

/* 足球比赛积分统计系统
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define LEN sizeof(match)
typedef struct football
    char name[20];//[足球]队名
    int num[4];//num[0]为单支球队需比赛场数, num[1]为赢场数,num[2]为平场数,num[3]为负场数
    int goal;//进球数
    int lose;//失球数
    int integral;//积分
    int pure;//净胜球
    struct football *next; 
void menu();//声明菜单函数 
match *creat();//输入球队信息 
void print(match *head);//排序 
match *Add(match *head);//增加球队信息
match *Amend(match *head);//修改球队信息 
match *Del(match *head);//删除球队信息 
void End();//退出该软件 
int n=0;//记录节点长度 
match *p2;
void toxy(int x, int y)//将光标移动到X,Y坐标处
  COORD pos = { x , y };
  SetConsoleCursorPosition(Out, pos);
void menu()
    system("color 72");//颜色 
    printf("|  1.   Record the information of this match  |\n");
    printf("|  2.   Add the information of this match     |\n");
    printf("|  3.   Check the information of this match   |\n");
    printf("|  4.   delete the information of the match   |\n");
    printf("|  5.   Amend the information of the match    |\n");
    printf("|  6.   End this operation                    |\n");
    printf("What are you want to do ? Input please:");
match *creat()
    system("color 74");//颜色 
    int t,n=0;
    match *head,*p1;
    p2=p1=(match *)malloc(LEN);
    /*录入足球队名,比赛场数,得、失 球数和进球积分*/ 
    /*输入第一个节点数据 */
    printf("Enter the total number of the football teams:");//参赛的球队数量 
        printf("the name of team %d :",n);//球队名 
        printf("team %d win round(s):",n);//该球队赢局场数 
        printf("team %d draw round(s):",n);//该球队平局场数 
        printf("team %d goal:",n);
        printf("team %d lose:",n);
        p1=(match *)malloc(LEN);
    return head;
match *Add(match *head)//增加球队 
    system("color 72");//颜色 
    match *p,*q,*newhead;
    int x,y=0;
    p=q=(match *)malloc(LEN);
    printf("How many teams you want to add?Input please:");
        printf("the name of team %d :",y);//球队名 
        printf("team %d win round(s):",y);//该球队赢局场数 
        printf("team %d draw round(s):",y);//该球队平局场数 
        printf("the number of team %d goal:",y);
        printf("the number of team %d lose:",y);
        p=(match *)malloc(LEN);
    return head;
match *Amend(match *head)//修改信息 
    system("color 72");
        match *p=head;
        char name[10];
        printf("Please input the team's name which you want to modify:");
            printf("team_name    win      draw      goal     lose     integral\n");
            printf("Enter the new information please;\n");
            printf("the name of new team :");//球队名 
            printf("team win round(s):");//该球队赢局场数 
            printf("team  draw round(s):");//该球队平局场数 
            printf("the number of new team's goal:");
            printf("the number of  new team's lose:");
            printf("Input error!Please input again:");
    return head;
match *Del(match *head)//删除信息 
       match *p=head,*pre=NULL;//pre是p的前驱结点 
       char name[10];
       printf("Please input the team's name which you want to delete;");
           printf("Input error!Please input again:");
    return head;
void End()
    system("color 74");
    printf("Thanks for your using!^-^");
void print(match *head)
    system("color 74");
    match *p,*q,t1,t2,t3,*pt;
    for(p=head;p!=NULL;p=p->next)//球队排序,冒泡法排序 ,关于链表的排序有点小复杂哦~ 
        for(q=p->next;q!=NULL;q=q->next)     //这里有3重排序 
            else if(p->integral==q->integral)
                else if(p->pure==q->pure)
    printf("--------------------the football match imformation----------------------\n");
    printf("team_name    win      draw      goal     lose     integral\n");
    int m=8;
        printf("\nPlease press any key return to MENU. ");
 int main()
    match *head;
    char x;
    system("color 72");
        case '1':
        case '2':
        case '3':
        case '4':
        case '5':
        case '6':
            printf("Input error!Please input again:");    
    return 0;




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