
Mybatis and和循环or混用

这次项目用到一个and和or混用的场景 , 因为用到多个or(循环), 没想到好的办法

最终转换成用 IN实现:


用left join链接多个表, 多个条件and筛选, 其中状态(state)条件筛选出多个可选状态的条目,

本来想用and 和 or 但是 or的条件是个数组参数, 需要遍历states , 可能0个可能多个, 拼了半天没有成功 , 最后发现用 IN 和FOREACH就可以了


List<OrderInfoForm> selectOrdersByStatesSelective(
            @Param(value="order")Order order,
            @Param(value="states")Integer[] states);


<select id="selectOrdersByStatesSelective" resultMap="AllResultMap" >
    <include refid="All_Column_List" />
    from order_list
    LEFT JOIN product_method ON product_method.`code` = order_list.purchase_method
    LEFT JOIN product_color ON product_color.`code` = order_list.color
    LEFT JOIN product_guarantee ON product_guarantee.`code` = order_list.guarantee
    LEFT JOIN product_info ON order_list.product_id =
    LEFT JOIN product_model ON product_info.model = product_model.`code`
    LEFT JOIN product_standard ON product_info.standard = product_standard.`code`
    LEFT JOIN product_state ON product_state.`code` = order_list.order_state
    LEFT JOIN product_apperance ON product_apperance.`code` = order_list.apperance
    LEFT JOIN product_brand ON product_brand.`code` = product_info.brand
        <if test="order.orderNum != null " >
            order_num like "%"#{order.orderNum,jdbcType=VARCHAR}"%"
        <if test="order.operator != null " >
            and operator like "%"#{order.operator,jdbcType=VARCHAR}"%"
        <if test="order.purchaseTime != null" >
            and purchase_time = #{order.purchaseTime,jdbcType=DATE}
        <if test="order.orderState != null" >
            and order_state = #{order.orderState,jdbcType=VARCHAR}
        <if test="order.serialNum != null" >
            and serial_num like "%"#{order.serialNum,jdbcType=VARCHAR}"%"

        <if test="states != null and states.length >0">
            <foreach collection="states" item="state" separator="," open=" and order_state in (" close=")">


 <if test="states != null and states.length >0">
            <foreach collection="states" item="state" separator="," open=" and order_state in (" close=")">

把多个state的or关系转化为 states in (state1,state2,state3...)


mybatis plus and 和or合并写法

记录一下and 和 or 混合使用

sql 语句实现

SELECT  * FROM somc_operation_plan
WHERE ( title LIKE '%测试%' AND ( charge_user = 'xxx' OR execute_user = 'xxx' ) )
LambdaQueryWrapper<SomcOperationPlan> queryWrapper = new LambdaQueryWrapper<>();, SomcOperationPlan::getTitle, operationPlan.getTitle())
        .and(wrapper -> wrapper.eq(StringUtils.isNotEmpty(operationPlan.getChargeUser()), SomcOperationPlan::getChargeUser, operationPlan.getChargeUser()).or().eq(StringUtils.isNotEmpty(operationPlan.getExecuteUser()), SomcOperationPlan::getExecuteUser, operationPlan.getExecuteUser()));




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