- 前言
- 主要设计
- 功能截图
- 代码实现
- 总结
《中国象棋》游戏是用java语言实现,采用了swing技术进行了界面化处理,设计思路用了面向对象思想。, 人机对弈基于极大极小值搜索算法。
@Slf4j public class BoardPanel extends JPanel implements LambdaMouseListener { /** * 用于标记棋盘走棋痕迹 */ private final transient TraceMarker traceMarker; /** * 当前走棋开始坐标位置对应棋子 */ private transient ChessPiece curFromPiece; /** * 场景 */ private transient Situation situation; /** * Create the panel. */ public BoardPanel() { setBorder(new EmptyBorder(5, 5, 5, 5)); setLayout(null); // 初始化标记符 traceMarker = new TraceMarker(BoardPanel.this); // 添加鼠标事件 addMouseListener(this); } /** * 更新标记 */ public void updateMark(Place from, Place to) { // 更新标记 curFromPiece = null; // 更改标记 traceMarker.endedStep(from, to); } /** * 初始化所有标记 */ public void initMark() { traceMarker.initMarker(); } /** * 添加棋子 */ public void init(Situation situation) { this.situation = situation; // 移除所有组件 this.removeAll(); // 添加棋子 situation.getPieceList().forEach(it -> add(it.getComp())); situation.getSituationRecord().getEatenPieceList().forEach(it -> add(it.getComp())); // 初始化标记符 traceMarker.initMarker(); repaint(); } /** * @param e 鼠标按压事件对象 */ @Override public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { // 位置 Place pointerPlace = ChessDefined.convertLocationToPlace(e.getPoint()); if (pointerPlace == null) { return; } if (situation.winner() != null) { log.warn("已经存在胜利者: {}, 无法走棋", situation.winner()); return; } // 当前走棋方 @NonNull Part pointerPart = situation.getNextPart(); // 当前焦点棋子 ChessPiece pointerPiece = situation.getChessPiece(pointerPlace); // 通过当前方和当前位置判断是否可以走棋 // step: form if (curFromPiece == null) { // 当前焦点位置有棋子且是本方棋子 if (pointerPiece != null && pointerPiece.piece.part == pointerPart) { // 本方棋子, 同时是from指向 curFromPiece = pointerPiece; traceMarker.setMarkFromPlace(pointerPlace); // 获取toList MyList<Place> list = curFromPiece.piece.role.find(new AnalysisBean(situation.generatePieces()), pointerPart, pointerPlace); traceMarker.showMarkPlace(list);;"true -> 当前焦点位置有棋子且是本方棋子"); final ListPool listPool = ListPool.localPool(); listPool.addListToPool(list); return; } log.warn("warning -> from 焦点指示错误"); return; } if (pointerPlace.equals(curFromPiece.getPlace())) { log.warn("false -> from == to"); return; } // 当前焦点位置有棋子且是本方棋子 if (pointerPiece != null && pointerPiece.piece.part == pointerPart) { assert curFromPiece.piece.part == pointerPart : "当前焦点位置有棋子且是本方棋子 之前指向了对方棋子"; // 更新 curFromPiece curFromPiece = pointerPiece; traceMarker.setMarkFromPlace(pointerPlace); MyList<Place> list = curFromPiece.piece.role.find(new AnalysisBean(situation.generatePieces()), pointerPart, pointerPlace); traceMarker.showMarkPlace(list);;"true -> 更新 curFromPiece"); ListPool.localPool().addListToPool(list); return; } final StepBean stepBean = StepBean.of(curFromPiece.getPlace(), pointerPlace); // 如果不符合规则则直接返回 final Piece[][] pieces = situation.generatePieces(); if (!curFromPiece.piece.role.rule.check(pieces, pointerPart, stepBean.from, { // 如果当前指向棋子是本方棋子 log.warn("不符合走棋规则"); return; } // 如果达成长拦或者长捉, 则返回 final StepBean forbidStepBean = situation.getForbidStepBean(); if (forbidStepBean != null && forbidStepBean.from == stepBean.from && == {; log.warn("长拦或长捉"); return; } AnalysisBean analysisBean = new AnalysisBean(pieces); // 如果走棋后, 导致两个 BOSS 对面, 则返回 if (!analysisBean.isBossF2FAfterStep(curFromPiece.piece, stepBean.from, {; log.warn("BOSS面对面"); return; } /* 模拟走一步棋, 之后再计算对方再走一步是否能够吃掉本方的 boss */ if (analysisBean.simulateOneStep(stepBean, bean -> bean.canEatBossAfterOneAiStep(Part.getOpposite(pointerPart)))) {; log.warn("BOSS 危险"); if (!Application.config().isActiveWhenBeCheck()) { return; } } // 当前棋子无棋子或者为对方棋子, 且符合规则, 可以走棋 Object[] objects = new Object[]{stepBean.from,, PlayerType.PEOPLE}; final boolean sendSuccess = Application.context().getCommandExecutor().sendCommandWhenNotRun(CommandExecutor.CommandType.LocationPiece, objects); if (!sendSuccess) { log.warn("命令未发送成功: {} ==> {}", CommandExecutor.CommandType.LocationPiece, Arrays.toString(objects)); } } @Override public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { super.paintComponent(g); Image img = ChessImage.CHESS_BOARD.getImage(); int imgWidth = img.getWidth(this); int imgHeight = img.getHeight(this);// 获得图片的宽度与高度 int fWidth = getWidth(); int fHeight = getHeight();// 获得窗口的宽度与高度 int x = (fWidth - imgWidth) / 2; int y = (fHeight - imgHeight) / 2; // 520 576 514 567 log.debug(String.format("%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s", imgWidth, imgHeight, fWidth, fHeight, x, y)); g.drawImage(img, 0, 0, null); } }
命令执行器, 用于处理走棋中的命令
@Slf4j public class CommandExecutor { /** * 异步调用线程, 来处理走棋命令 */ private final CtrlLoopThreadComp ctrlLoopThreadComp; private final BoardPanel boardPanel; /** * 是否持续运行标记 */ private volatile boolean sustain; public CommandExecutor(BoardPanel boardPanel) { this.boardPanel = boardPanel; this.ctrlLoopThreadComp = CtrlLoopThreadComp.ofRunnable(this::loop) .setName("CommandExecutor") .catchFun(CtrlLoopThreadComp.CATCH_FUNCTION_CONTINUE); } /** * 下一步骤命令 */ private CommandType nextCommand; /** * 下一步骤命令的参数 */ private Object nextParamObj; private volatile boolean isRun; /** * @param commandType 命令类型 */ public void sendCommand(@NonNull CommandType commandType) { sendCommand(commandType, null); } /** * @param commandType 命令类型 * @param paramObj 命令参数 */ public synchronized void sendCommand(@NonNull CommandType commandType, Object paramObj) { this.nextCommand = commandType; this.nextParamObj = paramObj; sustain = false; this.ctrlLoopThreadComp.startOrWake(); } /** * 只有在 线程没有运行的情况下, 才能添加成功 * * @param commandType 命令类型 * @param paramObj 命令参数 * @return 是否添加成功 */ public synchronized boolean sendCommandWhenNotRun(@NonNull CommandType commandType, Object paramObj) { if (isRun) { return false; } sendCommand(commandType, paramObj); return true; } private void loop() { final CommandType command; final Object paramObj; synchronized (this) { command = this.nextCommand; paramObj = this.nextParamObj; this.nextCommand = null; this.nextParamObj = null; } if (command != null) { isRun = true; try { log.debug("处理事件[{}] start", command.getLabel()); consumerCommand(command, paramObj); log.debug("处理事件[{}] end ", command.getLabel()); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("执行命令[{}]发生异常", command.getLabel(), e); new Thread(() -> JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(boardPanel, e.getMessage(), e.toString(), JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE)).start(); } } else { this.ctrlLoopThreadComp.pause(); isRun = false; } } /** * 运行 */ private void consumerCommand(final CommandType commandType, Object paramObj) { switch (commandType) { case SuspendCallBackOrAiRun: break; case CallBackOneTime: Application.context().rollbackOneStep(); break; case AiRunOneTime: if (Application.context().aiRunOneTime() != null) { log.debug("已经决出胜方!"); } break; case SustainCallBack: sustain = true; while (sustain) { if (!Application.context().rollbackOneStep()) { sustain = false; break; } Throws.con(Application.config().getComIntervalTime(), Thread::sleep).logThrowable(); } break; case SustainAiRun: sustain = true; while (sustain) { if (Application.context().aiRunOneTime() != null) { log.debug("已经决出胜方, AI执行暂停!"); sustain = false; break; } Throws.con(Application.config().getComIntervalTime(), Thread::sleep).logThrowable(); } break; case SustainAiRunIfNextIsAi: sustain = true; while (sustain) { // 如果下一步棋手不是 AI, 则暂停 if (!PlayerType.COM.equals(Application.config().getPlayerType(Application.context().getSituation().getNextPart()))) { sustain = false; log.debug("下一步棋手不是 AI, 暂停!"); } else if (Application.context().aiRunOneTime() != null) { log.debug("已经决出胜方, AI执行暂停!"); sustain = false; } else { Throws.con(Application.config().getComIntervalTime(), Thread::sleep).logThrowable(); } } break; case LocationPiece: final Object[] params = (Object[]) paramObj; Place from = (Place) params[0]; Place to = (Place) params[1]; PlayerType type = (PlayerType) params[2]; Application.context().locatePiece(from, to, type); sendCommand(CommandExecutor.CommandType.SustainAiRunIfNextIsAi); break; default: throw new ShouldNotHappenException("未处理的命令: " + commandType); } } /** * 命令支持枚举(以下命令应当使用同一个线程运行, 一个事件结束之后, 另一个事件才能开始运行.) */ @SuppressWarnings("java:S115") public enum CommandType { SuspendCallBackOrAiRun("停止撤销|AI计算"), CallBackOneTime("撤销一步"), SustainCallBack("持续撤销"), AiRunOneTime("AI计算一步"), SustainAiRun("AI持续运行"), SustainAiRunIfNextIsAi("COM角色运行"), LocationPiece("ui落子命令"); @Getter private final String label; CommandType(String label) { this.label = label; } } }
@NoArgsConstructor(access = AccessLevel.PRIVATE) @Slf4j public class AlphaBeta { private static final int MAX = 100_000_000; /** * 这里要保证 Min + Max = 0, 哪怕是微不足道的差距都可能导致发生错误 */ private static final int MIN = -MAX; /** * 根据棋子数量, 动态调整搜索深度 * * @param pieceNum 棋子数量 * @return 调整搜索深度差值 */ public static int searchDeepSuit(final int pieceNum) { // 根据棋子数量, 动态调整搜索深度 if (pieceNum > 20) { return -2; } else if (pieceNum <= 4) { return 4; } else if (pieceNum <= 8) { return 2; } return 0; } /** * 生成待选的列表,就是可以下子的空位, 如果 deep > 2 则对搜索结果进行排序. * * @param analysisBean 棋盘分析对象 * @param curPart 当前走棋方 * @param deep 搜索深度 * @return 可以下子的空位集合 */ private static MyList<StepBean> geneNestStepPlaces(final AnalysisBean analysisBean, final Part curPart, final int deep) { final Piece[][] pieces = analysisBean.pieces; // 是否杀棋 MyList<StepBean> stepBeanList = ListPool.localPool().getAStepBeanList(); for (int x = 0; x < ChessDefined.RANGE_X; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < ChessDefined.RANGE_Y; y++) { final Piece fromPiece = pieces[x][y]; if (fromPiece != null && fromPiece.part == curPart) { final Place from = Place.of(x, y); // TO DO 考虑下此处添加至集合的做法 在计算时 是否有优化空间. final MyList<Place> list = fromPiece.role.find(analysisBean, curPart, from); if (list.isEmpty()) { ListPool.localPool().addListToPool(list); continue; } final Object[] elementData = list.eleTemplateDate(); for (int i = 0, len = list.size(); i < len; i++) { stepBeanList.add(StepBean.of(from, (Place) elementData[i])); } ListPool.localPool().addListToPool(list); } } } // 是否排序, 如果搜索深度大于2, 则对结果进行排序 // 排序后的结果, 进入极大极小值搜索算法时, 容易被剪枝. if (deep > 2) { orderStep(analysisBean, stepBeanList, curPart); } return stepBeanList; } /** * 对 空位列表 进行排序, 排序后的空位列表, 进入极大极小值搜索算法时, 容易被剪枝. * * @param analysisBean 棋盘分析对象 * @param stepBeanList 可以下子的空位列表 * @param curPart 当前走棋方 */ private static void orderStep(final AnalysisBean analysisBean, final MyList<StepBean> stepBeanList, final Part curPart) { final Piece[][] srcPieces = analysisBean.pieces; // 进入循环之前计算好循环内使用常量 MyList<DoubleBean<Integer, StepBean>> bestPlace = ListPool.localPool().getADoubleBeanList(); // 对方棋手 final Part oppositeCurPart = Part.getOpposite(curPart); int best = MIN; final Object[] objects = stepBeanList.eleTemplateDate(); for (int i = 0; i < stepBeanList.size(); i++) { final StepBean item = (StepBean) objects[i]; final Place to =; // 备份 final Piece eatenPiece = srcPieces[to.x][to.y]; int score; // 判断是否胜利 if (eatenPiece != null && eatenPiece.role == Role.BOSS) { score = MAX; } else { // 走棋 final int invScr = analysisBean.goForward(item.from, to, eatenPiece); DebugInfo.incrementAlphaBetaOrderTime(); // 评分 score = negativeMaximumWithNoCut(analysisBean, oppositeCurPart, -best); // 退回上一步 analysisBean.backStep(item.from, to, eatenPiece, invScr); } // 这里添加进所有的分数 bestPlace.add(new DoubleBean<>(score, item)); if (score > best) { // 找到一个更好的分,就把以前存的位子全部清除 best = score; } } /* 排序后返回 */ // 这样排序是正确的, 可以有效消减数量 bestPlace.sort((o1, o2) -> o2.getO1() - o1.getO1()); stepBeanList.clear(); bestPlace.forEach(dou -> stepBeanList.add(dou.getO2())); ListPool.localPool().addListToDoubleBeanListPool(bestPlace); } /** * 负极大值搜索算法(不带剪枝算法) * * @param analysisBean 局势分析对象 * @param curPart 当前走棋方 * @return 负极大值搜索算法计算分值 */ private static int negativeMaximumWithNoCut(AnalysisBean analysisBean, Part curPart, int alphaBeta) { // 1. 初始化各个变量 final Piece[][] pieces = analysisBean.pieces; int best = MIN; // 2. 生成待选的列表,就是可以下子的列表 MyList<StepBean> stepBeanList = geneNestStepPlaces(analysisBean, curPart, 1); final Object[] objects = stepBeanList.eleTemplateDate(); for (int i = 0, len = stepBeanList.size(); i < len; i++) { final StepBean item = (StepBean) objects[i]; Place from = item.from; Place to =; // 备份 Piece eatenPiece = pieces[to.x][to.y]; int score; // 判断是否胜利 if (eatenPiece != null && eatenPiece.role == Role.BOSS) { score = MAX; } else { // 走棋 final int invScr = analysisBean.goForward(from, to, eatenPiece); DebugInfo.incrementAlphaBetaOrderTime(); score = analysisBean.getCurPartEvaluateScore(curPart); // 退回上一步 analysisBean.backStep(from, to, eatenPiece, invScr); } if (score > best) { // 找到一个更好的分,就更新分数 best = score; } if (score > alphaBeta) { // alpha剪枝 break; } } ListPool.localPool().addListToStepBeanListPool(stepBeanList); return -best; } /** * 奇数层是电脑(max层)thisSide, 偶数层是human(min层)otherSide * * @param srcPieces 棋盘 * @param curPart 当前走棋方 * @param deep 搜索深度 * @param forbidStep 禁止的步骤(长捉或长拦) * @return 下一步的位置 */ public static Set<StepBean> getEvaluatedPlace(final Piece[][] srcPieces, final Part curPart, final int deep, final StepBean forbidStep) { // 1. 初始化各个变量 final AnalysisBean analysisBean = new AnalysisBean(srcPieces); // 2. 获取可以下子的空位列表 MyList<StepBean> stepBeanList = geneNestStepPlaces(analysisBean, curPart, deep); // 3. 移除不该下的子 stepBeanList.remove(forbidStep); // 进入循环之前计算好循环内使用常量 Set<StepBean> bestPlace = new HashSet<>(); int best = MIN; // 对方棋手 final Part oppositeCurPart = Part.getOpposite(curPart); // 下一深度 final int nextDeep = deep - 1; log.debug("size : {}, content: {}", stepBeanList.size(), stepBeanList); final Object[] objects = stepBeanList.eleTemplateDate(); for (int i = 0, len = stepBeanList.size(); i < len; i++) { StepBean item = (StepBean) objects[i]; final Place to =; // 备份 final Piece eatenPiece = srcPieces[to.x][to.y]; int score; // 判断是否胜利 if (eatenPiece != null && eatenPiece.role == Role.BOSS) { // 步数越少, 分值越大 score = MAX + deep; } else { // 走棋 final int invScr = analysisBean.goForward(item.from, to, eatenPiece); // 评分 if (deep <= 1) { score = analysisBean.getCurPartEvaluateScore(curPart); } else { score = negativeMaximum(analysisBean, oppositeCurPart, nextDeep, -best); } // 退回上一步 analysisBean.backStep(item.from, to, eatenPiece, invScr); } if (score == best) { // 找到相同的分数, 就添加这一步 bestPlace.add(item); } if (score > best) { // 找到一个更好的分,就把以前存的位子全部清除 best = score; bestPlace.clear(); bestPlace.add(item); } } ListPool.end(); ListPool.localPool().addListToStepBeanListPool(stepBeanList); return bestPlace; } /** * 奇数层是电脑(max层)thisSide, 偶数层是human(min层)otherSide * * @param srcPieces 棋盘 * @param curPart 当前走棋方 * @param deep 搜索深度 * @param forbidStep 禁止的步骤(长捉或长拦) * @return 下一步的位置 */ public static Set<StepBean> getEvaluatedPlaceWithParallel(final Piece[][] srcPieces, final Part curPart, final int deep, final StepBean forbidStep) { // 1. 初始化各个变量 final AnalysisBean srcAnalysisBean = new AnalysisBean(srcPieces); // 2. 获取可以下子的空位列表 MyList<StepBean> stepBeanList = geneNestStepPlaces(srcAnalysisBean, curPart, deep); // 3. 移除不该下的子 stepBeanList.remove(forbidStep); // 进入循环之前计算好循环内使用常量 final Set<StepBean> bestPlace = new HashSet<>(); final AtomicInteger best = new AtomicInteger(MIN); // 对方棋手 final Part oppositeCurPart = Part.getOpposite(curPart); // 下一深度 final int nextDeep = deep - 1; log.debug("size : {}, content: {}", stepBeanList.size(), stepBeanList); -> { log.debug("并行流 ==> Thread : {}", Thread.currentThread().getId()); final Piece[][] pieces = ArrayUtils.deepClone(srcPieces); final AnalysisBean analysisBean = new AnalysisBean(pieces); final Place to =; // 备份 final Piece eatenPiece = pieces[to.x][to.y]; int score; // 判断是否胜利 if (eatenPiece != null && eatenPiece.role == Role.BOSS) { // 步数越少, 分值越大 score = MAX + deep; } else { // 走棋 final int invScr = analysisBean.goForward(item.from, to, eatenPiece); // 评分 if (deep <= 1) { score = analysisBean.getCurPartEvaluateScore(curPart); } else { score = negativeMaximum(analysisBean, oppositeCurPart, nextDeep, -best.get()); } // 退回上一步 analysisBean.backStep(item.from, to, eatenPiece, invScr); } if (score == best.get()) { // 找到相同的分数, 就添加这一步 synchronized (bestPlace) { bestPlace.add(item); } } if (score > best.get()) { // 找到一个更好的分,就把以前存的位子全部清除 best.set(score); synchronized (bestPlace) { bestPlace.clear(); bestPlace.add(item); } } ListPool.end(); }); ListPool.localPool().addListToStepBeanListPool(stepBeanList); ListPool.end(); return bestPlace; } /** * 负极大值搜索算法 * * @param analysisBean 局势分析对象 * @param curPart 当前走棋方 * @param deep 搜索深度 * @param alphaBeta alphaBeta 剪枝分值 * @return 负极大值搜索算法计算分值 */ private static int negativeMaximum(AnalysisBean analysisBean, Part curPart, int deep, int alphaBeta) { // 1. 初始化各个变量 final Piece[][] pieces = analysisBean.pieces; int best = MIN; // 对方棋手 final Part oppositeCurPart = Part.getOpposite(curPart); // 下一深度 final int nextDeep = deep - 1; // 2. 生成待选的列表,就是可以下子的列表 final MyList<StepBean> stepBeanList = geneNestStepPlaces(analysisBean, curPart, deep); final Object[] objects = stepBeanList.eleTemplateDate(); for (int i = 0, len = stepBeanList.size(); i < len; i++) { final StepBean item = (StepBean) objects[i]; Place from = item.from; Place to =; // 备份 Piece eatenPiece = pieces[to.x][to.y]; int score; // 判断是否胜利 if (eatenPiece != null && eatenPiece.role == Role.BOSS) { // 步数越少, 分值越大 score = MAX + deep; } else { // 走棋 final int invScr = analysisBean.goForward(from, to, eatenPiece); // 评估 if (deep <= 1) { score = analysisBean.getCurPartEvaluateScore(curPart); } else { score = negativeMaximum(analysisBean, oppositeCurPart, nextDeep, -best); } // 退回上一步 analysisBean.backStep(from, to, eatenPiece, invScr); } if (score > best) { // 找到一个更好的分,就更新分数 best = score; } if (score > alphaBeta) { // alpha剪枝 break; } } ListPool.localPool().addListToStepBeanListPool(stepBeanList); return -best; } }