Python 文件重命名工具代码

#Description: batch replace certain words in file names
#Use to bat rename the file in a dir(modify the suffix from a to b) for Windows Vista OS
import sys
import os
import fnmatch
import re
#parse params
p=input("Please input work directory(current path for enter):")
if p=='\r':
print (p)
while not os.path.exists(p):
print (p+' is not existed.Please input the work directory:')
p=input("Please input work directory(current path for enter):")
s=input("Please enter the words which need be modified(must):")
while s=='\r':
s=input("Please enter the words which need be replaced(must):")
d=input("Please enter the words which want to change to(must):")
while d=='\r':
d=input("Please enter the words which want to change to(must):")
sure=input("Are you sure to rename the file named *"+s+"*"+" to *"+d+"*"+" in directory "+p+"? y/n:")
if sure!='y':
print ("Cancel")
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(p, True):
for file in files:
print (os.path.join(root,file))
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(root,file)):#Only file is file,not a dir ,do this
if fnmatch.fnmatch(file, '*'+s+'*'):
if p=='.':
command='move '+str(file)+" "+f
command="move "+os.path.join(root,file)+" "+os.path.join(root,f)
print (command)
if os.system(command)==0:#do actual rename
print ("Rename "+str(file)+" to "+f+" success")
print ("Rename "+str(file)+" to "+f+" failed")
#print str(file)+" is a directory.omit"
except IndexError:
print (IndexError.message)



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