
在Golang中,如何将一个结构体转成map? 本文介绍两种方法。第一种是是使用json包解析解码编码。第二种是使用反射,使用反射的效率比较高,代码在这里。如果觉得代码有用,可以给我的代码仓库一个star。


func newUser() User {
 name := "user"
 MyGithub := GithubPage{
 URL: "https://github.com/liangyaopei",
 Star: 1,
 NoDive := StructNoDive{NoDive: 1}
 dateStr := "2020-07-21 12:00:00"
 date, _ := time.Parse(timeLayout, dateStr)
 profile := Profile{
 Experience: "my experience",
 Date:    date,
 return User{
 Name:   name,
 Github:  MyGithub,
 NoDive:  NoDive,
 MyProfile: profile,

type User struct {
 Name   string    `map:"name,omitempty"`    // string
 Github  GithubPage  `map:"github,dive,omitempty"` // struct dive
 NoDive  StructNoDive `map:"no_dive,omitempty"`   // no dive struct
 MyProfile Profile   `map:"my_profile,omitempty"` // struct implements its own method

type GithubPage struct {
 URL string `map:"url"`
 Star int  `map:"star"`

type StructNoDive struct {
 NoDive int

type Profile struct {
 Experience string  `map:"experience"`
 Date    time.Time `map:"time"`

// its own toMap method
func (p Profile) StructToMap() (key string, value interface{}) {
 return "time", p.Date.Format(timeLayout)



data, _ := json.Marshal(&user)
m := make(map[string]interface{})
json.Unmarshal(data, &m)


使用简单 劣势






 "name":  "user",
 "no_dive": StructNoDive{NoDive: 1},
  // dive struct field
 "url":   "https://github.com/liangyaopei",
 "star":  1,
  // customized method
 "time":  "2020-07-21 12:00:00",

实现思路 & 源码解析




'omitempty' : 当这个域的值为空,忽略这个域

'dive' : 递归地遍历这个结构体,将所有字段作为键


const (
 OptIgnore  = "-"
 OptOmitempty = "omitempty"
 OptDive   = "dive"

const (
 flagIgnore = 1 << iota

func readTag(f reflect.StructField, tag string) (string, int) {
 val, ok := f.Tag.Lookup(tag)
 fieldTag := ""
 flag := 0

 // no tag, use field name
 if !ok {
 return f.Name, flag
 opts := strings.Split(val, ",")

 fieldTag = opts[0]
 for i := 1; i < len(opts); i++ {
 switch opts[i] {
 case OptIgnore:
  flag |= flagIgnore
 case OptOmitempty:
  flag |= flagOmiEmpty
 case OptDive:
  flag |= flagDive
 return fieldTag, flag



for i := 0; i < t.NumField(); i++ {
    switch fieldValue.Kind() {
 case reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int, reflect.Int64:
  res[tagVal] = fieldValue.Int()
 case reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint64:
  res[tagVal] = fieldValue.Uint()
 case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
  res[tagVal] = fieldValue.Float()
 case reflect.String:
  res[tagVal] = fieldValue.String()
 case reflect.Bool:
  res[tagVal] = fieldValue.Bool()



for i := 0; i < t.NumField(); i++ {
 fieldType := t.Field(i)

 // ignore unexported field
 if fieldType.PkgPath != "" {
 // read tag
 tagVal, flag := readTag(fieldType, tag)

 if flag&flagIgnore != 0 {

 fieldValue := v.Field(i)
 if flag&flagOmiEmpty != 0 && fieldValue.IsZero() {

 // ignore nil pointer in field
 if fieldValue.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && fieldValue.IsNil() {
 if fieldValue.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
  fieldValue = fieldValue.Elem()

 // get kind
 switch fieldValue.Kind() {
 case reflect.Struct:
  _, ok := fieldValue.Type().MethodByName(methodName)
  if ok {
  key, value, err := callFunc(fieldValue, methodName)
  if err != nil {
   return nil, err
  res[key] = value
  // recursive
  deepRes, deepErr := StructToMap(fieldValue.Interface(), tag, methodName)
  if deepErr != nil {
  return nil, deepErr
  if flag&flagDive != 0 {
  for k, v := range deepRes {
   res[k] = v
  } else {
  res[tagVal] = deepRes

// call function
func callFunc(fv reflect.Value, methodName string) (string, interface{}, error) {
 methodRes := fv.MethodByName(methodName).Call([]reflect.Value{})
 if len(methodRes) != methodResNum {
 return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("wrong method %s, should have 2 output: (string,interface{})", methodName)
 if methodRes[0].Kind() != reflect.String {
 return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("wrong method %s, first output should be string", methodName)
 key := methodRes[0].String()
 return key, methodRes[1], nil



switch fieldValue.Kind() {
 case reflect.Slice, reflect.Array:
  _, ok := fieldValue.Type().MethodByName(methodName)
  if ok {
  key, value, err := callFunc(fieldValue, methodName)
  if err != nil {
   return nil, err
  res[key] = value
      res[tagVal] = fieldValue



switch fieldValue.Kind() {
 case reflect.Map:
  res[tagVal] = fieldValue
 case reflect.Chan:
  res[tagVal] = fieldValue
 case reflect.Interface:
  res[tagVal] = fieldValue.Interface()




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