer is: 3
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the classifier came back width: 3, the real answer is: 3
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the classifier came back width: 8, the real answer is: 8
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the classifier came back width: 8, the real answer is: 8
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the classifier came back width: 4, the real answer is: 4
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the classifier came back width: 8, the real answer is: 8
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the classifier came back width: 5, the real answer is: 5
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the classifier came back width: 9, the real answer is: 9
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the classifier came back width: 3, the real answer is: 3
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the classifier came back width: 7, the real answer is: 7
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the classifier came back width: 5, the real answer is: 5
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the classifier came back width: 9, the real answer is: 9
the classifier came back width: 8, the real answer is: 8
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the classifier came back width: 6, the real answer is: 6
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the classifier came back width: 6, the real answer is: 6
the classifier came back width: 1, the real answer is: 1
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the classifier came back width: 9, the real answer is: 9
the classifier came back width: 9, the real answer is: 9
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the classifier came back width: 1, the real answer is: 1
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the classifier came back width: 5, the real answer is: 5
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the classifier came back width: 8, the real answer is: 8
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the classifier came back width: 8, the real answer is: 8
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the classifier came back width: 8, the real answer is: 8
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the total number of errors is :10

the total error rate is:0.010571

以上就是Python机器学习实战之k-近邻算法的实现的详细内容,更多关于Python k-近邻算法的资料请关注我们其它相关文章!



  • 用python实现k近邻算法的示例代码

    K近邻算法(或简称kNN)是易于理解和实现的算法,而且是你解决问题的强大工具. 什么是kNN kNN算法的模型就是整个训练数据集.当需要对一个未知数据实例进行预测时,kNN算法会在训练数据集中搜寻k个最相似实例.对k个最相似实例的属性进行归纳,将其作为对未知实例的预测. 相似性度量依赖于数据类型.对于实数,可以使用欧式距离来计算.其他类型的数据,如分类数据或二进制数据,可以用汉明距离. 对于回归问题,会返回k个最相似实例属性的平均值.对于分类问题,会返回k个最相似实例属性出现最多的属性. kNN

  • Python实现KNN(K-近邻)算法的示例代码

    一.概述 KNN(K-最近邻)算法是相对比较简单的机器学习算法之一,它主要用于对事物进行分类.用比较官方的话来说就是:给定一个训练数据集,对新的输入实例,在训练数据集中找到与该实例最邻近的K个实例, 这K个实例的多数属于某个类,就把该输入实例分类到这个类中.为了更好地理解,通过一个简单的例子说明. 我们有一组自拟的关于电影中镜头的数据: 那么问题来了,如果有一部电影 X,它的打戏为 3,吻戏为 2.那么这部电影应该属于哪一类? 我们把所有数据通过图表显示出来(圆点代表的是自拟的数据,也称训练集:

  • python实现K最近邻算法

    KNN核心算法函数,具体内容如下 #! /usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # fileName : # author : import math def getMaxLocate(target): # 查找target中最大值的locate maxValue = float("-inFinIty") for i in range(len(target)

  • python机器学习基础K近邻算法详解KNN

    目录 一.k-近邻算法原理及API 1.k-近邻算法原理 2.k-近邻算法API 3.k-近邻算法特点 二.k-近邻算法案例分析案例信息概述 第一部分:处理数据 1.数据量缩小 2.处理时间 3.进一步处理时间 4.提取并构造时间特征 5.删除无用特征 6.签到数量少于3次的地点,删除 7.提取目标值y 8.数据分割 第二部分:特征工程 标准化 第三部分:进行算法流程 1.算法执行 2.预测结果 3.检验效果 一.k-近邻算法原理及API 1.k-近邻算法原理 如果一个样本在特征空间中的k个最相

  • Python机器学习实战之k-近邻算法的实现

    目录 K-近邻算法概述 工作原理 实施KNN算法 示例:手写识别系统 K-近邻算法概述 简单地说, k-近邻算法采用测量不同特征值之间的距离方法进行分类. k-近邻算法 优点:精度高.对异常值不敏感.无数据输入假定. 缺点: 计算复杂度高.空间复杂度高. 适用数据范围: 数值型和标称型. 工作原理 存在一个样本数据集合, 也称作训练样本集, 并且样本集中每个数据都存在标签, 知道样本集中每一数据与所属分类的对应关系. 输入没有标签的新数据后, 将新数据的每个特征与样本集中数据对应的特征进行比较,

  • python机器学习案例教程——K最近邻算法的实现

    K最近邻属于一种分类算法,他的解释最容易,近朱者赤,近墨者黑,我们想看一个人是什么样的,看他的朋友是什么样的就可以了.当然其他还牵着到,看哪方面和朋友比较接近(对象特征),怎样才算是跟朋友亲近,一起吃饭还是一起逛街算是亲近(距离函数),根据朋友的优秀不优秀如何评判目标任务优秀不优秀(分类算法),是否不同优秀程度的朋友和不同的接近程度要考虑一下(距离权重),看几个朋友合适(k值),能否以分数的形式表示优秀度(概率分布). K最近邻概念: 它的工作原理是:存在一个样本数据集合,也称作为训练样本集,并

  • python机器学习实战之K均值聚类

    本文实例为大家分享了python K均值聚类的具体代码,供大家参考,具体内容如下 #-*- coding:utf-8 -*- #!/usr/bin/python ''''' k Means K均值聚类 ''' # 测试 # K均值聚类 import kMeans as KM KM.kMeansTest() # 二分K均值聚类 import kMeans as KM KM.biKMeansTest() # 地理位置 二分K均值聚类 import kMeans as KM KM.clusterClu

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    一.折半查找算法 折半查找算法又称为二分查找算法,折半查找算法是将数据分割成两等份,首先用键值(要查找的数据)与中间值进行比较.如果键值小于中间值,可确定要查找的键值在前半段:如果键值大于中间值,可确定要查找的键值在后半段.然后对前半段(后半段)进行分割,将其分成两等份,再对比键值.如此循环比较.分割,直到找到数据或者确定数据不存在为止.折半查找的缺点是只适用于已经初步排序好的数列:优点是查找速度快. 生活中也有类似于折半查找的例子,例如,猜数字游戏.在游戏开始之前,首先会给出一定的数字范围(例

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  • Python算法练习之二分查找算法的实现

    目录 1. 算法描述 2. 算法分析 3. 算法思路 4. 代码实现 纯算法实现 递归法实现 1. 算法描述 二分法是一种效率比较高的搜索方法 回忆之前做过的猜数字的小游戏,预先给定一个小于100的正整数x,让你猜猜测过程中给予大小判断的提示,问你怎样快速地猜出来? 我们之前做的游戏给定的是10次机会,如果我们学会.二分查找法以后,不管数字是多少,最多只需要7次就能猜到数字. 2. 算法分析 1.必须是有序的序列. 2.对数据量大小有要求. 数据量太小不适合二分查找,与直接遍历相比效率提升不明显

  • python机器学习实战之最近邻kNN分类器

    K近邻法是有监督学习方法,原理很简单,假设我们有一堆分好类的样本数据,分好类表示每个样本都一个对应的已知类标签,当来一个测试样本要我们判断它的类别是, 就分别计算到每个样本的距离,然后选取离测试样本最近的前K个样本的标签累计投票, 得票数最多的那个标签就为测试样本的标签. 源代码详解: #-*- coding:utf-8 -*- #!/usr/bin/python # 测试代码 约会数据分类 import KNN KNN.datingClassTest1() 标签为字符串 KNN.datingC

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  • Python机器学习算法之k均值聚类(k-means)


  • python机器学习实战之树回归详解

    本文实例为大家分享了树回归的具体代码,供大家参考,具体内容如下 #-*- coding:utf-8 -*- #!/usr/bin/python ''''' 回归树 连续值回归预测 的 回归树 ''' # 测试代码 # import regTrees as RT RT.RtTreeTest() RT.RtTreeTest('ex0.txt') RT.RtTreeTest('ex2.txt') # import regTrees as RT RT.RtTreeTest('ex2.txt',ops=(
