Android Notification实现动态显示通话时间
基于android N MTK释放的源码,供大家参考,具体内容如下
本文主要讲解如何在 IncallUI 的notification 上面不停地更新显示当前已通话多长时间,从而达到和incallUI通话界面上的通话时间一致。
1、我们需要知道通话建立时的时间,即call 的状态从 INCOMING或者DIALING 转变成ACTIVE的时候
....省略部分代码 //震动时长,这里为不振动 private static final long[] IN_CALL_VIBRATE_PATTERN_NULL = new long[] {0, 0, 0}; //线程隔多久执行一次已ms为单位,这里为1S private static final long CALL_TIME_UPDATE_INTERVAL_MS = 1000; //我们需要获取一些全局的变量,已到达不停的创建notification并更新同一个notification的UI private CallTimer mCallTimer; private Notification.Builder mCopyBuilder; private int mCopyCallState; private ContactCacheEntry mCopyContactInfo; private int mCopyNotificationType; //当前notification的ID,通过这个ID我们可以一直更新同一个notification并且只会弹出一次 private Bitmap mCopyLargeIcon; public StatusBarNotifier(Context context, ContactInfoCache contactInfoCache) { .......省略部分代码 //StatusBarNotifier初始化的时候就创建CallTimer对象,用来计算时间和更新UI mCallTimer = new CallTimer(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { updateCallTime(); //更新UI的函数 } }); } @Override public void onStateChange(InCallState oldState, InCallState newState, CallList callList) { if (callList.getActiveCall() == null || callList.getActiveCall().getState() != Call.State.ACTIVE){ //当通话结束时需要取消计算时间的线程 mCallTimer.cancel(); } } //系统构建notification的方法 private void buildAndSendNotification(Call originalCall, ContactCacheEntry contactInfo) { ....省略部分代码 else if (callState == Call.State.ACTIVE && !mIsCallUiShown) { //保存一个公共的变量到全部变量里面,方便后面构造新的notification并刷新 copyInfoFromHeadsUpView(builder, callState, contactInfo, notificationType, largeIcon); //下面是计算显示的时间 final long callStart = call.getConnectTimeMillis(); final long duration = System.currentTimeMillis() - callStart; //创建一个HeadsUpView显示在notification上面 RemoteViews inCall = createInCallHeadsUpView(duration / 1000, largeIcon); builder.setContent(inCall); builder.setCustomHeadsUpContentView(inCall); //系统原生的方法最后notify通知 fireNotification(builder, callState, contactInfo, notificationType); //开始我们的计时线程 mCallTimer.start(CALL_TIME_UPDATE_INTERVAL_MS); } .....省略部分代码 } private RemoteViews createInCallHeadsUpView(Long callDuration, Bitmap contactAvatar) { RemoteViews headsUpView = new RemoteViews(mContext.getPackageName(), R.layout.in_call_headsup); if (null != contactAvatar) { headsUpView.setImageViewBitmap(, contactAvatar); } //格式化时间 String callTimeElapsed = DateUtils.formatElapsedTime(callDuration); headsUpView.setTextViewText(, callTimeElapsed); return headsUpView; } /*according the mCallTimer to update time data*/ public void updateCallTime() { Call call = CallList.getInstance().getActiveCall(); final long callStart = call.getConnectTimeMillis(); final long duration = System.currentTimeMillis() - callStart; RemoteViews inCall = createInCallHeadsUpView(duration / 1000, mCopyLargeIcon); mCopyBuilder.setContent(inCall); mCopyBuilder.setCustomHeadsUpContentView(inCall); Notification notification =; notification.vibrate = IN_CALL_VIBRATE_PATTERN_NULL; mNotificationManager.notify(mCopyNotificationType, notification); } /*Change local variables to global variables*/ private void copyInfoFromHeadsUpView(Notification.Builder builder, int callState, ContactCacheEntry contactInfo, int notificationType, Bitmap largeIcon){ mCopyBuilder = builder; mCopyCallState = callState; mCopyContactInfo = contactInfo; mCopyNotificationType = notificationType; mCopyLargeIcon = largeIcon; } ........省略部分代码
package; import; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.SystemClock; /** * Helper class used to keep track of events requiring regular intervals. */ public class CallTimer extends Handler { private Runnable mInternalCallback; private Runnable mCallback; private long mLastReportedTime; private long mInterval; private boolean mRunning; public CallTimer(Runnable callback) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(callback); mInterval = 0; mLastReportedTime = 0; mRunning = false; mCallback = callback; mInternalCallback = new CallTimerCallback(); } public boolean start(long interval) { if (interval <= 0) { return false; } // cancel any previous timer cancel(); mInterval = interval; mLastReportedTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); mRunning = true; periodicUpdateTimer(); return true; } public void cancel() { removeCallbacks(mInternalCallback); mRunning = false; } private void periodicUpdateTimer() { if (!mRunning) { return; } final long now = SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); long nextReport = mLastReportedTime + mInterval; while (now >= nextReport) { nextReport += mInterval; } postAtTime(mInternalCallback, nextReport); mLastReportedTime = nextReport; // Run the callback; } private class CallTimerCallback implements Runnable { @Override public void run() { periodicUpdateTimer(); } } }
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