



package com.wasu.cs.widget; 

import android.content.Context;
import android.util.AttributeSet;
import android.view.View; 

 * 自定义GridLayoutManager,修改RecyelerView焦点乱跳的BUG
 * Created by Danxingxi on 2016/4/1.
public class FocusGridLayoutManager extends GridLayoutManager { 

   * Constructor used when layout manager is set in XML by RecyclerView attribute
   * "layoutManager". If spanCount is not specified in the XML, it defaults to a
   * single column.
   * @param context
   * @param attrs
   * @param defStyleAttr
   * @param defStyleRes
   * @attr ref
  public FocusGridLayoutManager(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr, int defStyleRes) {
    super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr, defStyleRes);

   * Creates a vertical GridLayoutManager
   * @param context  Current context, will be used to access resources.
   * @param spanCount The number of columns in the grid
  public FocusGridLayoutManager(Context context, int spanCount) {
    super(context, spanCount);

   * @param context    Current context, will be used to access resources.
   * @param spanCount   The number of columns or rows in the grid
   * @param orientation  Layout orientation. Should be {@link #HORIZONTAL} or {@link
   *           #VERTICAL}.
   * @param reverseLayout When set to true, layouts from end to start.
  public FocusGridLayoutManager(Context context, int spanCount, int orientation, boolean reverseLayout) {
    super(context, spanCount, orientation, reverseLayout);

   * Return the current number of child views attached to the parent RecyclerView.
   * This does not include child views that were temporarily detached and/or scrapped.
   * @return Number of attached children
  public int getChildCount() {
    return super.getChildCount();

   * Return the child view at the given index
   * @param index Index of child to return
   * @return Child view at index
  public View getChildAt(int index) {
    return super.getChildAt(index);

   * Returns the number of items in the adapter bound to the parent RecyclerView.
   * @return The number of items in the bound adapter
  public int getItemCount() {
    return super.getItemCount();

   * Returns the item View which has or contains focus.
   * @return A direct child of RecyclerView which has focus or contains the focused child.
  public View getFocusedChild() {
    return super.getFocusedChild();

   * Returns the adapter position of the item represented by the given View. This does not
   * contain any adapter changes that might have happened after the last layout.
   * @param view The view to query
   * @return The adapter position of the item which is rendered by this View.
  public int getPosition(View view) {
    return super.getPosition(view);

   * 获取列数
   * @return
  public int getSpanCount() {
    return super.getSpanCount();

   * Called when searching for a focusable view in the given direction has failed for the current content of the RecyclerView.
   * This is the LayoutManager's opportunity to populate views in the given direction to fulfill the request if it can.
   * The LayoutManager should attach and return the view to be focused. The default implementation returns null.
   * 防止当recyclerview上下滚动的时候焦点乱跳
   * @param focused
   * @param focusDirection
   * @param recycler
   * @param state
   * @return
  public View onFocusSearchFailed(View focused, int focusDirection, RecyclerView.Recycler recycler, RecyclerView.State state) { 

    // Need to be called in order to layout new row/column
    View nextFocus = super.onFocusSearchFailed(focused, focusDirection, recycler, state); 

    if (nextFocus == null) {
      return null;
     * 获取当前焦点的位置
    int fromPos = getPosition(focused);
     * 获取我们希望的下一个焦点的位置
    int nextPos = getNextViewPos(fromPos, focusDirection); 

    return findViewByPosition(nextPos); 


   * Manually detect next view to focus.
   * @param fromPos from what position start to seek.
   * @param direction in what direction start to seek. Your regular {@code View.FOCUS_*}.
   * @return adapter position of next view to focus. May be equal to {@code fromPos}.
  protected int getNextViewPos(int fromPos, int direction) {
    int offset = calcOffsetToNextView(direction); 

    if (hitBorder(fromPos, offset)) {
      return fromPos;

    return fromPos + offset;

   * Calculates position offset.
   * @param direction regular {@code View.FOCUS_*}.
   * @return position offset according to {@code direction}.
  protected int calcOffsetToNextView(int direction) {
    int spanCount = getSpanCount();
    int orientation = getOrientation(); 

    if (orientation == VERTICAL) {
      switch (direction) {
        case View.FOCUS_DOWN:
          return spanCount;
        case View.FOCUS_UP:
          return -spanCount;
        case View.FOCUS_RIGHT:
          return 1;
        case View.FOCUS_LEFT:
          return -1;
    } else if (orientation == HORIZONTAL) {
      switch (direction) {
        case View.FOCUS_DOWN:
          return 1;
        case View.FOCUS_UP:
          return -1;
        case View.FOCUS_RIGHT:
          return spanCount;
        case View.FOCUS_LEFT:
          return -spanCount;

    return 0;

   * Checks if we hit borders.
   * @param from from what position.
   * @param offset offset to new position.
   * @return {@code true} if we hit border.
  private boolean hitBorder(int from, int offset) {
    int spanCount = getSpanCount(); 

    if (Math.abs(offset) == 1) {
      int spanIndex = from % spanCount;
      int newSpanIndex = spanIndex + offset;
      return newSpanIndex < 0 || newSpanIndex >= spanCount;
    } else {
      int newPos = from + offset;
      return newPos < 0 && newPos >= spanCount;





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