关于matplotlib-legend 位置属性 loc 使用说明


plt.legend(handles = [l1, l2,], labels = ['a', 'b'], loc = 'best')

或直接loc = 0

plt.legend(handles = [l1, l2,], labels = ['a', 'b'], loc = 0)


'upper right', 'upper left', 'lower left', 'lower right', 'right', 'center left', 'center right', 'lower center', 'upper center', 'center'



import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

# 绘制普通图像
x = np.linspace(-1, 1, 50)
y1 = 2 * x + 1
y2 = x**2

# 在绘制时设置lable, 逗号是必须的
l1, = plt.plot(x, y1, label = 'line')
l2, = plt.plot(x, y2, label = 'parabola', color = 'red', linewidth = 1.0, linestyle = '--')

# 设置坐标轴的取值范围
plt.xlim((-1, 1))
plt.ylim((0, 2))

# 设置坐标轴的lable
plt.xlabel('X axis')
plt.ylabel('Y axis')

# 设置x坐标轴刻度, 原来为0.25, 修改后为0.5
plt.xticks(np.linspace(-1, 1, 5))
# 设置y坐标轴刻度及标签, $$是设置字体
plt.yticks([0, 0.5], ['$minimum$', 'normal'])

# 设置legend
plt.legend(handles = [l1, l2,], labels = ['a', 'b'], loc = 'best')


补充知识:设置图列(key/legend)的位置和大小 --gnuplot


unset key
//设置图例 显示在图形(内)的顶部居中,并且多个图例水平显示。
set key top horizontal center
//设置图例 显示在图形(外)的顶部居中,并且多个图例水平显示。
set key top outside horizontal center
//设置图例 显示的字体并加粗。
set key font "Times,18,Bold"
set key spacing 3
set key samplen 2

set key 的语法规则

   set key {on|off} {default}
       {{inside | outside} | {lmargin | rmargin | tmargin | bmargin}
        | {at <position>}}
       {left | right | center} {top | bottom | center}
       {vertical | horizontal} {Left | Right}
       {{no}reverse} {{no}invert}
       {samplen <sample_length>} {spacing <vertical_spacing>}
       {width <width_increment>}
       {height <height_increment>}
       {{no}autotitle {columnheader}}
       {title "<text>"} {{no}enhanced}
       {{no}box { {linestyle | ls <line_style>}
            | {linetype | lt <line_type>}
             {linewidth | lw <line_width>}}}
   unset key
   show key

Elements within the key are stacked according to vertical or horizontal. In the case of vertical, the key occupies as few columns as possible. That is, elements are aligned in a column until running out of vertical space at which point a new column is started. In the case of horizontal, the key occupies as few rows as possible.




The vertical spacing between lines is controlled by spacing. The spacing is set equal to the product of the pointsize, the vertical tic size, and vertical_spacing. The program will guarantee that the vertical spacing is no smaller than the character height.

The defaults for set key are on, right, top, vertical, Right, noreverse, noinvert, samplen 4, spacing 1.25, title “”, and nobox.

以上这篇关于matplotlib-legend 位置属性 loc 使用说明就是小编分享给大家的全部内容了,希望能给大家一个参考,也希望大家多多支持我们。



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