

Filesystem   Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/vda1    40G 3.1G  35G  9% /
tmpfs      939M   0 939M  0% /dev/shm

在整理数据时,以前我都是直接split(' '), 结果当然是很不理想啊,今天get到了一个新技术----直接split()


if __name__ == '__main__':
  line = '/dev/vda1    40G 3.1G  35G  9% /'
  arr = line.split()
  print(arr) # ['/dev/vda1', '40G', '3.1G', '35G', '9%', '/']



if __name__ == '__main__':
  line = '/dev/vda1    40G 3.1G  35G  9% /'
  # arr = line.split()
  # print(arr)

  ret = list(filter(None, line.split(' ')))
  print(ret) #['/dev/vda1', '40G', '3.1G', '35G', '9%', '/']





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    使用filter函数,实现一个条件判断函数即可. 比如想过滤掉字符串数组中某个敏感词,示范代码如下: #filter out some unwanted tags def passed(item): try: return item != "techbrood" #can be more a complicated condition here except ValueError: return False org_words = [["this","is
