




public class Person : IEquatable<Person>,IComparable<Person>
  public int Id { get; private set; }
  public string FirstName { get; set; }
  public string LastName { get; set; }

  public override string ToString()
   return String.Format("{0}, {1} {2}", Id, FirstName, LastName);

  public bool Equals(Person other)
   if (other == null)
    return base.Equals(other);

   return this.FirstName == other.FirstName && this.LastName == other.LastName;

  public int CompareTo(Person other)
   if (other == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("other");

   int result = this.LastName.CompareTo(other.LastName);
   if (result == 0)
    result = this.FirstName.CompareTo(other.FirstName);

   return result;



 Person[] persons = {
    new Person { FirstName = "Simen03", LastName = "Go" },
    new Person { FirstName = "Simen02", LastName = "Go" },
    new Person { FirstName = "Simen01", LastName = "Go" }
   foreach (var person in persons)

分析foreach (var person in persons)Console.WriteLine(person);这段代码IL代码

// loop start (head: IL_009b)
   IL_008a: ldloc.2
   IL_008b: ldloc.3
   IL_008c: ldelem.ref
   IL_008d: stloc.s person
   IL_008f: ldloc.s person
   IL_0091: call void [mscorlib]System.Console::WriteLine(object)
   IL_0096: nop
   IL_0097: ldloc.3
   IL_0098: ldc.i4.1
   IL_0099: add
   IL_009a: stloc.3

   IL_009b: ldloc.3
   IL_009c: ldloc.2
   IL_009d: ldlen
   IL_009e: conv.i4
   IL_009f: blt.s IL_008a
  // end loop


 IEnumerator enumerator = persons.GetEnumerator();
   while (enumerator.MoveNext())
    var person = enumerator.Current;

为了方便的创建枚举器,C#添加了yield语句,yield return 语句返回集合的一个元素,并移动到下一个元素,yield break 可停止迭代。使用迭代块,编译器会生成一个yield类型,其中包含一个状态机,如下代码段所示。yield 类型实现IEnumerator和IDisposable接口的属性和方法。在下面的例子中,可以把yield类型看作内部类Enumerator.外部类的GetEnumerator()方法实例化并返回一个新的yield类型。在yield类型中,变量state定义了迭代的当前位置,每次调用MoveNext()时,当前位置都会改变,MoveNext()封装了迭代代码,并设置了current变量的值,从而使Current属性根据位置返回一个对象。

 static void Main(string[] args)
   var helloCollection = new HelloCollection();
   foreach (string s in helloCollection)

  public class HelloCollection
   public IEnumerator<string> GetEnumerator()
    yield return "Hello";
    yield return "World";
  public class HelloCollectionOther
   public IEnumerator GetEnumertor()
    return new Enumerator(0);
   public class Enumerator : IEnumerator<string>, IEnumerator, IDisposable
    private int state;
    private string current;
    public Enumerator(int state)
     this.state = state;

    public string Current => throw new NotImplementedException();

    object IEnumerator.Current
     get { return current; }

    public void Dispose()
     throw new NotImplementedException();

    public bool MoveNext()
     switch (state)
      case 0:current = "hello";
       state = 1;
       return true;
      case 1:current = "world";
       state = 2;
       return true;
      case 2:
     return false;

    public void Reset()
     throw new NotImplementedException();





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    本文实例讲述了C#中foreach语句使用break暂停遍历的方法.分享给大家供大家参考.具体分析如下: 下面的代码演示了在C#中使用foreach时如何通过break语句暂停数据遍历 using System; public class w3demo { public static void Main() { int sum = 0; int[] nums = new int[10]; // give nums some values for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) n

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    1. foreach语句 C#编译器会把foreach语句转换为IEnumerable接口的方法和属性. 复制代码 代码如下: foreach (Person p in persons) { Console.WriteLine(p); } foreach语句会解析为下面的代码段. •调用GetEnumerator()方法,获得数组的一个枚举•在while循环中,只要MoveNext()返回true,就一直循环下去•用Current属性访问数组中的元素 复制代码 代码如下: IEnumerator

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  • C#中foreach语句深入研究

    1.概述 本文通过手动实现迭代器来了解foreach语句的本质. 2.使用foreach语句遍历集合 在C#中,使用foreach语句来遍历集合.foreach语句是微软提供的语法糖,使用它可以简化C#内置迭代器的使用复杂性.编译foreach语句,会生成调用GetEnumerator和MoveNext方法以及Current属性的代码,这些方法和属性恰是C#内置迭代器所提供的.下面将通过实例来说明这一切. 例1:使用foreach来遍历集合 //*************************

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    本文实例讲述了C#使用foreach语句简单遍历数组的方法.分享给大家供大家参考.具体如下: using System; public class jb51demo { public static void Main() { int sum = 0; int[] nums = new int[10]; // give nums some values for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) nums[i] = i; // use foreach to display and su
