

from collections import namedtuple

Chessman = namedtuple('Chessman', 'Name Value Color')
Point = namedtuple('Point', 'X Y')

BLACK_CHESSMAN = Chessman('黑子', 1, (45, 45, 45))
WHITE_CHESSMAN = Chessman('白子', 2, (219, 219, 219))

offset = [(1, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1), (1, -1)]

class Checkerboard:
    def __init__(self, line_points):
        self._line_points = line_points
        self._checkerboard = [[0] * line_points for _ in range(line_points)]

    def _get_checkerboard(self):
        return self._checkerboard

    checkerboard = property(_get_checkerboard)

    # 判断是否可落子
    def can_drop(self, point):
        return self._checkerboard[point.Y][point.X] == 0

    def drop(self, chessman, point):
        :param chessman:
        :param point:落子位置
        :return:若该子落下之后即可获胜,则返回获胜方,否则返回 None
        print(f'{chessman.Name} ({point.X}, {point.Y})')
        self._checkerboard[point.Y][point.X] = chessman.Value

        if self._win(point):
            return chessman

    # 判断是否赢了
    def _win(self, point):
        cur_value = self._checkerboard[point.Y][point.X]
        for os in offset:
            if self._get_count_on_direction(point, cur_value, os[0], os[1]):
                return True

    def _get_count_on_direction(self, point, value, x_offset, y_offset):
        count = 1
        for step in range(1, 5):
            x = point.X + step * x_offset
            y = point.Y + step * y_offset
            if 0 <= x < self._line_points and 0 <= y < self._line_points and self._checkerboard[y][x] == value:
                count += 1
        for step in range(1, 5):
            x = point.X - step * x_offset
            y = point.Y - step * y_offset
            if 0 <= x < self._line_points and 0 <= y < self._line_points and self._checkerboard[y][x] == value:
                count += 1

        return count >= 5

import sys
import random
import pygame
from pygame.locals import *
import pygame.gfxdraw
from checkerboard import Checkerboard, BLACK_CHESSMAN, WHITE_CHESSMAN, offset, Point

SIZE = 30  # 棋盘每个点时间的间隔
Line_Points = 19  # 棋盘每行/每列点数
Outer_Width = 20  # 棋盘外宽度
Border_Width = 4  # 边框宽度
Inside_Width = 4  # 边框跟实际的棋盘之间的间隔
Border_Length = SIZE * (Line_Points - 1) + Inside_Width * 2 + Border_Width  # 边框线的长度
Start_X = Start_Y = Outer_Width + int(Border_Width / 2) + Inside_Width  # 网格线起点(左上角)坐标
SCREEN_HEIGHT = SIZE * (Line_Points - 1) + Outer_Width * 2 + Border_Width + Inside_Width * 2  # 游戏屏幕的高

Stone_Radius = SIZE // 2 - 3  # 棋子半径
Stone_Radius2 = SIZE // 2 + 3
Checkerboard_Color = (0xE3, 0x92, 0x65)  # 棋盘颜色
BLACK_COLOR = (0, 0, 0)
WHITE_COLOR = (255, 255, 255)
RED_COLOR = (200, 30, 30)
BLUE_COLOR = (30, 30, 200)

RIGHT_INFO_POS_X = SCREEN_HEIGHT + Stone_Radius2 * 2 + 10

def print_text(screen, font, x, y, text, fcolor=(255, 255, 255)):
    imgText = font.render(text, True, fcolor)
    screen.blit(imgText, (x, y))

def main():
    screen = pygame.display.set_mode((SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT))

    font1 = pygame.font.SysFont('SimHei', 32)
    font2 = pygame.font.SysFont('SimHei', 72)
    fwidth, fheight = font2.size('黑方获胜')

    checkerboard = Checkerboard(Line_Points)
    cur_runner = BLACK_CHESSMAN
    winner = None
    computer = AI(Line_Points, WHITE_CHESSMAN)

    black_win_count = 0
    white_win_count = 0

    while True:
        for event in pygame.event.get():
            if event.type == QUIT:
            elif event.type == KEYDOWN:
                if event.key == K_RETURN:
                    if winner is not None:
                        winner = None
                        cur_runner = BLACK_CHESSMAN
                        checkerboard = Checkerboard(Line_Points)
                        computer = AI(Line_Points, WHITE_CHESSMAN)
            elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
                if winner is None:
                    pressed_array = pygame.mouse.get_pressed()
                    if pressed_array[0]:
                        mouse_pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
                        click_point = _get_clickpoint(mouse_pos)
                        if click_point is not None:
                            if checkerboard.can_drop(click_point):
                                winner = checkerboard.drop(cur_runner, click_point)
                                if winner is None:
                                    cur_runner = _get_next(cur_runner)
                                    AI_point = computer.AI_drop()
                                    winner = checkerboard.drop(cur_runner, AI_point)
                                    if winner is not None:
                                        white_win_count += 1
                                    cur_runner = _get_next(cur_runner)
                                    black_win_count += 1

        # 画棋盘

        # 画棋盘上已有的棋子
        for i, row in enumerate(checkerboard.checkerboard):
            for j, cell in enumerate(row):
                if cell == BLACK_CHESSMAN.Value:
                    _draw_chessman(screen, Point(j, i), BLACK_CHESSMAN.Color)
                elif cell == WHITE_CHESSMAN.Value:
                    _draw_chessman(screen, Point(j, i), WHITE_CHESSMAN.Color)

        _draw_left_info(screen, font1, cur_runner, black_win_count, white_win_count)

        if winner:
            print_text(screen, font2, (SCREEN_WIDTH - fwidth)//2, (SCREEN_HEIGHT - fheight)//2, winner.Name + '获胜', RED_COLOR)


def _get_next(cur_runner):
    if cur_runner == BLACK_CHESSMAN:
        return WHITE_CHESSMAN
        return BLACK_CHESSMAN

# 画棋盘
def _draw_checkerboard(screen):
    # 填充棋盘背景色
    # 画棋盘网格线外的边框
    pygame.draw.rect(screen, BLACK_COLOR, (Outer_Width, Outer_Width, Border_Length, Border_Length), Border_Width)
    # 画网格线
    for i in range(Line_Points):
        pygame.draw.line(screen, BLACK_COLOR,
                         (Start_Y, Start_Y + SIZE * i),
                         (Start_Y + SIZE * (Line_Points - 1), Start_Y + SIZE * i),
    for j in range(Line_Points):
        pygame.draw.line(screen, BLACK_COLOR,
                         (Start_X + SIZE * j, Start_X),
                         (Start_X + SIZE * j, Start_X + SIZE * (Line_Points - 1)),
    # 画星位和天元
    for i in (3, 9, 15):
        for j in (3, 9, 15):
            if i == j == 9:
                radius = 5
                radius = 3
            #, BLACK, (Start_X + SIZE * i, Start_Y + SIZE * j), radius)
            pygame.gfxdraw.aacircle(screen, Start_X + SIZE * i, Start_Y + SIZE * j, radius, BLACK_COLOR)
            pygame.gfxdraw.filled_circle(screen, Start_X + SIZE * i, Start_Y + SIZE * j, radius, BLACK_COLOR)

# 画棋子
def _draw_chessman(screen, point, stone_color):
    #, stone_color, (Start_X + SIZE * point.X, Start_Y + SIZE * point.Y), Stone_Radius)
    pygame.gfxdraw.aacircle(screen, Start_X + SIZE * point.X, Start_Y + SIZE * point.Y, Stone_Radius, stone_color)
    pygame.gfxdraw.filled_circle(screen, Start_X + SIZE * point.X, Start_Y + SIZE * point.Y, Stone_Radius, stone_color)

# 画左侧信息显示
def _draw_left_info(screen, font, cur_runner, black_win_count, white_win_count):
    _draw_chessman_pos(screen, (SCREEN_HEIGHT + Stone_Radius2, Start_X + Stone_Radius2), BLACK_CHESSMAN.Color)
    _draw_chessman_pos(screen, (SCREEN_HEIGHT + Stone_Radius2, Start_X + Stone_Radius2 * 4), WHITE_CHESSMAN.Color)

    print_text(screen, font, RIGHT_INFO_POS_X, Start_X + 3, '玩家', BLUE_COLOR)
    print_text(screen, font, RIGHT_INFO_POS_X, Start_X + Stone_Radius2 * 3 + 3, '电脑', BLUE_COLOR)

    print_text(screen, font, SCREEN_HEIGHT, SCREEN_HEIGHT - Stone_Radius2 * 8, '战况:', BLUE_COLOR)
    _draw_chessman_pos(screen, (SCREEN_HEIGHT + Stone_Radius2, SCREEN_HEIGHT - int(Stone_Radius2 * 4.5)), BLACK_CHESSMAN.Color)
    _draw_chessman_pos(screen, (SCREEN_HEIGHT + Stone_Radius2, SCREEN_HEIGHT - Stone_Radius2 * 2), WHITE_CHESSMAN.Color)
    print_text(screen, font, RIGHT_INFO_POS_X, SCREEN_HEIGHT - int(Stone_Radius2 * 5.5) + 3, f'{black_win_count} 胜', BLUE_COLOR)
    print_text(screen, font, RIGHT_INFO_POS_X, SCREEN_HEIGHT - Stone_Radius2 * 3 + 3, f'{white_win_count} 胜', BLUE_COLOR)

def _draw_chessman_pos(screen, pos, stone_color):
    pygame.gfxdraw.aacircle(screen, pos[0], pos[1], Stone_Radius2, stone_color)
    pygame.gfxdraw.filled_circle(screen, pos[0], pos[1], Stone_Radius2, stone_color)

# 根据鼠标点击位置,返回游戏区坐标
def _get_clickpoint(click_pos):
    pos_x = click_pos[0] - Start_X
    pos_y = click_pos[1] - Start_Y
    if pos_x < -Inside_Width or pos_y < -Inside_Width:
        return None
    x = pos_x // SIZE
    y = pos_y // SIZE
    if pos_x % SIZE > Stone_Radius:
        x += 1
    if pos_y % SIZE > Stone_Radius:
        y += 1
    if x >= Line_Points or y >= Line_Points:
        return None

    return Point(x, y)

class AI:
    def __init__(self, line_points, chessman):
        self._line_points = line_points
        self._my = chessman
        self._opponent = BLACK_CHESSMAN if chessman == WHITE_CHESSMAN else WHITE_CHESSMAN
        self._checkerboard = [[0] * line_points for _ in range(line_points)]

    def get_opponent_drop(self, point):
        self._checkerboard[point.Y][point.X] = self._opponent.Value

    def AI_drop(self):
        point = None
        score = 0
        for i in range(self._line_points):
            for j in range(self._line_points):
                if self._checkerboard[j][i] == 0:
                    _score = self._get_point_score(Point(i, j))
                    if _score > score:
                        score = _score
                        point = Point(i, j)
                    elif _score == score and _score > 0:
                        r = random.randint(0, 100)
                        if r % 2 == 0:
                            point = Point(i, j)
        self._checkerboard[point.Y][point.X] = self._my.Value
        return point

    def _get_point_score(self, point):
        score = 0
        for os in offset:
            score += self._get_direction_score(point, os[0], os[1])
        return score

    def _get_direction_score(self, point, x_offset, y_offset):
        count = 0   # 落子处我方连续子数
        _count = 0  # 落子处对方连续子数
        space = None   # 我方连续子中有无空格
        _space = None  # 对方连续子中有无空格
        both = 0    # 我方连续子两端有无阻挡
        _both = 0   # 对方连续子两端有无阻挡

        # 如果是 1 表示是边上是我方子,2 表示敌方子
        flag = self._get_stone_color(point, x_offset, y_offset, True)
        if flag != 0:
            for step in range(1, 6):
                x = point.X + step * x_offset
                y = point.Y + step * y_offset
                if 0 <= x < self._line_points and 0 <= y < self._line_points:
                    if flag == 1:
                        if self._checkerboard[y][x] == self._my.Value:
                            count += 1
                            if space is False:
                                space = True
                        elif self._checkerboard[y][x] == self._opponent.Value:
                            _both += 1
                            if space is None:
                                space = False
                                break   # 遇到第二个空格退出
                    elif flag == 2:
                        if self._checkerboard[y][x] == self._my.Value:
                            _both += 1
                        elif self._checkerboard[y][x] == self._opponent.Value:
                            _count += 1
                            if _space is False:
                                _space = True
                            if _space is None:
                                _space = False
                    # 遇到边也就是阻挡
                    if flag == 1:
                        both += 1
                    elif flag == 2:
                        _both += 1

        if space is False:
            space = None
        if _space is False:
            _space = None

        _flag = self._get_stone_color(point, -x_offset, -y_offset, True)
        if _flag != 0:
            for step in range(1, 6):
                x = point.X - step * x_offset
                y = point.Y - step * y_offset
                if 0 <= x < self._line_points and 0 <= y < self._line_points:
                    if _flag == 1:
                        if self._checkerboard[y][x] == self._my.Value:
                            count += 1
                            if space is False:
                                space = True
                        elif self._checkerboard[y][x] == self._opponent.Value:
                            _both += 1
                            if space is None:
                                space = False
                                break   # 遇到第二个空格退出
                    elif _flag == 2:
                        if self._checkerboard[y][x] == self._my.Value:
                            _both += 1
                        elif self._checkerboard[y][x] == self._opponent.Value:
                            _count += 1
                            if _space is False:
                                _space = True
                            if _space is None:
                                _space = False
                    # 遇到边也就是阻挡
                    if _flag == 1:
                        both += 1
                    elif _flag == 2:
                        _both += 1

        score = 0
        if count == 4:
            score = 10000
        elif _count == 4:
            score = 9000
        elif count == 3:
            if both == 0:
                score = 1000
            elif both == 1:
                score = 100
                score = 0
        elif _count == 3:
            if _both == 0:
                score = 900
            elif _both == 1:
                score = 90
                score = 0
        elif count == 2:
            if both == 0:
                score = 100
            elif both == 1:
                score = 10
                score = 0
        elif _count == 2:
            if _both == 0:
                score = 90
            elif _both == 1:
                score = 9
                score = 0
        elif count == 1:
            score = 10
        elif _count == 1:
            score = 9
            score = 0

        if space or _space:
            score /= 2

        return score

    # 判断指定位置处在指定方向上是我方子、对方子、空
    def _get_stone_color(self, point, x_offset, y_offset, next):
        x = point.X + x_offset
        y = point.Y + y_offset
        if 0 <= x < self._line_points and 0 <= y < self._line_points:
            if self._checkerboard[y][x] == self._my.Value:
                return 1
            elif self._checkerboard[y][x] == self._opponent.Value:
                return 2
                if next:
                    return self._get_stone_color(Point(x, y), x_offset, y_offset, False)
                    return 0
            return 0

if __name__ == '__main__':





  • python版本五子棋的实现代码

    正文之前 前阵子做了个<人工智能> 的课程作业,然后写了个人工智障...大概就是个可以跟你下五子棋的傻儿子...下面是代码和效果 正文 1. 摘要 机器博弈是人工智能领域的重要分支,它的研究对象多以复杂的棋牌类智力游戏为主,已经得到解决的棋类游戏,几乎全部都应归功于机器博弈近半个世纪的发展.计算机解决问题的优势在于能把不易解析的问题,借助于现代计算机的运算速度优势枚举出所有的合理情形而得解;然而,博弈问题的复杂程度决定了它不能过度依赖机器的计算能力.许多待解决的或已经解决的棋类,其状态空间复杂

  • python pygame实现五子棋小游戏

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  • python实现五子棋游戏

    本文实例为大家分享了python实现五子棋游戏的具体代码,供大家参考,具体内容如下 话不多说,直接上代码: 全部工程文件,在GitHub:五子棋 效果预览: #!/usr/bin/env python3 #-*- coding:utf-8 -*- import pygame from pygame.locals import * from sys import exit import numpy background_image = 'qipan.png' white_image = 'whit

  • 使用python实现简单五子棋游戏

    用python实现五子棋简单人机模式的练习过程,供大家参考,具体内容如下 第一次写博客,我尽力把它写好. 最近在初学python,今天就用自己的一些粗浅理解,来记录一下这几天的python简单人机五子棋游戏的练习,下面是实现过程的理解(是在cmd中运行的): 主要流程: *重点内容* - 首先是模块及类的划分 - 棋子类和棋盘类的方法 - 对策略类里的功能进行细分,调用棋子类和棋盘类 - 写出判断输赢的方法 - 用main函数进行整个游戏进度的控制 模块及类的划分 类的划分涉及到了面向对象的内容

  • python五子棋游戏的设计与实现

    这个python的小案例是五子棋游戏的实现,在这个案例中,我们可以实现五子棋游戏的两个玩家在指定的位置落子,画出落子后的棋盘,并且根据函数判断出输赢的功能. 这个案例的思路如下所示: 首先,根据棋盘的样子画出棋盘 然后,对棋盘进行初始化,将可以落子的位置进行统一化处理 接下来,就是进入游戏的环节,双方轮流落子,落子后,并将棋盘画出 最后,根据落子的位置判断选手的的输赢情况,游戏结束 五子棋游戏的设计和实现 代码如下: def main(): print("五子棋游戏".center(5

  • python实现简单五子棋游戏

    本文实例为大家分享了python实现简单五子棋游戏的具体代码,供大家参考,具体内容如下 from graphics import * from math import * import numpy as np def ai(): """ AI计算落子位置 """ maxmin(True, DEPTH, -99999999, 99999999) return next_point[0], next_point[1] def maxmin(is_ai

  • python实现五子棋小程序

    本文实例为大家分享了python实现五子棋小程序的具体代码,供大家参考,具体内容如下 一.结合书上例子,分三段编写: #coding:utf-8 from win_notwin import * from show_qipan import * maxx=10 #10行10列 maxy=10 qipan=[[0,0,0,0,1,0,0,2,0,0],[0,1,2,1,1,0,2,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0,1,1,0,2,0,0],[0,0,0,0,2,0,0,1,0,0

  • python实现五子棋小游戏

    本文实例为大家分享了python实现五子棋小游戏的具体代码,供大家参考,具体内容如下 暑假学了十几天python,然后用pygame模块写了一个五子棋的小游戏,代码跟有缘人分享一下. import numpy as np import pygame import sys import traceback import copy from pygame.locals import * pygame.init() pygame.mixer.init() #颜色 background=(201,202

  • python实现五子棋游戏(pygame版)

    本文实例为大家分享了python五子棋游戏的具体代码,供大家参考,具体内容如下 目录 简介 实现过程 结语 简介 使用python实现pygame版的五子棋游戏: 环境:Windows系统+python3.8.0 游戏规则: 1.分两位棋手对战,默认黑棋先下:当在棋盘点击左键,即在该位置绘制黑棋: 2.自动切换到白棋,当在棋盘点击左键,即在该位置绘制白棋: 3.轮流切换棋手下棋,当那方先形成5子连线者获胜(横.竖.斜.反斜四个方向都可以). 游戏运行效果如下: 实现过程 1.新建文件settin

  • python使用minimax算法实现五子棋

    这是一个命令行环境的五子棋程序.使用了minimax算法. 除了百度各个棋型的打分方式,所有代码皆为本人所撸.本程序结构与之前的井字棋.黑白棋一模一样. 有一点小问题,没时间弄了,就这样吧. 一.效果图 (略) 二.完整代码 from functools import wraps import time import csv ''' 五子棋 Gobang 作者:hhh5460 时间:20181213 ''' #1.初始化棋盘 #------------ def init_board(): '''
