浅谈idea live template高级知识_进阶(给方法,类,js方法添加注释)




   * @Method : addMenu
   * @Description :
   * @param menu :
   * @return : cn.yiyizuche.common.base.ResultMsg
   * @author : Rush.D.Xzj
   * @CreateDate : 2017-06-12 星期一 18:17:42
   */public ResultMsg addMenu(Menu menu){
    ResultMsg result = null;
    return result;

给 Java class 添加注释:

 * @Project : 壹壹OA
 * @Package : cn.yiyizuche.common.ou.menu.controller
 * @Class : MenuController
 * @Description :
 * @author : Rush.D.Xzj
 * @CreateDate : 2017-06-12 星期一 18:15:32
 * @version : V1.0.0
 * @Copyright : 2017 yizukeji Inc. All rights reserved.
 * @Reviewed :
 * @UpateLog :  Name  Date  Reason/Contents
 *       ---------------------------------------
 *         ***    ****  ****
public class MenuController {

给js 的方法添加注释

 * @Method : standardShowBatchCheckBox
 * @Description :
 * @return :
 * @author : Rush.D.Xzj
 * @CreateDate : 2017-06-12 星期一 18:15:21
function standardShowBatchCheckBox(jspElement, dataList, max, valueIdFunction, textFunction, selectedFunction) {




Template text(注1):


Edit variables:


groovyScript("def methodName = \"${_1}\"; def jsMethodName = \"${_2}\"; def outputMethodName = \"${_3}\"; def outputDesc = \"${_4}\"; def outputParams = \"${_5}\"; def outputAuthor = \"${_6}\"; def outputReturnType = \"${_7}\"; def outputDateTime = \"${_8}\"; def outputPackage = \"${_9}\"; def outputClass = \"${_10}\"; def outputClassOtherInfo = \"${_11}\"; def outputProject = \"${_12}\"; def outputVersion = \"${_13}\"; def outputJsMethodName = \"${_14}\"; def outputJsReturnType = \"${_15}\"; def result = ''; if (methodName != 'null') { result += '\\n'; result += outputMethodName; result += outputDesc; result += outputParams; result += outputReturnType; result += outputAuthor; result += outputDateTime; result += ' *'; return result;} else if (jsMethodName != 'null') { result += '\\n'; result += outputJsMethodName; result += outputDesc; result += outputJsReturnType; result += outputAuthor; result += outputDateTime; result += ' *'; return result;} else { result += '\\n'; result += outputProject; result += outputPackage; result += outputClass; result += outputDesc; result += outputAuthor; result += outputDateTime; result += outputVersion; result += outputClassOtherInfo; result += ' *'; return result;} ", methodName(), jsMethodName(), groovyScript("def methodName = \"${_1}\"; def result = ' * @Method : ' + methodName + '\\n'; return result;", methodName()), groovyScript("def result = ' * @Description : ' + '\\n'; return result;"), groovyScript("if(\"${_1}\".length() == 2) {return '';} else {def result=''; def params=\"${_1}\".replaceAll('[\\\\[|\\\\]|\\\\s]', '').split(',').toList(); for(i = 0; i < params.size(); i++) {result+=' * @param ' + params[i] + ' : ' + '\\n'}; return result;}", methodParameters()), groovyScript("def author = 'Rush.D.Xzj'; def result = ' * @author : ' + author + '\\n'; return result;"), groovyScript("def returnType = \"${_1}\"; def result = ' * @return : ' + returnType + '\\n'; return result;", methodReturnType()), groovyScript("def date = \"${_1}\"; def time = \"${_2}\"; def result = ' * @CreateDate : ' + date + ' ' + time + '\\n'; return result;", date("yyyy-MM-dd E"), time("HH:mm:ss")), groovyScript("def currentPackage = \"${_1}\"; def result = ' * @Package : ' + currentPackage + '\\n'; return result;", currentPackage()), groovyScript("def className = \"${_1}\"; def result = ' * @Class : ' + className + '\\n'; return result;", className()), groovyScript("def result = ' * @Copyright : 2017 yizukeji Inc. All rights reserved.' + '\\n'; result += ' * @Reviewed : ' + '\\n'; result += ' * @UpateLog :  Name  Date  Reason/Contents' + '\\n'; result += ' *       ---------------------------------------' + '\\n'; result += ' *         ***    ****  **** ' + '\\n'; return result;"), groovyScript("def result = ' * @Project : 壹壹OA' + '\\n'; return result;"), groovyScript("def result = ' * @version : V1.0.0' + '\\n'; return result;"), groovyScript("def jsMethodName = \"${_1}\"; def result = ' * @Method : ' + jsMethodName + '\\n'; return result;", jsMethodName()), groovyScript("def result = ' * @return : ' + '\\n'; return result;"))


在xx.java或者 xx.js中输出(注2):


后 按 tab键(此键是默认的,可以更改成其他的)

注1 和注2


Template text






Edit Variable中代码详解

首先我分解了如下的 10几个函数(是小函数):

// 输出方法名
  groovyScript("def methodName = \"${_1}\"; def result = ' * @Method : ' + methodName + '\\n'; return result;", methodName())

  // 输出描述
  groovyScript("def result = ' * @Description : ' + '\\n'; return result;")

  // 输出参数列表的子函数
  groovyScript("if(\"${_1}\".length() == 2) {return '';} else {def result=''; def params=\"${_1}\".replaceAll('[\\\\[|\\\\]|\\\\s]', '').split(',').toList(); for(i = 0; i < params.size(); i++) {result+=' * @param ' + params[i] + ' : ' + '\\n'}; return result;}", methodParameters())

  // 输出  作者的    子函数 这里可以改作者
  groovyScript("def author = 'Rush.D.Xzj'; def result = ' * @author : ' + author + '\\n'; return result;")

  // 输出  返回值的  子函数
  groovyScript("def returnType = \"${_1}\"; def result = ' * @return : ' + returnType + '\\n'; return result;", methodReturnType())

  // 输出  日期的   字函数, 这个可以更改日期格式
  groovyScript("def date = \"${_1}\"; def time = \"${_2}\"; def result = ' * @CreateDate : ' + date + ' ' + time + '\\n'; return result;", date("yyyy-MM-dd E"), time("HH:mm:ss"))

  // 输出Project
  groovyScript("def result = ' * @Project : 壹壹OA' + '\\n'; return result;")

  // 输出package
  groovyScript("def currentPackage = \"${_1}\"; def result = ' * @Package : ' + currentPackage + '\\n'; return result;", currentPackage())

  // 输出class
  groovyScript("def className = \"${_1}\"; def result = ' * @Class : ' + className + '\\n'; return result;", className())

  // 输出copyright/reviewd/updatelog
  groovyScript("def result = ' * @Copyright : 2017 yizukeji Inc. All rights reserved.' + '\\n'; result += ' * @Reviewed : ' + '\\n'; result += ' * @UpateLog :  Name  Date  Reason/Contents' + '\\n'; result += ' *       ---------------------------------------' + '\\n'; result += ' *         ***    ****  **** ' + '\\n'; return result;")

  // 输出version
  groovyScript("def result = ' * @version : V1.0.0' + '\\n'; return result;")

  // 输出jsMethodName
  groovyScript("def jsMethodName = \"${_1}\"; def result = ' * @Method : ' + jsMethodName + '\\n'; return result;", jsMethodName())

  // 输出 js 的return
  groovyScript("def result = ' * @return : ' + '\\n'; return result;")




当methodName()不为空的时候, 生成 方法的 注释

当jsMethodName()不为空的时候, 生成 js方法的注释




def methodName = \"${_1}\";
  def jsMethodName = \"${_2}\";
  def outputMethodName = \"${_3}\";
  def outputDesc = \"${_4}\";
  def outputParams = \"${_5}\";
  def outputAuthor = \"${_6}\";
  def outputReturnType = \"${_7}\";
  def outputDateTime = \"${_8}\";
  def outputPackage = \"${_9}\";
  def outputClass = \"${_10}\";
  def outputClassOtherInfo = \"${_11}\";
  def outputProject = \"${_12}\";
  def outputVersion = \"${_13}\";
  def outputJsMethodName = \"${_14}\";
  def outputJsReturnType = \"${_15}\";
  def result = '';


if (methodName != 'null') {
    result += '\\n';
    result += outputMethodName;
    result += outputDesc;
    result += outputParams;
    result += outputReturnType;
    result += outputAuthor;
    result += outputDateTime;
    result += ' *';
    return result;
  } else if (jsMethodName != 'null') {
    result += '\\n';
    result += outputJsMethodName;
    result += outputDesc;
    result += outputJsReturnType;
    result += outputAuthor;
    result += outputDateTime;
    result += ' *';
    return result;
  } else {
    result += '\\n';
    result += outputProject;
    result += outputPackage;
    result += outputClass;
    result += outputDesc;
    result += outputAuthor;
    result += outputDateTime;
    result += outputVersion;
    result += outputClassOtherInfo;
    result += ' *';
    return result;


我还有如下的几个疑惑/问题需要解决, 如果有朋友能给我答案那就好了.

问题1. 不知道可以通过什么方法获取js方法中的参数列表

问题2. 代码片段2中如果我改成了:

result += '\\n';
  if (methodName != 'null') {
    result += outputMethodName;
    result += outputDesc;
    result += outputParams;
    result += outputReturnType;
    result += outputAuthor;
    result += outputDateTime;
  } else if (jsMethodName != 'null') {
    result += '\\n';
    result += outputJsMethodName;
    result += outputDesc;
    result += outputJsReturnType;
    result += outputAuthor;
    result += outputDateTime;
  } else {
    result += '\\n';
    result += outputProject;
    result += outputPackage;
    result += outputClass;
    result += outputDesc;
    result += outputAuthor;
    result += outputDateTime;
    result += outputVersion;
    result += outputClassOtherInfo;
  result += ' *';
  return result;


startup failed:
Script1.groovy: 1: expecting EOF, found 'result' @ line 1, column 1036.
  lt += outputClassOtherInfo; } result +=


关于问题3: 实际上给这种方法加注释是没有意义的,具体可以参考: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4310858/comments-on-overridden-method-in-java


以上这篇浅谈idea live template高级知识_进阶(给方法,类,js方法添加注释)就是小编分享给大家的全部内容了,希望能给大家一个参考,也希望大家多多支持我们。



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