




此端口扫描器的源码,文档及详细调用方法见Github PythonPortScanner by Yaokai




I. 利用TCP握手连接扫描一个给定的(ip,port)地址对

为了实现端口扫描,我们首先明白如何使用python socket与给定的(ip, port)进行TCP握手。为了完成TCP握手,我们需要先初始化一个TCP socket。在python中新建一个TCP socket的代码如下:

TCP_sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) #(1)
TCP_sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEPORT, 1) #(2)
TCP_sock.settimeout(delay) #(3)

其中(1)是初始化socket的代码,socket.AF_INTE参数表示IPv4 socketsocket.SOCK_STREAM参数表示TCP socket。这样我们就初始化了一个使用IPv4,TCP协议的socket。



  result = TCP_sock.connect_ex((ip, int(port_number)))

  # If the TCP handshake is successful, the port is OPEN. Otherwise it is CLOSE
  if result == 0:
    output[port_number] = 'OPEN'
    output[port_number] = 'CLOSE'


except socket.error as e:
  output[port_number] = 'CLOSE'


需要注意的是,在连接完成后我们一定要调用socket.close()方法来关闭与远程端口之间的TCP连接。否则的话我们的扫描操作可能会引起所谓的TCP连接悬挂问题(Hanging TCP connection)。


Perform status checking for a given port on a given ip address using TCP handshake

Keyword arguments:
ip -- the ip address that is being scanned
port_number -- the port that is going to be checked
delay -- the time in seconds that a TCP socket waits until timeout
output -- a dict() that stores result pairs in {port, status} style (status = 'OPEN' or 'CLOSE')
def __TCP_connect(ip, port_number, delay, output):
  # Initilize the TCP socket object
  TCP_sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
  TCP_sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEPORT, 1)

    result = TCP_sock.connect_ex((ip, int(port_number)))

    # If the TCP handshake is successful, the port is OPEN. Otherwise it is CLOSE
    if result == 0:
      output[port_number] = 'OPEN'
      output[port_number] = 'CLOSE'


  except socket.error as e:

    output[port_number] = 'CLOSE'

II. 多线程扫描端口




__port_list = [1,3,6,9,13,17,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,30,32,37,42,49,53,70,79,80,81,82,83,84,88,89,99,106,109,110,113,119,125,135,139,143,146,161,163,179,199,211,222,254,255,259,264,280,301,306,311,340,366,389,406,416,425,427,443,444,458,464,481,497,500,512,513,514,524,541,543,544,548,554,563,...]


1. 取出一个端口
2. 新建一条线程,利用__TCP_connect()函数对该(ip,port)进行连接操作。
3. 调用thread.start()thread.join()方法,使扫描的子线程开始工作并且命令主线程等待子线程死亡后再结束。
4. 重复这个过程直到所有的端口都被扫描过。


Open multiple threads to perform port scanning

Keyword arguments:
ip -- the ip address that is being scanned
delay -- the time in seconds that a TCP socket waits until timeout
output -- a dict() that stores result pairs in {port, status} style (status = 'OPEN' or 'CLOSE')
def __scan_ports_helper(ip, delay, output):

  Multithreading port scanning

  port_index = 0

  while port_index < len(__port_list):

    # Ensure that the number of cocurrently running threads does not exceed the thread limit
    while threading.activeCount() < __thread_limit and port_index < len(__port_list):

      # Start threads
      thread = threading.Thread(target = __TCP_connect, args = (ip, __port_list[port_index], delay, output))
      # lock the thread until all threads complete
      port_index = port_index + 1

其中__thread_limit参数是用来限制线程数目的。output是一个字典,以(port: status)的形式保存了扫描的结果。

III. 多线程扫描多个网站





def __scan_ports_helper(ip, delay, output):

  Multithreading port scanning

  port_index = 0

  while port_index < len(__port_list):

    # Ensure that the number of cocurrently running threads does not exceed the thread limit
    while threading.activeCount() < __thread_limit and port_index < len(__port_list):

      # Start threads
      thread = threading.Thread(target = __TCP_connect, args = (ip, __port_list[port_index], delay, output))
      port_index = port_index + 1

  while (len(output) < len(self.target_ports)):


Controller of the __scan_ports_helper() function

Keyword arguments:
ip -- the ip address that is being scanned
delay -- the time in seconds that a TCP socket waits until timeout

def __scan_ports(websites, output_ip, delay):

  scan_result = {}

  for website in websites:
    website = str(website)
    scan_result[website] = {}

    thread = threading.Thread(target = __scan_ports_helper, args = (ip, delay, scan_result[website]))
    # lock the script until all threads complete

  return scan_result


IV. 总结!利用这些代码扫描给定网站并输出结果


import sys
import subprocess
import socket
import threading
import time

class PortScanner:

  # default ports to be scanned
  # or put any ports you want to scan here!
  __port_list = [1,3,6,9,13,17,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,30,32,37,42,49,53,70,79,80,81,82,83,84,88,89,99,106,109,110,113,119,125,135,139,143,146,161,163,179,199,211,222,254,255,259,264,280,301,306,311,340,366,389,406,416,425,427,443,444,458,464,481,497,500,512,513,514,524,541,543,544,548,554,563]
  # default thread number limit
  __thread_limit = 1000
  # default connection timeout time inseconds
  __delay = 10

  Constructor of a PortScanner object

  Keyword arguments:
  target_ports -- the list of ports that is going to be scanned (default self.__port_list)
  def __init__(self, target_ports = None):
    # If target ports not given in the arguments, use default ports
    # If target ports is given in the arguments, use given port lists
    if target_ports is None:
      self.target_ports = self.__port_list
      self.target_ports = target_ports

  Return the usage information for invalid input host name.
  def __usage(self):
    print('python Port Scanner v0.1')
    print('please make sure the input host name is in the form of "something.com" or "http://something.com!"\n')

  This is the function need to be called to perform port scanning

  Keyword arguments:
  host_name -- the hostname that is going to be scanned
  message -- the message that is going to be included in the scanning packets, in order to prevent
    ethical problem (default: '')
  def scan(self, host_name, message = ''):

    if 'http://' in host_name or 'https://' in host_name:
      host_name = host_name[host_name.find('://') + 3 : ]

    print('*' * 60 + '\n')
    print('start scanning website: ' + str(host_name))

      server_ip = socket.gethostbyname(str(host_name))
      print('server ip is: ' + str(server_ip))

    except socket.error as e:
      # If the DNS resolution of a website cannot be finished, abort that website.

      print('hostname %s unknown!!!' % host_name)


      return {}

      # May need to return specificed values to the DB in the future

    start_time = time.time()
    output = self.__scan_ports(server_ip, self.__delay, message)
    stop_time = time.time()

    print('host %s scanned in %f seconds' %(host_name, stop_time - start_time))

    print('finish scanning!\n')

    return output

  Set the maximum number of thread for port scanning

  Keyword argument:
  num -- the maximum number of thread running concurrently (default 1000)
  def set_thread_limit(self, num):
    num = int(num)

    if num <= 0 or num > 50000:

      print('Warning: Invalid thread number limit! Please make sure the thread limit is within the range of (1, 50,000)!')
      print('The scanning process will use default thread limit!')


    self.__thread_limit = num

  Set the time out delay for port scanning in seconds

  Keyword argument:
  delay -- the time in seconds that a TCP socket waits until timeout (default 10)
  def set_delay(self, delay):

    delay = int(delay)
    if delay <= 0 or delay > 100:

      print('Warning: Invalid delay value! Please make sure the input delay is within the range of (1, 100)')
      print('The scanning process will use the default delay time')


    self.__delay = delay

  Print out the list of ports being scanned
  def show_target_ports(self):
    print ('Current port list is:')
    print (self.target_ports)

  Print out the delay in seconds that a TCP socket waits until timeout
  def show_delay(self):
    print ('Current timeout delay is :%d' %(int(self.__delay)))

  Open multiple threads to perform port scanning

  Keyword arguments:
  ip -- the ip address that is being scanned
  delay -- the time in seconds that a TCP socket waits until timeout
  output -- a dict() that stores result pairs in {port, status} style (status = 'OPEN' or 'CLOSE')
  message -- the message that is going to be included in the scanning packets, in order to prevent
    ethical problem (default: '')
  def __scan_ports_helper(self, ip, delay, output, message):

    Multithreading port scanning

    port_index = 0

    while port_index < len(self.target_ports):

      # Ensure that the number of cocurrently running threads does not exceed the thread limit
      while threading.activeCount() < self.__thread_limit and port_index < len(self.target_ports):

        # Start threads
        thread = threading.Thread(target = self.__TCP_connect, args = (ip, self.target_ports[port_index], delay, output, message))
        port_index = port_index + 1

  Controller of the __scan_ports_helper() function

  Keyword arguments:
  ip -- the ip address that is being scanned
  delay -- the time in seconds that a TCP socket waits until timeout
  message -- the message that is going to be included in the scanning packets, in order to prevent
    ethical problem (default: '')
  def __scan_ports(self, ip, delay, message):

    output = {}

    thread = threading.Thread(target = self.__scan_ports_helper, args = (ip, delay, output, message))

    # Wait until all port scanning threads finished
    while (len(output) < len(self.target_ports)):

    # Print openning ports from small to large
    for port in self.target_ports:
      if output[port] == 'OPEN':
        print(str(port) + ': ' + output[port] + '\n')

    return output

  Perform status checking for a given port on a given ip address using TCP handshake

  Keyword arguments:
  ip -- the ip address that is being scanned
  port_number -- the port that is going to be checked
  delay -- the time in seconds that a TCP socket waits until timeout
  output -- a dict() that stores result pairs in {port, status} style (status = 'OPEN' or 'CLOSE')
  message -- the message that is going to be included in the scanning packets, in order to prevent
    ethical problem (default: '')
  def __TCP_connect(self, ip, port_number, delay, output, message):
    # Initilize the TCP socket object
    TCP_sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
    TCP_sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEPORT, 1)

    # Initilize a UDP socket to send scanning alert message if there exists an non-empty message
    if message != '':
      UDP_sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
      UDP_sock.sendto(str(message), (ip, int(port_number)))

      result = TCP_sock.connect_ex((ip, int(port_number)))
      if message != '':

      # If the TCP handshake is successful, the port is OPEN. Otherwise it is CLOSE
      if result == 0:
        output[port_number] = 'OPEN'
        output[port_number] = 'CLOSE'


    except socket.error as e:

      output[port_number] = 'CLOSE'




  • 实例探究Python以并发方式编写高性能端口扫描器的方法

    关于端口扫描器 端口扫描工具(Port Scanner)指用于探测服务器或主机开放端口情况的工具.常被计算机管理员用于确认安全策略,同时被攻击者用于识别目标主机上的可运作的网络服务. 端口扫描定义是客户端向一定范围的服务器端口发送对应请求,以此确认可使用的端口.虽然其本身并不是恶意的网络活动,但也是网络攻击者探测目标主机服务,以利用该服务的已知漏洞的重要手段.端口扫描的主要用途仍然只是确认远程机器某个服务的可用性. 扫描多个主机以获取特定的某个端口被称为端口清扫(Portsweep),以此获取特

  • Python3多线程版TCP端口扫描器

    本文实例为大家分享了Python3多线程版TCP端口扫描器的具体代码,供大家参考,具体内容如下 使用命令 python BannerDemo.py -H -p 22,3306 代码如下 import optparse import socket from socket import * from threading import * screenLock = Semaphore(value=1) def connScan(tgtHost,tgtPort): try

  • 使用Python3制作TCP端口扫描器

    在渗透测试的初步阶段通常我们都需要对攻击目标进行信息搜集,而端口扫描就是信息搜集中至关重要的一个步骤.通过端口扫描我们可以了解到目标主机都开放了哪些服务,甚至能根据服务猜测可能存在某些漏洞. TCP端口扫描一般分为以下几种类型: TCP connect扫描:也称为全连接扫描,这种方式直接连接到目标端口,完成了TCP三次握手的过程,这种方式扫描结果比较准确,但速度比较慢而且可轻易被目标系统检测到. TCP SYN扫描:也称为半开放扫描,这种方式将发送一个SYN包,启动一个TCP会话,并等待目标响应

  • Python实现简易端口扫描器代码实例

    在网上的一些资料的基础上自己又添了些新内容,算是Python socket编程练手吧. #coding=utf-8 import socket import time import sys import struct import threading from threading import Thread,activeCount results=[] def portScanner(ip,port): server = (ip,port) sockfd = socket.socket(sock

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    NMap,也就是Network Mapper,最早是Linux下的网络扫描和嗅探工具包. nmap是一个网络连接端扫描软件,用来扫描网上电脑开放的网络连接端.确定哪些服务运行在哪些连接端,并且推断计算机运行哪个操作系统(这是亦称 fingerprinting).它是网络管理员必用的软件之一,以及用以评估网络系统安全. 正如大多数被用于网络安全的工具,nmap 也是不少黑客及骇客(又称脚本小子)爱用的工具 .系统管理员可以利用nmap来探测工作环境中未经批准使用的服务器,但是黑客会利用nmap来搜

  • python 3.6.7实现端口扫描器

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  • python编写简单端口扫描器

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  • 使用Python编写简单的端口扫描器的实例分享

    单线程实现 单线程实现道理比较简单,这里尝试Soket连接3389,连接成功说明端口开放,否则说明没有开远程服务.随便修改了一下就ok了,代码如下,最终得到自己的IP地址. #!/usr/bin/env python import socket if __name__=='__main__': port=3389 s=socket.socket() for cnt in range(253,2,-1): address='XXX.XXX.XXX.'+str(cnt) #XXX.XXX.XXX I

  • 用Python编写一个高效的端口扫描器的方法

    PyPortScanner python多线程端口扫描器. 输出示例: Github 此端口扫描器的源码,文档及详细调用方法见Github PythonPortScanner by Yaokai. 背景 有时候,在进行网络相关的研究的时候,我们需要执行一些有目的的参数测量.而端口扫描就是其中比较普遍也比较重要的一项.所谓的端口扫描,就是指通过TCP握手或者别的方式来判别一个给定主机上的某些端口是否处理开放,或者说监听的状态.现有的使用比较广泛的端口扫描工具是nmap.毋庸置疑,nmap是一款非常

  • 基于Python编写一个简单的端口扫描器

    目录 1.需要的库 2.获取一个 host 地址 3.循环所有的端口 4.完整脚本 端口扫描是非常实用的,不止用在信息安全方面,日常的运维也用得到.这方面的工具也不要太多,搞过 CTF 的朋友会告诉你有多少端口扫描工具,那为什么还要用 Python 再自己实现一遍?这个问题就像饭店里的菜已经很好吃了,为什么还要自己烧菜一样,主要还是为了适合自己的口味,添加自己需要的个性功能. 今天我们将用 20 行代码编写一个简单的端口扫描器.让我们开始吧! 1.需要的库 都是标准库,因此内网环境也不影响: i

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