

 * 2021/3/6
 * Calendar

/* get y Year m Month before days
function getBDays( y, m ) {
 return (new Date(y, m, 1).getDay());

/* get y Year m Month total days
function getTDays( y, m ) {
 return (new Date(y, m + 1, -1).getDate() + 1);

/* get y Year m Month last days
function getBMDays( y, m ) {
 return (new Date(y, m, -1).getDate() + 1);

function Calendar( nowDate ) {
 // year, month, day
 this.year = nowDate.getFullYear();
 this.month = nowDate.getMonth();
 this.day = nowDate.getDate();

 // before days
 this.beforeDays = getBDays(this.year, this.month);
 // current month days
 this.totalDays = getTDays(this.year, this.month);
 // last month days
 this.lastDays = getBMDays(this.year, this.month);

 // save now date
 this.nowY = nowDate.getFullYear();
 this.nowM = nowDate.getMonth();

Calendar.prototype.initCalendar = function() {
 // get calendar id
 let calDiv = $("#Calendar").append("<table></table>");

 // get calendar table
 let calTable = $("#Calendar > table");

 // add calendar table tr
 for ( let n = 0; n < 8; n++ ) {

 // get calendar table tr : header
 let calHeadTr = $("#Calendar > table > tr:first");

 // add calendar table tr th
 for ( let n = 0; n < 3; n++ ) {

 // select index > 0 tr
 let calBodyTr = $("#Calendar > table > tr:gt(0)");

 // add calendar table tr td
 for ( let n = 0; n < 7; n++ ) {

Calendar.prototype.insertDate = function( calName ) {
 // get calendar table tr td : header
 let calHeadTh = $("#Calendar > table > tr:first > th");

 // modify header content
 $(calHeadTh[1]).html(`<a>${this.year} 年 ${this.month + 1} 月</a>`);

 // add style to header
 "colspan" : 5,
 "title" : calName

 // weekday arrays
 const calWeekArr = ['日', '一', '二', '三', '四', '五', '六'];

 // get calendar table tr td : weekdays
 let calWeekTd = $("#Calendar > table > tr:eq(1) > td");
 for ( let n = 0; n < 7; n++ ) {

 // get calendar table tr td : body
 let calBodyTd = $("#Calendar > table > tr:gt(1) > td");

 // insert before days
 for (let n = this.beforeDays - 1, lastDays = this.lastDays;
 n >= 0;
 n--, lastDays--) {
 $(calBodyTd[n]).attr("class", "other-day");
 // insert current days
 for (let n = this.beforeDays, i = 1;
  i <= this.totalDays;
  i++, n++) {

 if (i == this.day &&
  (new Date(this.year, this.month, 1).getMonth() == this.nowM) &&
  (new Date(this.year, this.month, 1).getFullYear() == this.nowY)) {
 $(calBodyTd[n]).attr("class", "now-day");
 else {
 $(calBodyTd[n]).removeAttr("class", "now-day");

 // insert after days
 for (let n = this.beforeDays + this.totalDays, i = 1;
 n < calBodyTd.length;
 n++, i++) {
 $(calBodyTd[n]).attr("class", "other-day");

Calendar.prototype.update = function( newDate ) {
 // year, month, day
 this.year = newDate.getFullYear();
 this.month = newDate.getMonth();
 this.day = newDate.getDate();

 // before days
 this.beforeDays = getBDays(this.year, this.month);
 // current month days
 this.totalDays = getTDays(this.year, this.month);
 // last month days
 this.lastDays = getBMDays(this.year, this.month);

function initDate() {
 // create Date object
 let now = new Date();
 let cal = new Calendar( now );

 // init and insert
 cal.insertDate( 'MyDate' );

 // add click event to th:first
 $("#Calendar > table > tr:first > th:first").click(function(){
 now.setMonth( now.getMonth() - 1 );
 cal.update( now );
 cal.insertDate( 'MyDate' );

 // add click event to th:last
 $("#Calendar > table > tr:first > th:last").click(function(){
 now.setMonth( now.getMonth() + 1 );
 cal.update( now );
 cal.insertDate( 'MyDate' );



<!DOCTYPE html>
 <meta charset="utf-8" />
 <link href="css/dateCal.css" rel="stylesheet" media="screen">
 <div id="Calendar"></div>
 <script src="js/jquery.js"></script>
 <script src="js/dateCal.js"></script>


#Calendar {
 width: 200px;
 padding-bottom: 5px;
 box-shadow: 0 1px 3px #ccc;
 border: 1px solid #EDEDED;

#Calendar table {
 width: inherit;
 text-align: center;
 user-select: none;
 font-family: "Comic Sans MS";
 border-collapse: collapse;
 border-spacing: 0px;

#Calendar table tr th {
 background: #f8f8f8;
 font-size: 12px;

#Calendar table tr:nth-child(2) {
 background: #f8f8f8;

#Calendar table tr td {
 font-size: 10px;

#Calendar table tr td.now-day {
 color: red;

#Calendar table tr td.other-day {
 color: lightgray;




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  • jQuery 联动日历实现代码

    来看下效果图 一.先来说下功能: 1.点击"确定"显示日历 2.再次点击隐藏,或从DOM中删除这个日历.如些反复第一,和第二这两步. 3.让日历中显示当前月份日期(多少天,每天是多少号). 4.让当前月份的日期和星期几对应. 5.让左边两边的日历关联起来. 二.再来说下HTML结构. 1.上面蓝色的是一个DIV,显示当前月分,和上月,下月. 2.下面的日期和星期,是用一个table结构存放数据.星期用thead,日期用:tbody存放. 三.功能展开分析: 3.1.前两个功能? 让我想

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    本文实例讲述了jQuery简单实现日历的方法.分享给大家供大家参考.具体分析如下: 原理挺简单的,首先算出一个月有多少天,再算出这个月的第一天是星期几,接着顺序排下来就可以了. <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html lang="zh-CN"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=d

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    一.效果图 二.页面文件 页面上需要添加<div id="cal"></div>标记. 三.JS代码 复制代码 代码如下: // JavaScript 日历 $(document).ready(function () { //当前时间 $now = new Date();                      //当前的时间 $nowYear = $now.getFullYear();          //当前的年 $nowMonth = $now.get

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