.NET 6线程池ThreadPool实现概述

  • 前言
  • 任务的调度
    • 基本调度单元
      • IThreadPoolWorkItem 实现类的实例。
      • Task
    • 全局队列
    • 本地队列
    • 偷窃机制
  • Worker Thread 的生命周期管理
    • 线程注入实验
      • .NET 5 实验一 默认线程池配置
      • .NET 5 实验二 调整 ThreadPool 设置
      • .NET 5 实验三 tcs.Task.Wait() 改为 Thread.Sleep
      • .NET 6 实验一 默认 ThreadPool 设置
      • .NET 6 实验二 调整 ThreadPool 设置
      • .NET 6 实验三 tcs.Task.Wait() 改为 Thread.Sleep
    • 线程注入
      • 1. 第一个线程的出现
      • 2. 达到 min threads 之前的线程数增长
      • 3. 避免饥饿机制(Starvation Avoidance)
    • 线程注入在 .NET 6 中的改进
    • 爬山算法(Hill Climbing)
    • 不必要线程的销毁
  • 参考资料


在即将发布的 .NET 6 runtime 中,默认的线程池实现从 C++ 代码改为了 C#,更方便我们学习线程池的设计了。

新的线程池实现位于 PortableThreadPool 中,原 ThreadPool 中的对外公开的接口会直接调用 PortableThreadPool 中的实现。

通过设置环境变量 ThreadPool_UsePortableThreadPool 为 0 可以设置成使用老的线程池实现。

本文以 .NET 6 runtime 源码作为学习材料,对线程池的设计进行介绍。从目前的理解上来看,其整体的设计与原来 C++ 的实现并没有特别大的出入。


  • 本文不涉及细节的代码实现,主要为大家介绍其整体设计。所展示的代码并非原封不动的源码,而是为了方便理解的简化版。
  • ThreadPool.SetMaxThreads(int workerThreads, int completionPortThreads) 中的 completionPortThreads 所相关的 IOCP线程池 是 .NET Framework 时代的遗留产物,用于管理 Windows 平台专有的 IOCP 的回调线程池。目前没看到有什么地方在用它了,completionPortThreads 这个参数也已经没有意义,底层IO库是自己维护的IO等待线程池。本文只涉及 worker thread 池的介绍。
  • 本文理解并不完整也不一定完全正确,有异议的地方欢迎留言讨论。
  • 为了解释问题,一部分代码会运行在 .NET 6 之前的环境中。


线程池的待执行任务被存放在一个队列系统中。这个系统包括一个 全局队列,以及绑定在每一个 Worker Thread 上 的 本地队列 。而线程池中的每一个线程都在执行 while(true) 的循环,从这个队列系统中领取并执行任务。

ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem 的重载方法 ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem<TState>(Action<TState> callBack, TState state, bool preferLocal) 里有一个 preferLocal 参数。

调用不带 preferLocal 参数的 ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem 方法重载,任务会被放到全局队列。

preferLocal 为 true 的时候,如果调用 ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem 代码的线程正好是个线程池里的某个线程,则该任务就会进入该线程的本地队列中。除此之外的情况则会被放到全局队列中等待未来被某个 Worker Thread 捡走。

在线程池外的线程中调用,不管 preferLocal 传的是什么,任务都会被放到全局队列。


本地队列和全局队列的元素类型被定义为 object,实际的任务类型分为两类,在从队列系统取到任务之后会判断类型并执行对应的方法。

IThreadPoolWorkItem 实现类的实例。

/// <summary>Represents a work item that can be executed by the ThreadPool.</summary>
public interface IThreadPoolWorkItem
    void Execute();

执行 Execute 方法也就代表着任务的执行。

IThreadPoolWorkItem 的具体实现有很多,例如通过 ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(WaitCallback callBack) 传入的 callBack 委托实例会被包装到一个 QueueUserWorkItemCallback 实例里。QueueUserWorkItemCallbackIThreadPoolWorkItem 的实现类。


class Task
    internal void InnerInvoke();

执行 InnerInvoke 会执行 Task 所包含的委托。


全局队列 是由 ThreadPoolWorkQueue 维护的,同时它也是整个队列系统的入口,直接被 ThreadPool 所引用。

public static class ThreadPool
    internal static readonly ThreadPoolWorkQueue s_workQueue = new ThreadPoolWorkQueue();

    public static bool QueueUserWorkItem(WaitCallback callBack, object state)
        object tpcallBack = new QueueUserWorkItemCallback(callBack!, state);

        s_workQueue.Enqueue(tpcallBack, forceGlobal: true);

        return true;

internal sealed class ThreadPoolWorkQueue
    // 全局队列
    internal readonly ConcurrentQueue<object> workItems = new ConcurrentQueue<object>();

    // forceGlobal 为 true 时,push 到全局队列,否则就放到本地队列
    public void Enqueue(object callback, bool forceGlobal);


线程池中的每一个线程都会绑定一个 ThreadPoolWorkQueueThreadLocals 实例,在 workStealingQueue 这个字段上保存着本地队列。

internal sealed class ThreadPoolWorkQueueThreadLocals
    // 绑定在线程池线程上
    public static ThreadPoolWorkQueueThreadLocals threadLocals;

    // 持有全局队列的引用,以便能在需要的时候将任务转移到全局队列上
    public readonly ThreadPoolWorkQueue workQueue;
    // 本地队列的直接维护者
    public readonly ThreadPoolWorkQueue.WorkStealingQueue workStealingQueue;
    public readonly Thread currentThread;

    public ThreadPoolWorkQueueThreadLocals(ThreadPoolWorkQueue tpq)
        workQueue = tpq;
        workStealingQueue = new ThreadPoolWorkQueue.WorkStealingQueue();
        // WorkStealingQueueList 会集中管理 workStealingQueue
        currentThread = Thread.CurrentThread;

    // 提供将本地队列中的任务转移到全局队列中去的功能,
    // 当 ThreadPool 通过后文将会介绍的 HillClimbing 算法判断得出当前线程是多余的线程后,
    // 会调用此方法对任务进行转移
    public void TransferLocalWork()
        while (workStealingQueue.LocalPop() is object cb)
            workQueue.Enqueue(cb, forceGlobal: true);

        if (null != workStealingQueue)
            // TransferLocalWork 真正的目的并非是为了在这里被调用,这边只是确保任务不会丢的 fallback 逻辑


这里思考一个问题,为什么本地队列的名字会被叫做 WorkStealingQueue 呢?

所有 Worker ThreadWorkStealingQueue 都被集中在 WorkStealingQueueList 中。对线程池中其他所有线程可见。

Worker Threadwhile(true) 中优先会从自身的 WorkStealingQueue 中取任务。如果本地队列已经被清空,就会从全局队列中取任务。例如下图的 Thread1 取全局队列中领取了一个任务。

同时 Thread3 也没活干了,但是全局队列中的任务被 Thread1 抢走了。这时候就会去 从 Thread2 的本地队列中抢 Thread2 的活。

Worker Thread 的生命周期管理

接下来我们把格局放大,关注点从 Worker Thread 的打工日常转移到对它们的生命周期管理上来。

代码参考自 https://devblogs.microsoft.com/dotnet/performance-improvements-in-net-6/。


Task.Run 会将 Task 调度到线程池中执行,下面的示例代码中等效于 ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(WaitCallback callBack),会把 Task 放到队列系统的全局队列中(顺便一提,如果在一个线程池线程中执行 Task.Run 会将 Task 调度到此线程池线程的本地队列中)。

.NET 5 实验一 默认线程池配置

static void Main(string[] args)
    var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
    var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource();
    var tasks = new List<Task>();
    for (int i = 1; i <= Environment.ProcessorCount * 2; i++)
        int id = i;
        Console.WriteLine($"Loop Id: {id:00}    | {sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds:0.000} | Busy Threads: {GetBusyThreads()}");
        tasks.Add(Task.Run(() =>
            Console.WriteLine($"Task Id: {id:00}    | {sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds:0.000} | Busy Threads: {GetBusyThreads()}");

    tasks.Add(Task.Run(() =>
        Console.WriteLine($"Task SetResult | {sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds:0.000} | Busy Threads: {GetBusyThreads()}");
    Console.WriteLine($"Done:          | {sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds:0.000}");

static int GetBusyThreads()
    ThreadPool.GetAvailableThreads(out var available, out _);
    ThreadPool.GetMaxThreads(out var max, out _);
    return max - available;

首先在代码在 .NET 5 环境中运行以下代码,CPU 逻辑核心数 12。

Loop Id: 01    | 0.000 | Busy Threads: 0
Loop Id: 02    | 0.112 | Busy Threads: 1
Loop Id: 03    | 0.112 | Busy Threads: 2
Loop Id: 04    | 0.113 | Busy Threads: 4
Loop Id: 05    | 0.113 | Busy Threads: 7
Loop Id: 06    | 0.113 | Busy Threads: 10
Loop Id: 07    | 0.113 | Busy Threads: 10
Task Id: 01    | 0.113 | Busy Threads: 11
Task Id: 02    | 0.113 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 03    | 0.113 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 07    | 0.113 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 04    | 0.113 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 05    | 0.113 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 08    | 0.113 | Busy Threads: 10
Task Id: 08    | 0.113 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 09    | 0.113 | Busy Threads: 11
Loop Id: 10    | 0.113 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 11    | 0.114 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 12    | 0.114 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 13    | 0.114 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 14    | 0.114 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 15    | 0.114 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 16    | 0.114 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 17    | 0.114 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 18    | 0.114 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 19    | 0.114 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 20    | 0.114 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 21    | 0.114 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 22    | 0.114 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 23    | 0.114 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 24    | 0.114 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 09    | 0.114 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 06    | 0.114 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 10    | 0.114 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 11    | 0.114 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 12    | 0.114 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 13    | 1.091 | Busy Threads: 13
Task Id: 14    | 1.594 | Busy Threads: 14
Task Id: 15    | 2.099 | Busy Threads: 15
Task Id: 16    | 3.102 | Busy Threads: 16
Task Id: 17    | 3.603 | Busy Threads: 17
Task Id: 18    | 4.107 | Busy Threads: 18
Task Id: 19    | 4.611 | Busy Threads: 19
Task Id: 20    | 5.113 | Busy Threads: 20
Task Id: 21    | 5.617 | Busy Threads: 21
Task Id: 22    | 6.122 | Busy Threads: 22
Task Id: 23    | 7.128 | Busy Threads: 23
Task Id: 24    | 7.632 | Busy Threads: 24
Task SetResult | 8.135 | Busy Threads: 25
Done:          | 8.136

Task.Run 会把 Task 调度到线程池上执行,前 24 个 task 都会被阻塞住,直到第 25 个被执行。每次都会打印出当前线程池中正在执行任务的线程数(也就是创建完成的线程数)。


  • 前几次循环,线程随着 Task 数量递增,后面几次循环直到循环结束为止,线程数一直维持在 12 没有发生变化。
  • 线程数在达到 12 之前,零间隔时间增加。第 12 到 第 13 线程间隔 1s 不到,往后约 500ms 增加一个线程。

.NET 5 实验二 调整 ThreadPool 设置

在上面的代码最前面加入以下两行代码,继续在 .NET 5 环境运行一次。

ThreadPool.GetMinThreads(out int defaultMinThreads, out int completionPortThreads);
Console.WriteLine($"DefaultMinThreads: {defaultMinThreads}");
ThreadPool.SetMinThreads(14, completionPortThreads);


DefaultMinThreads: 12
Loop Id: 01    | 0.000 | Busy Threads: 0
Loop Id: 02    | 0.003 | Busy Threads: 1
Loop Id: 03    | 0.003 | Busy Threads: 2
Loop Id: 04    | 0.003 | Busy Threads: 5
Loop Id: 05    | 0.004 | Busy Threads: 8
Task Id: 01    | 0.004 | Busy Threads: 10
Task Id: 03    | 0.004 | Busy Threads: 10
Loop Id: 06    | 0.004 | Busy Threads: 10
Task Id: 02    | 0.004 | Busy Threads: 10
Task Id: 04    | 0.004 | Busy Threads: 10
Task Id: 05    | 0.004 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 07    | 0.004 | Busy Threads: 9
Loop Id: 08    | 0.004 | Busy Threads: 10
Loop Id: 09    | 0.004 | Busy Threads: 11
Loop Id: 10    | 0.004 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 08    | 0.004 | Busy Threads: 14
Task Id: 06    | 0.004 | Busy Threads: 14
Task Id: 09    | 0.004 | Busy Threads: 14
Task Id: 10    | 0.004 | Busy Threads: 14
Loop Id: 11    | 0.004 | Busy Threads: 14
Loop Id: 12    | 0.004 | Busy Threads: 14
Loop Id: 13    | 0.004 | Busy Threads: 14
Loop Id: 14    | 0.004 | Busy Threads: 14
Loop Id: 15    | 0.004 | Busy Threads: 14
Loop Id: 16    | 0.004 | Busy Threads: 14
Loop Id: 17    | 0.004 | Busy Threads: 14
Loop Id: 18    | 0.004 | Busy Threads: 14
Loop Id: 19    | 0.004 | Busy Threads: 14
Loop Id: 20    | 0.004 | Busy Threads: 14
Loop Id: 21    | 0.004 | Busy Threads: 14
Loop Id: 22    | 0.004 | Busy Threads: 14
Task Id: 11    | 0.004 | Busy Threads: 14
Loop Id: 23    | 0.004 | Busy Threads: 14
Loop Id: 24    | 0.005 | Busy Threads: 14
Task Id: 07    | 0.005 | Busy Threads: 14
Task Id: 12    | 0.005 | Busy Threads: 14
Task Id: 13    | 0.005 | Busy Threads: 14
Task Id: 14    | 0.005 | Busy Threads: 14
Task Id: 15    | 0.982 | Busy Threads: 15
Task Id: 16    | 1.486 | Busy Threads: 16
Task Id: 17    | 1.991 | Busy Threads: 17
Task Id: 18    | 2.997 | Busy Threads: 18
Task Id: 19    | 3.501 | Busy Threads: 19
Task Id: 20    | 4.004 | Busy Threads: 20
Task Id: 21    | 4.509 | Busy Threads: 21
Task Id: 22    | 5.014 | Busy Threads: 22
Task Id: 23    | 5.517 | Busy Threads: 23
Task Id: 24    | 6.021 | Busy Threads: 24
Task SetResult | 6.522 | Busy Threads: 25
Done:          | 6.523

在调整完线程池的最小线程数量之后,线程注入速度发生转折的时间点从第 12(默认min threads) 个线程换到了第 14(修改后的min threads)个线程。

整体时间也从 8s 缩到 6s。

.NET 5 实验三 tcs.Task.Wait() 改为 Thread.Sleep

static void Main(string[] args)
    var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
    var tasks = new List<Task>();
    for (int i = 1; i <= Environment.ProcessorCount * 2; i++)
        int id = i;
            $"Loop Id: {id:00}    | {sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds:0.000} | Busy Threads: {GetBusyThreads()}");
        tasks.Add(Task.Run(() =>
                $"Task Id: {id:00}    | {sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds:0.000} | Busy Threads: {GetBusyThreads()}");
            Thread.Sleep(Environment.ProcessorCount * 1000);

    Task.WhenAll(tasks.ToArray()).ContinueWith(_ =>
        Console.WriteLine($"Done:          | {sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds:0.000}");
Loop Id: 01    | 0.000 | Busy Threads: 0
Loop Id: 02    | 0.027 | Busy Threads: 1
Loop Id: 03    | 0.027 | Busy Threads: 2
Loop Id: 04    | 0.027 | Busy Threads: 3
Loop Id: 05    | 0.028 | Busy Threads: 4
Loop Id: 06    | 0.028 | Busy Threads: 10
Loop Id: 07    | 0.028 | Busy Threads: 9
Loop Id: 08    | 0.028 | Busy Threads: 9
Loop Id: 09    | 0.028 | Busy Threads: 10
Loop Id: 10    | 0.028 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 11    | 0.028 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 12    | 0.028 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 13    | 0.028 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 14    | 0.028 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 15    | 0.028 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 16    | 0.028 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 17    | 0.028 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 18    | 0.028 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 19    | 0.028 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 20    | 0.028 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 21    | 0.028 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 22    | 0.028 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 23    | 0.028 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 24    | 0.028 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 01    | 0.029 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 05    | 0.029 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 03    | 0.029 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 08    | 0.029 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 09    | 0.029 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 10    | 0.029 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 06    | 0.029 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 11    | 0.029 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 12    | 0.029 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 04    | 0.029 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 02    | 0.029 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 07    | 0.029 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 13    | 1.018 | Busy Threads: 13
Task Id: 14    | 1.522 | Busy Threads: 14
Task Id: 15    | 2.025 | Busy Threads: 15
Task Id: 16    | 2.530 | Busy Threads: 16
Task Id: 17    | 3.530 | Busy Threads: 17
Task Id: 18    | 4.035 | Busy Threads: 18
Task Id: 19    | 4.537 | Busy Threads: 19
Task Id: 20    | 5.040 | Busy Threads: 20
Task Id: 21    | 5.545 | Busy Threads: 21
Task Id: 22    | 6.048 | Busy Threads: 22
Task Id: 23    | 7.049 | Busy Threads: 23
Task Id: 24    | 8.056 | Busy Threads: 24
Done:          | 20.060

达到 min threads (默认12)之后,线程注入速度明显变慢,最快间隔 500ms。

.NET 6 实验一 默认 ThreadPool 设置

将 .NET 5 实验一的代码在 .NET 6 执行一次

Loop Id: 01    | 0.001 | Busy Threads: 0
Loop Id: 02    | 0.018 | Busy Threads: 1
Loop Id: 03    | 0.018 | Busy Threads: 3
Loop Id: 04    | 0.018 | Busy Threads: 6
Loop Id: 05    | 0.018 | Busy Threads: 4
Loop Id: 06    | 0.018 | Busy Threads: 5
Loop Id: 07    | 0.018 | Busy Threads: 6
Loop Id: 08    | 0.018 | Busy Threads: 8
Task Id: 01    | 0.018 | Busy Threads: 11
Task Id: 04    | 0.018 | Busy Threads: 11
Task Id: 03    | 0.018 | Busy Threads: 11
Task Id: 02    | 0.018 | Busy Threads: 11
Task Id: 05    | 0.018 | Busy Threads: 11
Loop Id: 09    | 0.018 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 10    | 0.018 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 11    | 0.018 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 12    | 0.018 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 13    | 0.018 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 09    | 0.018 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 14    | 0.018 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 15    | 0.018 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 16    | 0.018 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 17    | 0.018 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 06    | 0.018 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 18    | 0.018 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 19    | 0.018 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 20    | 0.018 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 21    | 0.018 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 22    | 0.018 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 23    | 0.018 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 24    | 0.018 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 10    | 0.018 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 07    | 0.019 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 11    | 0.019 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 08    | 0.019 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 12    | 0.019 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 13    | 0.020 | Busy Threads: 16
Task Id: 14    | 0.020 | Busy Threads: 17
Task Id: 15    | 0.020 | Busy Threads: 18
Task Id: 16    | 0.020 | Busy Threads: 19
Task Id: 17    | 0.020 | Busy Threads: 20
Task Id: 18    | 0.020 | Busy Threads: 21
Task Id: 19    | 0.020 | Busy Threads: 22
Task Id: 20    | 0.020 | Busy Threads: 23
Task Id: 21    | 0.020 | Busy Threads: 24
Task Id: 23    | 0.020 | Busy Threads: 24
Task Id: 22    | 0.020 | Busy Threads: 24
Task Id: 24    | 0.020 | Busy Threads: 24
Task SetResult | 0.045 | Busy Threads: 25
Done:          | 0.046

与实验一相比,虽然线程数仍然停留在 12 了一段时间,但随后线程就立即增长了,后文会介绍 .NET 6 在这方面做出的改进。

.NET 6 实验二 调整 ThreadPool 设置

将 .NET 5 实验二的代码在 .NET 6 中执行一次

DefaultMinThreads: 12
Loop Id: 01    | 0.001 | Busy Threads: 0
Loop Id: 02    | 0.014 | Busy Threads: 1
Loop Id: 03    | 0.014 | Busy Threads: 2
Loop Id: 04    | 0.015 | Busy Threads: 5
Loop Id: 05    | 0.015 | Busy Threads: 4
Loop Id: 06    | 0.015 | Busy Threads: 5
Loop Id: 07    | 0.015 | Busy Threads: 7
Loop Id: 08    | 0.015 | Busy Threads: 8
Loop Id: 09    | 0.015 | Busy Threads: 11
Task Id: 06    | 0.015 | Busy Threads: 9
Task Id: 01    | 0.015 | Busy Threads: 9
Task Id: 02    | 0.015 | Busy Threads: 9
Task Id: 05    | 0.015 | Busy Threads: 9
Task Id: 03    | 0.015 | Busy Threads: 9
Task Id: 04    | 0.015 | Busy Threads: 9
Task Id: 07    | 0.015 | Busy Threads: 9
Task Id: 08    | 0.016 | Busy Threads: 9
Task Id: 09    | 0.016 | Busy Threads: 9
Loop Id: 10    | 0.016 | Busy Threads: 9
Loop Id: 11    | 0.016 | Busy Threads: 10
Loop Id: 12    | 0.016 | Busy Threads: 11
Loop Id: 13    | 0.016 | Busy Threads: 13
Task Id: 10    | 0.016 | Busy Threads: 14
Loop Id: 14    | 0.016 | Busy Threads: 14
Loop Id: 15    | 0.016 | Busy Threads: 14
Loop Id: 16    | 0.016 | Busy Threads: 14
Task Id: 11    | 0.016 | Busy Threads: 14
Loop Id: 17    | 0.016 | Busy Threads: 14
Loop Id: 18    | 0.016 | Busy Threads: 14
Loop Id: 19    | 0.016 | Busy Threads: 14
Loop Id: 20    | 0.016 | Busy Threads: 14
Loop Id: 21    | 0.016 | Busy Threads: 14
Loop Id: 22    | 0.016 | Busy Threads: 14
Loop Id: 23    | 0.016 | Busy Threads: 14
Loop Id: 24    | 0.016 | Busy Threads: 14
Task Id: 12    | 0.016 | Busy Threads: 14
Task Id: 13    | 0.016 | Busy Threads: 14
Task Id: 14    | 0.016 | Busy Threads: 14
Task Id: 15    | 0.017 | Busy Threads: 18
Task Id: 16    | 0.017 | Busy Threads: 19
Task Id: 17    | 0.017 | Busy Threads: 20
Task Id: 18    | 0.017 | Busy Threads: 21
Task Id: 19    | 0.017 | Busy Threads: 22
Task Id: 20    | 0.018 | Busy Threads: 23
Task Id: 21    | 0.018 | Busy Threads: 24
Task Id: 22    | 0.018 | Busy Threads: 25
Task Id: 23    | 0.018 | Busy Threads: 26
Task Id: 24    | 0.018 | Busy Threads: 26
Task SetResult | 0.018 | Busy Threads: 25
Done:          | 0.019


.NET 6 实验三 tcs.Task.Wait() 改为 Thread.Sleep

将 .NET 5 实验三的代码在 .NET 6 中执行一次

Loop Id: 01    | 0.003 | Busy Threads: 0
Loop Id: 02    | 0.024 | Busy Threads: 1
Loop Id: 03    | 0.025 | Busy Threads: 2
Loop Id: 04    | 0.025 | Busy Threads: 3
Loop Id: 05    | 0.025 | Busy Threads: 7
Loop Id: 06    | 0.025 | Busy Threads: 5
Loop Id: 07    | 0.025 | Busy Threads: 6
Loop Id: 08    | 0.025 | Busy Threads: 7
Loop Id: 09    | 0.025 | Busy Threads: 9
Loop Id: 10    | 0.025 | Busy Threads: 10
Loop Id: 11    | 0.026 | Busy Threads: 10
Loop Id: 12    | 0.026 | Busy Threads: 11
Loop Id: 13    | 0.026 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 14    | 0.026 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 15    | 0.026 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 16    | 0.026 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 17    | 0.026 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 18    | 0.026 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 19    | 0.026 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 20    | 0.026 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 21    | 0.026 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 22    | 0.026 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 23    | 0.026 | Busy Threads: 12
Loop Id: 24    | 0.026 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 01    | 0.026 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 02    | 0.026 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 05    | 0.026 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 04    | 0.026 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 06    | 0.026 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 08    | 0.026 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 09    | 0.026 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 03    | 0.026 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 11    | 0.026 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 10    | 0.026 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 07    | 0.026 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 12    | 0.026 | Busy Threads: 12
Task Id: 13    | 1.026 | Busy Threads: 13
Task Id: 14    | 2.027 | Busy Threads: 14
Task Id: 15    | 3.028 | Busy Threads: 15
Task Id: 16    | 4.030 | Busy Threads: 16
Task Id: 17    | 5.031 | Busy Threads: 17
Task Id: 18    | 6.032 | Busy Threads: 18
Task Id: 19    | 6.533 | Busy Threads: 19
Task Id: 20    | 7.035 | Busy Threads: 20
Task Id: 21    | 8.036 | Busy Threads: 21
Task Id: 22    | 8.537 | Busy Threads: 22
Task Id: 23    | 9.538 | Busy Threads: 23
Task Id: 24    | 10.039 | Busy Threads: 24
Done:          | 22.041

结果与 .NET 5 的实验三相差不大。


对照上述的几组实验结果,接下来以 .NET 6 中 C# 实现的 ThreadPool 作为资料来理解一下线程注入的几个阶段(按个人理解进行的划分,仅供参考)。

1. 第一个线程的出现


下面是线程池在执行第一个任务的时候的代码摘要,涉及到计数的并执行相关处理的地方,代码都使用了 while(xxx) + Interlocked 的方式来进行并发控制,可以理解成乐观锁。这一阶段,实际上我们只需要关注到 ThreadPoolWorkQueue.EnsureThreadRequested 方法就行了。

可利用 Rider 的反编译 Debug 功能帮助我们学习。

下面是第一个 Task.Run 的代码执行路径

注意:执行环节是 Main Thread

public static class ThreadPool
    internal static readonly ThreadPoolWorkQueue s_workQueue = new ThreadPoolWorkQueue();

    public static bool QueueUserWorkItem(WaitCallback callBack, object state)
        object tpcallBack = new QueueUserWorkItemCallback(callBack!, state);

        s_workQueue.Enqueue(tpcallBack, forceGlobal: true);

        return true;

internal sealed class ThreadPoolWorkQueue
    private struct CacheLineSeparated
        private readonly Internal.PaddingFor32 pad1;

        public volatile int numOutstandingThreadRequests;

        private readonly Internal.PaddingFor32 pad2;

    private CacheLineSeparated _separated;

    public void Enqueue(object callback, bool forceGlobal)
        // 线程池中执行的任务有两种:IThreadPoolWorkItem、Task
        Debug.Assert((callback is IThreadPoolWorkItem) ^ (callback is Task));

        if (loggingEnabled && FrameworkEventSource.Log.IsEnabled())

        ThreadPoolWorkQueueThreadLocals? tl = null;
        if (!forceGlobal)
            // 获取本地队列,如果执行改代码的线程不是线程池线程,
            // 那这边是获取不到的,就算 forceGlobal 是 false,
            // 也会把任务放到全局队列
            tl = ThreadPoolWorkQueueThreadLocals.threadLocals;

        if (null != tl)
            // 放到本地队列
            // 当道全局队列


    internal void EnsureThreadRequested()
        // If we have not yet requested #procs threads, then request a new thread.
        // CoreCLR: Note that there is a separate count in the VM which has already been incremented
        // by the VM by the time we reach this point.
        int count = _separated.numOutstandingThreadRequests;
        while (count < Environment.ProcessorCount)
            int prev = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _separated.numOutstandingThreadRequests, count + 1, count);
            if (prev == count)
            count = prev;

    public static class ThreadPool

        /// <summary>
        /// This method is called to request a new thread pool worker to handle pending work.
        /// </summary>
        internal static void RequestWorkerThread() => PortableThreadPool.ThreadPoolInstance.RequestWorker();

    internal sealed class PortableThreadPool
        public static readonly PortableThreadPool ThreadPoolInstance = new PortableThreadPool();

        internal void RequestWorker()
            // The order of operations here is important. MaybeAddWorkingWorker() and EnsureRunning() use speculative checks to
            // do their work and the memory barrier from the interlocked operation is necessary in this case for correctness.
            Interlocked.Increment(ref _separated.numRequestedWorkers);
            // 初始化 GateThread

        /// <summary>
        /// The worker thread infastructure for the CLR thread pool.
        /// </summary>
        private static class WorkerThread
            internal static void MaybeAddWorkingWorker(PortableThreadPool threadPoolInstance)
                ThreadCounts counts = threadPoolInstance._separated.counts;
                short numExistingThreads, numProcessingWork, newNumExistingThreads, newNumProcessingWork;
                // 这个 while (true) 是确保计算出正确的待创建线程数
                while (true)
                    numProcessingWork = counts.NumProcessingWork;
                    if (numProcessingWork >= counts.NumThreadsGoal)

                    newNumProcessingWork = (short)(numProcessingWork + 1);
                    numExistingThreads = counts.NumExistingThreads;
                    newNumExistingThreads = Math.Max(numExistingThreads, newNumProcessingWork);

                    ThreadCounts newCounts = counts;
                    newCounts.NumProcessingWork = newNumProcessingWork;
                    newCounts.NumExistingThreads = newNumExistingThreads;

                    ThreadCounts oldCounts = threadPoolInstance._separated.counts.InterlockedCompareExchange(newCounts, counts);

                    if (oldCounts == counts)

                    counts = oldCounts;

                int toCreate = newNumExistingThreads - numExistingThreads;
                int toRelease = newNumProcessingWork - numProcessingWork;

                if (toRelease > 0)

                while (toCreate > 0)
                    if (TryCreateWorkerThread())

                    counts = threadPoolInstance._separated.counts;
                    while (true)
                        ThreadCounts newCounts = counts;

                        ThreadCounts oldCounts = threadPoolInstance._separated.counts.InterlockedCompareExchange(newCounts, counts);
                        if (oldCounts == counts)
                        counts = oldCounts;

            private static bool TryCreateWorkerThread()
                    // Thread pool threads must start in the default execution context without transferring the context, so
                    // using UnsafeStart() instead of Start()
                    Thread workerThread = new Thread(s_workerThreadStart);
                    workerThread.IsThreadPoolThread = true;
                    workerThread.IsBackground = true;
                    // thread name will be set in thread proc
                catch (ThreadStartException)
                    return false;
                catch (OutOfMemoryException)
                    return false;

                return true;

2. 达到 min threads 之前的线程数增长

细心的朋友会发现上面代码里 EnsureThreadRequested 方法有一个终止条件,_separated.numOutstandingThreadRequests == Environment.ProcessorCount,每次新增一个 ThreadRequested,这个数就会 +1,似乎允许创建的最大 Worker Thread 是 Environment.ProcessorCount?

其实 ThreadPoolWorkQueue 维护的 NumOutstandingThreadRequests 这个值会在线程池线程真正跑起来之后,会在 ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch方法中 -1。也就是说,只要有一个线程真正运行起来了,就能创建第 Environment.ProcessorCount + 1 个Thread。当然,在向 ThreadPoolWorkQueue 加入第13个任务的时候,第13个 Worker Thread 就算不允许创建也没关系,因为任务已经入队了,会被运行起来的 Worker Thread 取走。

min threads 初始值为 运行环境 CPU 核心数,可通过 ThreadPool.SetMinThreads 进行设置,参数有效范围是 [1, max threads]。

PortableThreadPool里维护了一个计数器 PortableThreadPool.ThreadPoolInstance._separated.counts,记录了 Worker Thread 相关的三个数值:

  • NumProcessingWork:当前正在执行任务的 Worker Thread。
  • NumExistingThreads:当前线程池中实际有的 Worker Thread。
  • NumThreadsGoal:当前允许创建的最大 Worker Thread,初始值为 min threads。
    internal class PortableThreadPool

        public static readonly PortableThreadPool ThreadPoolInstance = new PortableThreadPool();

        private CacheLineSeparated _separated;

        private struct CacheLineSeparated
            public ThreadCounts counts;

        /// <summary>
        /// Tracks information on the number of threads we want/have in different states in our thread pool.
        /// </summary>
        private struct ThreadCounts
            /// <summary>
            /// Number of threads processing work items.
            /// </summary>
            public short NumProcessingWork { get; set; }

            /// <summary>
            /// Number of thread pool threads that currently exist.
            /// </summary>
            public short NumExistingThreads { get; set; }

            // <summary>
            /// Max possible thread pool threads we want to have.
            /// </summary>
            public short NumThreadsGoal { get; set; }

3. 避免饥饿机制(Starvation Avoidance)

上面讲到,随着任务进入队列系统,Worker Thread 将随之增长,直到达到 NumThreadsGoal。

NumThreadsGoal 是12,前 12 个线程都被堵住了,加入到队列系统的第 13 个任务没办法被这前 12 个线程领走执行。

在这种情况下,线程池的 Starvation Avoidance 机制就起到作用了。

在上述所说的第一个阶段,除了线程池中的第一个线程会被创建之外,GateThread 也会随之被初始化。在第一阶段的代码摘录中,可以看到 GateThread 的初始化。

internal sealed class PortableThreadPool
    public static readonly PortableThreadPool ThreadPoolInstance = new PortableThreadPool();

    internal void RequestWorker()
        Interlocked.Increment(ref _separated.numRequestedWorkers);
        // 初始化 GateThread

GateThread 是一个独立的线程,每隔 500ms 进行检查一下,如果 NumProcessingWork >= NumThreadsGoal(WorkerThread.MaybeAddWorkingWorker 不添加 Worker Thread 的判断条件),就设置新的 NumThreadsGoal = NumProcessingWork + 1,并调用 WorkerThread.MaybeAddWorkingWorker,这样新的 Worker Thread 就可以被 WorkerThread.MaybeAddWorkingWorker 创建。

这就解释了,为什么 .NET 5 实验一、二在线程数达到min threads(NumThreadsGoal 的默认值)之后,后面 Worker Thread 的增长是每 500ms 一个。

由于在第三阶段中,线程的增长会比较缓慢,有经验的开发会在应用启动的时候设置一个较大的 min threads,使其较晚或不进入第三阶段。

线程注入在 .NET 6 中的改进

.NET 6 与 .NET 5 的实验二相比,达到 min threads 之后,线程的增长速度有明显的差异,而两者的实验三却相差不大。

.NET 6 对于 Task.Wait 导致线程池线程阻塞的场景进行了优化,但如果并非此原因导致的线程数不够用,依旧是 Starvation Avoidance 的策略。

新的 ThreadPool 提供了一个 ThreadPool.NotifyThreadBlocked 的内部接口,里面会调用 GateThread.Wake 去唤醒 GateThread 本来 500ms 执行一次的逻辑,这 500ms 的间隔时间是通过 AutoResetEvent 实现的,所以 GateThread.Wake 也很简单。


internal class PortableThreadPool
    public bool NotifyThreadBlocked()
        // ...
        return true;

    private static class GateThread
        private static readonly AutoResetEvent DelayEvent = new AutoResetEvent(initialState: false);

        // GateThread 入口方法
        private static void GateThreadStart()
                // ...

        public static void Wake(PortableThreadPool threadPoolInstance)

爬山算法(Hill Climbing)

除了上述介绍的线程注入机制外,从CLR 4.0开始,线程池内实现了一个根据采集到线程池吞吐率数据(每次任务完成时记录数据),推导出该算法认为最优的线程池线程数量。

算法实现位于 HillClimbing.ThreadPoolHillClimber.Update,有兴趣的朋友可以去看一下。

public (int newThreadCount, int newSampleMs) Update(int currentThreadCount, double sampleDurationSeconds, int numCompletions)
  • currentThreadCount:当前线程数
  • sampleDurationSeconds:采样间隔
  • numCompletions:这段采样时间间隔内完成的任务数
  • newThreadCount:新的线程数
  • newSample:新的采样间隔时间



  • 在无法从队列系统领取到任务时。
  • 通过爬山算法认定当前线程属于多余线程时。



到此这篇关于.NET 6线程池ThreadPool实现方法的文章就介绍到这了。希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持我们。



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    一.简介 前面介绍了平时用到的大多数的多线程的例子,但在实际开发中使用的线程往往是大量的和更为复杂的,这时,每次都创建线程.启动线程.从性能上来讲,这样做并不理想(因为每使用一个线程就要创建一个,需要占用系统开销):从操作上来讲,每次都要启动,比较麻烦.为此引入的线程池的概念. 好处: 1.减少在创建和销毁线程上所花的时间以及系统资源的开销 2.如不使用线程池,有可能造成系统创建大量线程而导致消耗完系统内存以及”过度切换”. 在什么情况下使用线程池? 1.单个任务处理的时间比较短 2.需要处理的

  • JAVA 自定义线程池的最大线程数设置方法

    一:CPU密集型: 定义:CPU密集型也是指计算密集型,大部分时间用来做计算逻辑判断等CPU动作的程序称为CPU密集型任务.该类型的任务需要进行大量的计算,主要消耗CPU资源.  这种计算密集型任务虽然也可以用多任务完成,但是任务越多,花在任务切换的时间就越多,CPU执行任务的效率就越低,所以,要最高效地利用CPU,计算密集型任务同时进行的数量应当等于CPU的核心数. 特点:    01:CPU 使用率较高(也就是经常计算一些复杂的运算,逻辑处理等情况)非常多的情况下使用    02:针对单台机
