
本文实例为大家分享了英文单词统计器php 实现,供大家参考,具体内容如下

程序开始运行, 按"浏览"钮选择一个英文文档, 再按"统计 Statistics"钮, 即可得到按字母顺序列出的所有单词,及其出现的次数
用于测试的数据文档: data.txt
output.php 和 StringTokenizer.php 是 要求在同一个文件夹中的程序
1. words_statistics_PHP.png   

2. word.php

 * 程序开始运行, 按"浏览"钮选择一个英文文档, 再按"统计"钮,
 * 即可得到按字母顺序列出的所有单词,及其出现的次数
 * 作者: 许同春 author Tongchun Xu
 * @开源中国 Open Source, Chna communiity
 * 完成日期:2016年6月10日 completion date: 10 June, 2016

  if ($_FILES["file"]["error"] > 0)
  echo "Error: " . $_FILES["file"]["error"] . "<br />";
  else {
$myfile = fopen($_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"], "r") or die("Unable to open file!");
$str = fread($myfile,filesize($_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"]));
$delim = "?\\,. /:!\"()\t\n\r\f%";
$st = new StringTokenizer($str, $delim);
echo '找到字符串: '.$st->countTokens();
$list=new LinkedList();
 while ($st->hasMoreTokens()) {
<h2>英文文档单词统计 Statistics on English words </h2>
<p>程序开始运行, 按"浏览"钮选择一个英文文档, 再按"统计 Statistics"钮,
 即可得到按字母顺序列出的所有单词,及其出现的次数 </p>

<form action="word.php" method="post"
<label for="file">英文文档名 File Name:</label>
<input type="file" name="file" id="file" />
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="统计 Statistics" />

3. output.php

<meta charset="utf-8" />
 * The class LinkedList allows an application to store strings in
 * alphabetical order by calling orderInsert().
 * 此处定义的 LinkedList 类,可以调用它的 方法 orderInsert(),来以字母
 * 大小的顺序储存 英文字符串。
 * 同时记录 英文单词出现的次数
 * 作者: 许同春 author Tongchun Xu
 * @开源中国 Open Source, China communiity
 * 完成日期:2016年6月10日 completion date: 10 June, 2016
class Node{
  public $data;
  public $frequency;
  public $next;
  function __construct($data, $next = null, $frequency = 1){
    $this->data = $data; //英文字符串
    $this->next = $next; //指向后继结点的指针
    $this->frequency=$frequency; //英文字符串出现的次数

class LinkedList{
  private $head; //单链表的头结点,不存储数据
 function __construct(){//单链表的构造方法
  //头结点的数据为"傀儡", 不代表 任何数据
  $this->head = new Node("dummy 傀儡");
  $this->first = null;

 function isEmpty(){
    return ($this->head->next == null);
/* orderInsert($data) 方法,
 * 按给定字符串 $data 的大小, 将其安插到适当的位置,
 * 以保证单链表中字符串的存储,始终是有序的。
 function orderInsert($data){
  $p = new Node($data);
    $this->head->next = $p;
  else {
  $node= $this->find($data);
  $q = $this->head;
  while($q->next != NULL && strcmp($data, $q->next->data)> 0 ){
  $q = $q->next;
    $p->next = $q->next;
    $q->next = $p;

 function insertLast($data){//将字符串插到单链表的尾部
  $p = new Node($data);

    $this->head->next = $p;
    $q = $this->head->next;
    while($q->next != NULL)
      $q = $q->next;
    $q->next = $p;

  function find($value){//查询是否有给定的字符串
    $q = $this->head->next;
    while($q->next != null){
      $q = $q->next;
    if ($q->data == $value)
    return $q;
    return null;

  function traversal(){//遍历单链表
    echo "输出结果:<table><tr>";
    echo "<td>".$p->data."<br>出现次数:".$p->frequency."</td>";
    while($p->next != null){
      echo "<td>".$p->data."<br>出现次数:".$p->frequency."</td>";
      if ($n%11==0) echo "</tr><tr>";

      echo "</tr></table>";
    echo "链表为空!";

  function words_count(){
  echo "<br>没有储存字符串 <br>";
  while($p->next != null){
  echo "***共有单词 ".$counter." 个***";

4. StringTokenizer.php


 * The string tokenizer class allows an application to break a string into tokens.
 * @author Azeem Michael
 * @example The following is one example of the use of the tokenizer. The code:
 * <code>
 * <?php
 * $str = "this is:@\t\n a test!";
 * $delim = " !@:'\t\n\0"; // remove these chars
 * $st = new StringTokenizer($str, $delim);
 * echo 'Total tokens: '.$st->countTokens().'<br/>';
 * while ($st->hasMoreTokens()) {
 * echo $st->nextToken() . '<br/>';
 * }
 * prints the following output:
 * Total tokens: 4
 * this
 * is
 * a
 * test
 * ?>
 * </code>
class StringTokenizer {

  /** @var string
  private $string;

  /** @var string
  private $token;

  /** @var string
  private $delim;

   * Constructs a string tokenizer for the specified string.
   * @param string $str String to tokenize
   * @param string $delim The set of delimiters (the characters that separate tokens)
   * specified at creation time, default to " \n\r\t\0"
  public function __construct($str, $delim=" \n\r\t\0") {
    $this->string = $str;
    $this->delim = $delim;
    $this->token = strtok($str, $delim);

   * Destructor to prevent memory leaks
  public function __destruct() {

   * Calculates the number of times that this tokenizer's nextToken method can
   * be called before it generates an exception
   * @return int - number of tokens
  public function countTokens() {
    $counter = 0;
    while($this->hasMoreTokens()) {
    $this->token = strtok($this->string, $this->delim);
    return $counter;

   * Tests if there are more tokens available from this tokenizer's string. It
   * does not move the internal pointer in any way. To move the internal pointer
   * to the next element call nextToken()
   * @return boolean - true if has more tokens, false otherwise
  public function hasMoreTokens() {
    return ($this->token !== false);

   * Returns the next token from this string tokenizer and advances the internal
   * pointer by one.
   * @return string - next element in the tokenized string
  public function nextToken() {
    $hold = $this->token; //hold current pointer value
    $this->token = strtok($this->delim); //increment pointer
    return $hold; //return current pointer value




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    function checkOnline($userid,$tempid=null)      {      $conn = connect(); //对于所有用户      //先设置自己为在线      $stmt = "UPDATE ".DB_NAME.".USER SET IsOnline='Y' WHERE UserID=".$userid;      $result = query($stmt,$conn);      //info($stmt);   

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    复制代码 代码如下: <?phpecho $str = "43fdf测试fdsfadaf43543543职工问防盗锁防盗锁5345gfdgd";preg_match_all("/[0-9]{1}/",$str,$arrNum);preg_match_all("/[a-zA-Z]{1}/",$str,$arrAl);preg_match_all("/([/x{4e00}-/x{9fa5}]){1}/u",$str,$arr

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